Tank Train Leaves Tomorrow!

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Here is another pic of the showroom:

I took pics of different breeds that I thought maybe no one had seenbefore. If anyone has any special requests, this conventionis sure to have anything purebred. Let me know what you wantto see and I'll take a pic for you. Look for these in a newthread. I'll post those tomorrow.


Sharon, if you don't mind I'd like to see picsof Tans, Rhinelanders, and Harlequins. Just a few of my manydream bunnies.:p

That place sure looks like a lot of fun!
HI Sharon , hope your havingall kinds of Fun without ME!:?If you geta chance would you please check outprices on Silver Fox , both colors black and blues? would like to get a price comparison, find a Blue under 150.00and a Buck CALL ME!!!! lol . seriously !. hope your really having an awesome time .

Pictures of Blues and Black Silvers please please please!!!
Tina, I'm still laughing at the "cute redhead".:p
Too cruel, Rose, too cruel. He's still sleeping in thedoorway to the kitchen in case she comes back.lol Now appearing as a sequel to "Touched by an Angel" --"Teased by a Rabbit".

OK, y'all... I can't take it anymore.This tune has been stuck in my head since Saturday!!! Long,but worth it. :D

Time flies -- doesn't seem a minute
Since the Providence spa had the breeders in it
All change -- don't you know that when you
Show at this level there's no ordinary venue

It's Louisville -- or Southampton -- or Peoria -- or --
or this place!

One night in Indy and the world's your burrow
Pellets are endless, but the does ain't free
You'll find purebreds in every column and row
And if you're lucky your neighbor's a she
I can see a cute doe sleeping next to me

One town's very like another
When your ears flop over your dewlap, brother

(It's a drag, it's a chore, it's really such a pity
To be held up by the judges when the does are so pretty)

(Whaddya mean? Ya seen one crowded, polluted, stinking barn -- )

Rex does, soft and sweet
Curly little whiskers and the littlest Rex feet

Get fixed! You're talking to a bunny
Who's in it for the ribbons, not for the money
I get my kicks above the hare line, sunshine

One night in INDY makes a hard buck humble
Not much between a scratch and Best of Breed
One night in INDY and the tough guys stumble.
Can't be too careful with your company
(HEY THERE! Don't you dare try to pee on me.)

This town's gonna be the witness
To the ultimate test of physical fitness
This grips me more than would a
Muddy old racetrack or bunny Buddha.

I don't see you guys rating
The kind of Mate I'm contemplating
I'd let you watch, I would invite you
But the bucks we show would not excite you

So you better go back to your pens, your hutches, your massage
parlours --

One night in Indy and the world's your burrow
Pellets are endless, but the does ain't free
You'll find purebreds in every column and row
And if you're lucky your neighbor's a she
I can see a cute doe sleeping next to me

One night in INDY makes a hard buck humble
Not much between a scratch and Best of Breed
One night in INDY and the tough guys stumble.
Can't be too careful with your company
(HEY THERE! Don't you dare try to pee on me.)

Oh, Sharon, I would love to see some Palphotos. And some Flemish and English Lop and Holland Lop andAngora....did I give you a long enough list?? LOL

Thanks again for looking after Jynx. (Tell him his girl may well be at convention with the woman who bred her!)

Oh yes, I forgot. Wanted to tell everyone how my rabbits did here.

With my Dutch:

Malibu, a black senior buck placed 5th out of 37 rabbits.

Bo, a blue senior doe placed 14th out of 28.

With my jersey woolies:

Chubbs, agouti senior buck placed 6th out of 21.

Caleb, an broken junior buck placed 13 out of thirty something.

Atreyu, a tan pattern senior buck placed 3rd out of 17.

Lillian, a tan pattern senior doe placed 6th out of 13.

In Wool Class, Chubbs placed 4th out of 25.

I am sooooo excited that my rabbits did this well. Fur classfor the dutch is in the morning. I can't wait. Iwill get more pics up tomorrow night.


neener , neener Sharon I did TellYou you would do awesome ,Have faith Girl . I have Seen YourRabbits I just knew they woulddo very well.

Any Blue Silver Fox yet ?

As you probably know, Blue Silver Fox are not recognizedanymore. They used to be but then they lost it. Ifyou don't show a certain number, you lose a variety...forgot exactrule. Anyways, I asked around, couldn't find Bob Whitman, andno one has blue ones there.

I did try to get a SMALL silver fox for you but no one had any smallones. Unfortunately, I only brought 1 large three holecarrier. I am taking a divider out of it so it will end upbeing a two hole carrier with a normal sized hole and an x-tra largesize for Tank. This rabbit is HUGE!!! I feel badmaking her ride all the way back to Connecticut in that carrier andplus she is a SLOB...lol. My friends minilop is getting the other hole in the same carrier. Jynx andKeiko are riding home in the dog carriers that came with Tank andKeiko. They are all washed out and ready to go!

I couldn't even leave the convention without buying a rabbit....Gosh Iam such a sucker! I bought an Opal Jersey Woolydoe. Can't wait to get her bred!!!!

