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  1. Dia

    New Bunny.....A Big One!

    About a week back I got word of someone getting rid of a rabbit because someone was allergic to it.... I told my friend who works at a Vet's office (she knew the girl getting rid of the rabbit) that I would take him because I had room for one more. I didn't know anything about him until a few...
  2. Dia

    Baby bunny gone....

    I don't know if this is the place to post this but I lost one of my 7 month old babies that I kept from a litter of babies my Mini Lops had. He showed no signs of being unhealthy and there were no changes in his diet. I found him when i came home from work with just a poopy bottom, but no other...
  3. Dia

    Another new baby...

    Its been a while since I have been on here, but I thought I would tell everyone that I got another new baby. An all black Mini Rex.....I have waited a long time to find one. She is about 9 weeks old and def. acts like a Rex already! I will post pictures when I am home later!
  4. Dia

    The Babies (3 1/2 Months Old)

    I don't know who saw my pictures from when I used to take my Mini Lop babies to work and let them play on the they are too big for my desk, but still very cute! This one likes to lay on the bed with me at night. .....and this one is the trouble maker out of the two.
  5. Dia

    a fluffy tail

    I found this picture as I was looking through all my pictures. What a nice fluffy tail! :)
  6. Dia

    More of the Babies at work....

    Here is a few more picture of the babies at work.....These are the two of the five that I kept :) ...hard day at work for a rabbit! ....i think he is disapproving of me working..... :) What a day!!! The babies are now 11 weeks old.
  7. Dia

    Average Cost of Spay/Neuter

    I was just wondering what the "average" cost of a spay/neuter should be. Can anyone give me an idea?
  8. Dia

    A new bed!

    So after the passing of my first Mini Rex, I decided to finally let the next Mini Rex use his stuff. I think he like his new bed just fine! Snuggles just turned a year old about 2 weeks ago!
  9. Dia

    Poopy Bottom

    My female dwarf has been getting a poopy bottom for a few days. When I picked her up today, I noticed it quite a mess. The other day I was able to clean her with a wet paper towel, but today it seems as if I might have to try to give her a bath. (well just her back underside) I am not really...
  10. Dia

    The babies at work.

    I finally took some pictures of my baby Mini Lop's and what they do all day with me at work. The last one is my favorite....he is just totally relaxed laying out on my desk. These babies are now 9 weeks old and all the ones you see in the pictures are males. They just got their...
  11. Dia

    Getting another rabbit :)

    So.....I am getting another rabbit! I think this will be my last one, but I guess I can never really be too sure. I know that I will need to rent out the apartment next door because I am running out of I believe he is a Mini Rex. All I know is the person that got him does not want...
  12. Dia


    this is where Snuggles, my Mini Rex decided to take a nap today. How can this even be considered comfortable....he is laying on the stairs of his litter box. :)
  13. Dia

    * Rabbit Time *

    So, I am home sick from work today....such fun but I swear every rabbit in this house knows that I am taking a sick day because when I go to lay on the couch before saying good morning to all 4 of my furry friends.....i get the thump of disapproval from all of them. now i have to share the...
  14. Dia

    Strange Question

  15. Dia

    Strange Question

    Since my other first rabbit passed away all of the other rabbits have been acting weird. The other rabbit that passed used to be out of the cage all of the time. A few days after he passed, I noticed it most in the female I have. She used to just sit on the floor in one spot and never really...
  16. Dia

    Bonding Females

    Some people may have seen my other post about the new dwarf rabbit that I adopted. My other female mini lop is running around right now and she goes up to the cage of the new female dwarf and there seems to be no signs of aggression. The males that I have, on the other hand, will try to get the...
  17. Dia

    over weight rabbit

    I am not sure if I am posting this in the correct section, but I hope I am. I adopted a bunny yesterday that is about 4 years old and she is over weight and I was wondering the best diet to feed her to help her start to loose weight. For my other rabbits I feed them a morning salad of...
  18. Dia

    New Bunny!!!!

    After the passing of my other bunny I always said that I wanted to get another one like him. He shared the apartment with me because he was never in a cage. Yesterday I came across a dwarf that needed a new home. She is about 4 years old and she also has free run of the house she lives in...
  19. Dia

    Animal Communicators

    Has anyone had any experiences with Animal Communicators with their rabbits while they have been alive or after their passing? I have been reading a lot about this lately and it had been something I always wanted to do when my first Mini Rex, Turbo, was still alive....and I still would like to...
  20. Dia

    Hello All!

    Hello, I am new here and I am a mom to 3 bunnies currently. My other bunny ( who was my first baby passed away about two weeks ago.) I am looking into getting a few more buns because life is just so much better with them :)