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Blue eyes
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    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes replied to the thread Alcoholic Rabbit!??!?.
      Haha. Never experienced this! Perhaps it's the scent attracting him.
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to Jocee's post in the thread New bunny pictures with Love Love.
      Hi everyone I posted about a week ago about my new bunny pepper and here are some photos of her she was too interested in the phone here...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread Breed identification help with Like Like.
      If Queenie has very dense plush fur (feels a bit like velvet), she would be a rex like Jocee suggests. The others really don't have...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread Bunny amputee advice needed with Like Like.
      I can't share any experience with amputation, but just some general considerations for rabbits with mobility issues. Recovery and...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread Massive guilt in hindsight with Like Like.
      Rabbits can be difficult pets when it comes to understanding when health situations might be critical. Like Blue Eyes said, they're...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to Mathew Tobiasz's post in the thread Massive guilt in hindsight with Like Like.
      I'm not sure if you know, or maybe you do know how much your response means to me and so soon after posting it. I just had minky...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes replied to the thread Massive guilt in hindsight.
      Welcome to the forum. I'm glad you found a place with other rabbit people who can relate. Reading your story, it seems that there are...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes replied to the thread Breed identification help.
      What are their ages?
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to Ruth's post in the thread Hi! with Like Like.
      I was told I should make an intro so I am, although I don't really know what to say. The first bunny I had was a netherland dwarf when I...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread I Don't Neuter or Spay My Pets with Like Like.
      You've lucked out then. Long ago I didn't use to unless I was bonding a male rabbit to another rabbit. But later on with all my...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to Jocee's post in the thread New Rabbit with Like Like.
      Hi all my brother just got me a new bun after a rather sad event where my last bunny passed away a few weeks ago. I still miss her but...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to jaydick484's post in the thread Hay feeder with Like Like.
      That's pretty much what we ended up doing. We tossed the wirey feeder and just started piling hay on his open litter box. He loves it.
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to samoth's post in the thread Hay feeder with Like Like.
      I put lot of hay in litter boxes -- somehow my two house rabbits ended up with six litter boxes throughout the house -- and use smaller...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to samoth's post in the thread naturalistic rabbit set up? with Love Love.
      Ah, okay. I see what you're saying. I plant grass & let it grow to 1-2" before bringing it in, then rotate after the rabbits mow it...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to Nancy McClelland's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
      If it was with an intact male, it is only a matter of seconds and the outcome is almost always a pregnancy. Vet check would clear any...
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