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  1. Hazel

    Goodbye Flopsy

    I know I haven't posted here in a long time, but I knew you guys would understand: I lost Flopsy today. I came home from work and she didn't come bounding out from her igloo. She looked like she was asleep in there, but I knew it was wrong. She just passed away. Idk what happened, I will have...
  2. Hazel


    So I haven't posted here in awhile, but I was just hoping for any tips and good bunny thoughts. Last night I came home from the HP premiere and was checking on the buns before I went to sleep and noticed Flopsy had not eaten ANY of her food. She had eaten some of her hay, but hadn't drunk much...
  3. Hazel

    Maybe I missed something

    Where has randy been? Did I miss something?
  4. Hazel

    Need a foster home

    I feel like I've been gone forever, so hi guys. Also, I didn't want to post this in rescue because it's not a permanent thing. So I hope here is ok. So this past summer has been horrible. Ryan's mother passed away about 3 weeks ago now. And two days after she passed, his father informed him he...
  5. Hazel

    Flopsy has been doing something weird

    Flopsy has been peeing in her water bowl..... Every time she does it, I scrub the entire thing and use vinegar and everything, but I don;t know what to do about this. I'm going to try switching out her bowl and Bew's but it's really very strange. Anyone have any ideas or ever have this happen...
  6. Hazel

    Happy Birthday Flopsy!

    Sorry I haven't really been on lately. It's been a really really stressful couple of months. But I digress. It's Flopsy's 1 year birthday! :) She is going to be spoiled like mad today, ^.^ Any ideas for extra spoilage would be appreciated!! Happy Birthday to my first and oldest :) I'm so...
  7. Hazel

    So I don't really know how to deal with this

    My boyfriend of almost 3 years has had the most horrible news ever. Our mothers both had breast cancer. My mother is in remission. His has not been for almost a year. When they discovered it had come back, she was put on a new medication, but never chemo again (which I DO NOT UNDERSTAND and...
  8. Hazel

    Worried about Bew

    So I'm wondering what her nose should look like if there's a sniffles problem. She normally has a teeny bit of yellow around it, but considering she likes to stick it in things, it's hard to tell if it's food or something more I should worry about. Also, her urine is REALLLY dark. I never...
  9. Hazel


    I'm trying to decide now that the time is getting closer, if I should spay Flopsy and Hazel together, or do them a week apart. I was wondering what people with multiple bunnies had done before me. I think seperate would be good because I could keep the spayed one seperate for the healing period...
  10. Hazel

    Bew and cecals

    I've been finding big clumps of cecals around Bew's cage. About once a day she has these. Should I be worried about this? I mean don't they produce them multiple times a day? So maybe she's getting some... I don't know... Any tips would be highly appreciated though. She sits in the cecals too...
  11. Hazel


    So I'm pretty sure Bew is a lionhead... since she has a mane. I think those show her mane the best. As soon as I can find my darn camera, I'm going to take more pictures. Now I looked for info about lionheads and I couldn't find some of the stuff I was searching for because a lot of it...
  12. Hazel

    I couldn't help myself

    So I always said my next bunny was going to be an adoption.... but... So Petco has had this BEAUTIFUL BEW lionhead for MONTHS now. She is GORGEOUS and no one has bought her. I have no idea why. She has been there for seriously 4-5 mos. Well... one of my friends works there and told me she was...
  13. Hazel

    Katy Perry If link doesn't work: Love it. She's really talented and the video and song are HILARIOUS! :)
  14. Hazel

    Rabbit and dog So I saw this on youtube and I was skeptical... and then I watched it and laughed so hard. These two get along SOOO well and the playing is definitely from both sides, not just the dog. When the dog flops down and the rabbit jumps on...
  15. Hazel

    Easter for chocolate bunnies For those of you with facebook, that link should hopefully link back to the group I made about chocoalte bunnies and easter. If it doesn't work, just search Easter... a time for CHOCOLATE bunnies. I invited all of my friends, but of...
  16. Hazel

    Saw Doomsday

    So my boyfriend and I went to see Doomsday tonight. I wasn't expecting much, thinking more of a 28 days later type movie except not as good. I was completely WRONG. It was AMAZING. Great movie. Will most likely be a cult classic. Mixed Mad Max, Escape from NY etc together to create it's own...
  17. Hazel

    I turn 21!!

    Yeah... I can't help it, I'm super excited, haha. The sad thing is the reason I'm so excited is I can buy my own wine to cook with... lmao! :)
  18. Hazel


    Today I took Hazel out to trim her nails, and while giving her a look over I noticed she had a bit of red liquid near her genitals. I realized it was most probably blood. Not quite a drop, more like a little speck, but then I realized her left (with her on her back) side of her vaginal opening...
  19. Hazel

    Looking for help

    I want to write an article for the DTH ( UNC's newspaper about Easter bunnies. I was hoping to write something I was thinking about a week week and a half before Easter warning my fellow students about the horrible things that happen to buns and to tell their...
  20. Hazel

    Bunny in pet store

    I've already talked to Randy, but I wondered if anyone had any ideas of what it was and if anyone else around here knew of any places that take in domesticated buns. So I went to my local pet store where I know the people really well. When I came in, they had just gotten a new shipment of...