Sebastian And His Little Girl's Home Thread

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Aww Cali, aren't you the sweetest littlegirl. I llove talking to you on the phone. You will come to AuntieTina's if your momma ever gets mad at you. I already toldher.I can't wait for a bunny kiss from you. Do you think youwill have enough after kissing the gorgeous Sebastian?

Auntie Tina
Dear Cali,

You are the cutest girl on the forums with the fluffest tail onearth. I cant wait to get there and give youa ton of kississand so does my little girl. I want to give you ahugebunnyhug. If you like hay we can sheare hay and my craisins.And you can stay in my cage if you want to.

PS- Call me Carolyn. I tried to call you last night but it was to late.

Love, Sebastian

I think these pictures of your little girl are funny. Doesshe growl a lot? I'm looking forward to meeting her, I hopethat nothing I do makes her mad because I don't want her to growl atme.


Do you still have the Turtle? Shelly was the turtle's name right? Did you ever meet him/her?


She does seem really nice and she's very pretty. I can tell that she's good to you.


I really love this picture of you.


Do you get to go in the garden often? Do you stay outside nowthat it's summer? I don't. I don't really likeoutside too much. There's a lot of sounds that I don't knowabout and so I just make my mom pick me up and bring me back into myhouse. I just keep on jumping on her until she does what Iwant her to do. When you come to the Boathouse Party, maybewe could go outside together. Maybe if you're there toprotect me, I'll enjoy it more.

I saw this picture of you below and I felt really badly foryou. I hope your mom let you out that day. I thinksome humans thought it was funny. :X


I'll tell my mom to call your Little Girl later. I'm prettysure she tried to a couple of times, but she wasn't home. Iforget where her mom told my mom where you were.

I hope you have a good day. I love you.

Love, Your wife,

I'm sending you a picture of my bushy tail. I hope you like it.

Dear Cali that is the best messages I ever got! :angel:

My little girl was at parents night for Vacation Bible Schooland missed your Moms call again! :(She tried to call your Momback but it was too late.

I will deffehnantly take care of you when we go outside. Hereare some sounds that you might here outside that relly arent freaky.Birds,cars,people, if you can trust me you will tryto go outside for me. Its a wonderful place.

I hope my wife is doing great! :kiss:

This looks kinda like you! She has your beuteyneuss.


Your bleuvede husband Sebbie.
Dear Sebastian,

I can't believe how fast our time went when we were together.I missed you the minute you left. I thought it would geteasier, but it'snot.

You'repictures don't do you justice. You're muchbetter-looking than they can capture.I really lovedyour little girl. You're lucky tohaveher. Boy! Is sheenergetic!! :shock: I was impressed with herdancing and singing on Friday afternoon. She's so nice, andshe's very brave and smart.

Thank you for visiting me. I think about you all the timeandwish you were here. I sure wish we lived closer,but I'm just grateful to knowthat you're out there.Maybe we can both look at the moon at the same time. That wayit would be like we're together when we can't be.

Until we meet again....All my love,
Your Cali

Dearest Cali, I miss all the things thatyou do to. I really miss you the most. I think thats a good idea aboutthe moon. My little girl loves to look at stars so while she looks atstars I will look at the moon with you.

Speaking of little girl, she is the my bunny school teachertoday. She teaches me how to jump better and tumble and tons of otherthings. My favorite thing is nap time. She is a good teacher.

Your dearest love,



My Dear Love,

My mom told me the other day that we had to say prayers for your littlegirl because she's sick.? She didn't look sick to me.? She lookedbeautiful and healthy and was very happy.? Do you think she just wantsmore candy and this is how she is going about it?? Do you think she'sjust wants me to come and live with you so much that it's making hersick?

Life just hasn't been the same since you left.? I wish you lived withme because no matter how hard I try to make friends with the otherrabbits, they just don't seem to like me.? Fauna is okay, but Tucker'salways mad at me.? I wish he was more like you.?

? ?

