Gucci d Buchi
Hello I was gifted a new 1 & 1/2 month old bunny. This is my first time taking care of a bunny so I need your help. Listed are the things I do and know about rabbits so please give suggestions or correct anything.
- I take him to my room everyday to roam around but at night i keep him caged in the living room because it is freezing in the bedroom.
- His cage is 2.5 x 2 feet and is covered with bedding ( is it ok if i only keep him there at night?)
- He always has pellets and hay ( they said i should wait until 5 months to start giving veggies)
- I put vitamin B drops in his water bottle (the one with the metal ball)
- I tried giving him water in a bowl because i don't think he gets enough water in a bottle. He doesn't drink from the bowl so idk how to make him drink more
- I change cage bedding every three days
- His poop seems normal
- Pee is like dark but not too dark yellow
- Please give suggestions