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  1. tristaw.

    rabbits and carrots

    just curious, none of my bunnies past and present could tolerate even a teeny bit of carrot. they all got very smushy poop. just wondering if any one else has noticed this with their rabbits? I know carrots are high in sugar so they have never had much but on rare occasion they have had a baby...
  2. tristaw.

    harnesses and leashes

    My Flemish is now about 2o lbs, he is HUGE and only 5 months old. I want to take him for a walk but I don't know what size harness to get him or how to put it on. any advice?
  3. tristaw.


    is three months too young for a male bunny?
  4. tristaw.

    calling all flemmie owners

    I need to find a place to keep my bunny at night. he is wreaking havoc and nothing keeps him contained in any place I keep him. he now has full run and reign in the house and he is not being a good laid back flemmie, he is being a little brat :P what do you keep your giants in? he's only 3...
  5. tristaw.

    My Bohemian Bunnies part 2..2011

    I'm posting some pics of Phineas, BunBun and Cassie taken yesterday :) BunBun's ear looks worse on camera so no need to panic ;) he is still growing in his fur lol. he looks a mess. It is so hard to get pics of him and most consist of me running after him as he BOUNDS through the place bahahaha...
  6. tristaw.

    Olympus sp-600 uz

    anyone know how I can get this to actually install. I've searched online and found people with a similar issue. just wondering if anyone else has had that problem and what did you do? it's really frustrating me.
  7. tristaw.

    Phineas ate some pannetone :( !!!

    I had turned it upside down in a plate in the kitchen which is his room. he had jumped up on a chair then onto the table and I found him nibbling a piece of the bottom. not much, just a scrape but now I'm worried! he'll be ok right?
  8. tristaw.

    how long does it take???

    I'm starting to lose my mind! My Flemmie babyboy is peeing everywhere. on the couch, on the rugs, on books, on me lol the poops are worse, they are everywhere. He picked four places in the kitchen ( it's his room) to pee.. one is his litterbox thank god. So, I put litterboxes on those spots...
  9. tristaw.

    puppy pads

    so I've noticed my 9 week old bunny loves to pee on fabric. he pees on the couch, on my mats, on a sheet, blanket. He won't pee on the direct floor or in his box.. I was thinking puppy pads.. any idea if that would work for a fussy fabric loving bunny? he's not a digger or a chewer... yet.... lol
  10. tristaw.

    BunBun smells badddd

    I looked bunbun over tip to tail and my bunny does not smell good. he smells like a barnyard. There is no poop on him anywhere. he looks clean as a whistle but ooh does he smell not so pleasant. I have never cleaned a vent or even heard of it before this but if someone could direct me to that...
  11. tristaw.

    NIC panels

    Does anyone know where I can get these in Canada?
  12. tristaw.

    why doesn't new flemmie baby chew?

    I have a 9 week old Flemish Giant and I keep waiting for the bad baby behaviour. Mainly, he cuddles, does some binkies and head shakes but then lays back down again like an old dog. The only problem I'm having is he is love puddling on my lap. only mine. But the only thing he chews are his hay...
  13. tristaw.

    some opinions

    these are the bunnies I will be looking at tomorrow. The pic of the two grey ones together are three months old. the picture of the three, are the buns that are 2 months old. Their ears don't look very large to me but I know he is not raising them for show anyway. Do they look healthy to you...
  14. tristaw.

    what to look for when choosing a bunny?

    I'm not asking about looks, etc. I need to know in terms of picking one of the three Flemish Babies, how to find the right fit for us. Should I let one come to me and just watch and see what happens? Any advice on choosing the right one? What should I be looking for that will give me glimpses...
  15. tristaw.

    flemish giant babies..

    can someone tell me something about their characteristics? I am still trying to convince hubby to let me get one. there is a breeder who I believe breeds for meat because he mentioned that.. anyway don't want to talk about that part. He is selling them for $15. He showed me pics... omg...
  16. tristaw.

    anyone an apartment dweller..

    we are and we are allowed to have pets. THANK GOD..just wondering if anyone else is living in a smaller space than a house and how's it going with more than one or two or three animals ;)
  17. tristaw.

    a little confused..

    I have one now 3 year old Holland Lop unneutered bunny. I have a new addition, a 7 month old mix unneutered male bunny. They are separated and have different play times but met today with the barricade between them. It is as if they were long lost friends. They sniffed through the slats of...
  18. tristaw.

    any ideas what breed my new rabbit is?

    I'm just curious. I adopted this bun yesterday. he is 7 months old.
  19. tristaw.

    R.I.P my Tahli

    I am in shock. Tahli died one hour ago in my arms. He was having seizures when I checked on him 15 minutes before he died. I am devastated.
  20. tristaw.

    vet again??

    we are without a vehicle again!!this time it's the starter. it's being fixed tomorrow though THANK GOD..this is stressful..BunBun seems ok.. eating, pooping same old stuff he does but he seems tuckered out. Last night he wasn't quite as active as the night before with his happy binkies. I...