I love and miss you,


P.S.? I will say a prayer for your little girl because mom told me to.?
Sebastian said, I miss you too. I reallywant to come live with you. I'm saying prayers for you for no reason, Ithink just because I want to come live with you. Tell your Mom to sayHi. Your Mom is coming in 2006. She said she's sleeping on my floor!:shock:My little girl saidshe can sleep inherloftbut she said no. I wish I had a picture foryou but my mom is busy right now and I cant do it by myself. Maybelater. We are going to get me a new toy soon. I gotta go. My mom saidmaybe I can get a aavatar someday.


YAY! Anotherletter fromSebastian!!!

Hello Dear!

My mom told me that she's going to visit you in 2006. Shesaid that now it's time to go to The Land of Oz. She's notgoing to bring me,though. I told her that I want her to bring me back a shirt that you snuggledup to. I really wish I could go, but she said,definitely not. :X

I will have to work on that. I hope you had a niceday. I had a very good day because I thought of you alot.

Love you,


Hey SLG,

We have a mockingbird nest in our tree and I wanted to show it to you.
This one isn't so great...


I will try to get better pictures of the nest later and maybe even themom, but earlier I think she tried to attack me, so we'll see how thatgoes.. :p
Stanleysmom, thank you for the pictursof the nest. I never saw a moking bird. I love bird nests. I climb upin trees to peek at eggs innests!

Sebastian says- Carolyn can Cali pleasecome? My little girls says that Cali can't come but I realley want herto come! I loved my trip and she would love her triptoo!

Love Sebastian


Sebbie!! :hug:

You look so gorgeous in that picture!! :inlove:

Well today has been pretty interesting, to say the least! Momtold me last night that I was going into work with her today to meetsome guy that asks about me all the time. She said he was areally nice guy and he's going to be leaving the office soon,and that she promised him that he'd get to meet me.

I rode in the backseat of her car. Kinda freaked me out abit, but it wasn't a long trip, Mom told me. Looking back onit, it really wasn't, but at the time, it felt like FOREVER to getthere!

When we got to the office, people were gasping and said, "Oh myGod! Look at 'it'." "It"????? I'm not an"it", you're an It! Mom always corrected them and said, She'sa girl and that made me feel better. People were all reallyreally nice to me. They all wanted to pet me and kept sayinghow big I am. Excuse You, People! Do they evenRealize how big THEYAre??

I liked themen a lot. Theypet me andweren't afraid of me.There was one guythatkept saying to people as they met me, "Fivemorepounds, and she'll beready forThanksgiving." I didn't like that too much, soIwent behind his desk andpooped. Later I learned that that was my mom'sboss. Wuupssie!Oh well, he had it coming. I didn'tpoop anywhereelse so that it would be obvious that it was meant for him and himonly. Mom laughed. She thought it was great!

Just when I started getting comfortable and enjoying everyone, itwastime to go home. Mom said I couldn't stay allday, just long enoughto meet the guy that wanted to meetme. He was so nice! He said his girlfriend wouldlove me.

All in all, it was a fun thing to do, but I'm glad I don't have to gothere every day. I'm back home now and myMom's atwork. I can't waitfor her to get home. Ithink she said something about it being Friday and that's a good thingbecause it seems that after Friday, shegets tostayhome for a couple of days and we have playdays.

I miss you dearly. How's your day going?

Love you,


Your Girl, Cali
Cali wrote:
There was one guy thatkept saying to people asthey met me, "Five morepounds, and she'll bereadyfor Thanksgiving." I didn't like that too much, soIwent behind his desk andpooped. Later I learned that that was my mom'sboss. Wuupssie!Oh well, he had it coming. I didn'tpoop anywhereelse so that it would be obvious that it was meant for him and himonly. Mom laughed. She thought it was great!
Hee hee. This cracked me up!

SLG: Hope you are feeling better. We are still praying for you!


Dear Cali, I knew if you started to getout you would like it! :)My little girl takes me to the petstore, on car rides, on walks, and sometimes to the store where we buymy greens.

I'm glad you pooped behind that desk. You should have chewed some of his stuff up too! :X

I love you! :kiss:


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