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  1. DyemondRabbitry

    Help! Sneezy/Snotty!

    Alright, I've been doing this for 10 years and have NEVER had a problem like this one. I'd appreciate any and all help asap- please and thank you! Let me first explain- I run about 15 breeding New Zealand Does. Some are red, some are white. My whites never, ever have had a problem with...
  2. DyemondRabbitry

    2010 Convention

    OK so I'm checking out the convention site and I can't see anything listed about catalogs, entry dates, entry fees and the like... has the entry date already passed?????? Somebody please help me out.. I've never been to a convention before.
  3. DyemondRabbitry

    Purina Feed

    So, I've been using Purina feed for years and love it- will never switch to another brand BUT this got my goat. We've been using the Fibre 3 since it came out and they were doing pretty well on it. Then I had problems with my does breeding, keeping litters, having healthy litters and so on...
  4. DyemondRabbitry

    Westmoreland County?

    Does anybody know if the Westmoreland County Rabbit Show is happening in PA? Usually it would be the 13th of this month but I can't find it anywhere and didn't get a catalog....
  5. DyemondRabbitry


    So, I've been trying to think of things to make and sell at shows. I do make all-natural goat milk soap that's really nice- but any other ideas? I do just about any kind of craft from sewing, sketching, painting or just general crafting so there's not much I CAN'T do.. just not sure what all...
  6. DyemondRabbitry

    Our bet

    So my husband and I decided we'd get a bet going. We have all the new zealand varieties : white, black, red and broken (both reds and blacks). It's nothing to take BOB with our whites right now and last year was the first we got the blacks. I have the reds all to myself and he has the blacks to...
  7. DyemondRabbitry


    Ok guys, so I've been hereing alot lately about enteritis complex out breaks. Now a couple days ago... probably Thursday, I had a baby (a runt) who wasn't doing very well. I figured out that he couldn't work the nipple to get water but a little too late (I know, that was stupid) but now I have...
  8. DyemondRabbitry


    Ok guys, I'd like to open up a discussion on the breeding of "red" rabbits. I have so many experiences now with breeders taking red new zealands to blacks or whites to get better type. Basically, here's you chance for an open learning session on what this type of breeding entails and the...
  9. DyemondRabbitry

    Here's a tough one

    Ok guys, here's a tough one that I'm just stumped with. I have a doe at home.. she's 7 months old, Black New Zealand. Well, she'd been doing REALLY well on the show table and she's just got awesome type. OK. Check her out about a week ago and.. her doe parts no longer look like doe parts when...
  10. DyemondRabbitry


    Alright, I thought this was the most appropriate place to put this. I am developing a business plan for "Dyemond Enterprises" which will in a sense own Dyemond Mills and Dyemond Rabbitry. At this point I need to put together some marketing information and was hoping I could get some help on what...
  11. DyemondRabbitry

    National Show

    Ok- this is a stupid question. The national NZ show is april 16, 17-18... are there honestly shows all three days? I thought it would just be the 17th and like the banquet or whatever on the 18th... with the check in the first day.
  12. DyemondRabbitry


    Breeders, I'd like to do some networking on my website and post links to other sites of reputable breeders. In exchange, I would like a link on your site. If you want to do this can you please provide me with the following information: Rabbitry Name: Breeds: Varieties specialized in...
  13. DyemondRabbitry

    Ammonia in the Rabbitry

    Alright, so we just added on to our horse barn for the rabbitry. It's very well insulated, has great ventilation for the summer and we're putting the heat in now. My problem is the ammonia! I don't want to get respiratory illnesses going but I need the heat for my babies.. so... do air purifiers...
  14. DyemondRabbitry

    Lebanon Valley RBA

    Anybody going to this show??? We're heading out tonight!!!! Think we're only taking 9 but I'm not sure what the NZ entries are usually like. I'm very excited but I have to leave my baby boy with his grandparents... it's so hard to leave him on the weekends for shows when I work during the week..
  15. DyemondRabbitry

    Washington Show

    Anybody going this weekend? We were at Wesmoreland this last weekend and Mill Hall, PA the weekend before that.
  16. DyemondRabbitry

    Kits with Swollen Bellies

    Please help me before I beat my head against the wall from that "mental block syndrom" when you just can't think of what something's called. Oh, this has been driving me nuts all day. When you find kits dead in the nestbox with extremely swollen, hard bellies... what's it CALLED!! AGH...
  17. DyemondRabbitry

    New Barn!!

    Finally! I have gotten my new barn almost completed. It is now a 12 x 24 building, completely insulated, cement floor with drains, ELECTRIC, automatic watering system and triple stack cages! Whoo hoo! Right now there is Plywood on the walls which will soon be covered with a pvc like material...
  18. DyemondRabbitry

    Is this crazy?

    Ok, so here's a little background: My job a bit stressful. I leave the house at 7:00 in the morning (not bad, right) and don't return until 5:30. That's pretty normal. The hard part is that after I get home I have the rabbits (about 50) to take care of, 2 horses, and about 30 head...
  19. DyemondRabbitry

    Ok, back to work

    Wow! So most of you know that the little fella came on Mothers Day and after 6 weeks off I am finally back to work. In those short six weeks a lot has changed. 1. We now have Black New Zealands! (Three does, I'll get a buck here shortly) 2. We're leasing a farm about 1/4 mi from our house...
  20. DyemondRabbitry

    Need Genetics Help

    Alright- so the New Zealand Breed is working on a broken variety. Some of these broken blacks have resulted from taking a broken black satin into White and Black New Zealand stock. Of course, there isn't much interest in the reds. I'm certainly not claiming to have great red OR white stock-...