I still can't get photobucket running here...dumb connection....so allthe rest of the convention pics and all the breed pics I took will haveto wait till I get home on Friday.


P.S. Thanks everyone!!!! I still am on cloud nine!!!
OHHHH an OpalJersey I so cant wwait to seeit !!! Pictures when you canor when I see you on aturday I can get a picture ofit . For some goof ball reason the Bluesand Opals are becoming an obsession with me. Maybe partly because I am a NutCase or because itisTwo of the Harder colors toget ahold of , ( im not sure it maybe the combination )

As for the Blue Silver Fox , If Someonedoesnt start Breeding them and settingthe Track to getting them recognizedagain then they just may well be lostforever , doomed to meat and pet homes (APet home isnt such a bad thing ) .

I would Like to Getboth Colors going I havea good start with the Blacks ,But would more than Love to get my hands on a fewBlues also . I wont give up untillall options are exhausted , Some one outthere somewhere hasBlues.

I have also Emailed Mr Whitmanon his return fromConvention for his help. I know He hasBlues in his Rabbitry via his Web Page .SO with Luck maybe wecan get the ball rollong so tospeak .

Sharon It may NOT be yourconnection , I have been having issueswith Photo Bucket since their last Upgrade , It either decidsto load or it doesnt, its being Fickle to say the least ,forgot to mention sometimes it will take apicture other times it wont :dunno:Darnedupgrades , sometimes make more hasslethan it needs to .
Starlight Rabbitry wrote:
I am taking a divider out of it so it will end upbeing a two hole carrier with a normal sized hole and an x-tra largesize for Tank. This rabbit is HUGE!!! I feel badmaking her ride all the way back to Connecticut in that carrier andplus she is a SLOB...lol.

She's a monster, no doubt.:pBut she'll be fine in thecarrier. It's bigger than the one I had her in. My rationale was thatit's safer on car rides if the carrier is small enough to brace againston curves.

No kidding about the slob part. You should have seen her with kits. Thenestbox should have been burned after she got through with it, and thatwas WITH daily cleaning!

Quit telling fibs about the cute Tank!!! I am sure she cleans up after herself haha. :)

Jen . UMmmmmmmm Idont know how to break this to you! but but but , I made ahuge error , ( Im serious here ) nojoking , Please look in the Palomino'sear for the tattoo ,it shoud say SBV04 , If you flipthe rabbit Your going to findout its a Doe , Hyjynx is still here.

Some how some way theygot switched coming off the Show table. Im still not sure how , I only Just foundhte problem when I went to feedand the stinker side flopped onme for petting . He has beenavoiding me lkike the plague and I neverthought to check his ear tatt. untiltinight when he flooped for me , I evenhad hubby flip him over nottrusting the tattoo , and sureenough Its Jynx , I feel like atotal MORON!

I am so mad at myself right nowI could cry . D"Ara is schedualedto go to NY on Sunday to another breeder, there is no way I can Do aSwitch untill next weekend .

Sharon That explains Why thePal tried to bite you D'Ara is asnotty rabbit , she has triedbiting me before , well many times Ishould say .

We can work this out , Wherethere is will there is Jynx ,Unless you fall in love with D'Aratoo and then both ?Your decision .
Gypsy: No big deal. I feel so bad, youshould have told me that she was supposed to go to anotherbreeder. I would have let you send her, but she will be partof a breeding line here. And if the other breeder wants towait a few months, we'll have babies around here and could send somenew blood your way.

She's beautiful. She's having a hop around, with the stillmissing, but still eating rat. I'll work with her and I'msure she will settle in. I'm telling you, if I could get thesnot out of Basil, I can get it out of anyone. LOL

Jynx will always be welcome and wanted here. I'm sure we canwork something out. Heck, there is a reason I put up withShawn's schedule, I mean honestly, his being a pilot should work to myadvantage at some point right? Wait until I tell him that heshould fly to NH to pick up a rabbit. LMBO

Honestly, don't fret about it. I believe there is a reason for everything, so there is a reason that D'Ara came here.

Oh, I'll PM you my address, but what is her birth date? Thanks!

3/23 /05 Is her Birthday .

No Problem on the other breeder, sheis willing for another Doe ,Just happens I have one left lol, well other than Lillyand Adeara So there will beLynx in NH PA , and NY ,

I agree everything happens fora reason , and when you toldme she velcroed to you , I have tothink she was meantto go to you . MissSnotty Tail doesnt normally do that .Normally she would fight coming out ofthe cage . I think she is going to be agood size rabbit when she hits herfull growth , she hassome mean muscles in that bodyof hers , and the judge didsay those were the bestconditioned rabbits she had come acrossed in a longtime . Must be the feed , I know it didwonders for a rag bag French lop thatcame in all skin and bones , Of course Im not surehow much TLC played in it allbut they certainly are healthyas long eared horses .

May you have many great years and Litterswith her , I am just finding outthe Bucks are lazy and the Doesa bit fridgid :mad: My Lynx Doemissed the boogers .


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