Blog for the Bun-Buns!

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I know this was a week ago, but RIP Leonardo DaFinchi! It's sad when they die :(

How hot does it get in Wisconsin? I'm glad all my pets are on the first floor because the bedroom upstairs gets soooo hot. We put a window mounted air conditioner in. Downstairs doesn't usually get bad, but Rory gets his own fan because he acts hot sometimes (lies all spread out).

Can you post more pictures of Sammi and Toby?
hln917 wrote:
Never knew window air conditioner has a built in timer. Great idea! I thought about getting one or afloor fan just for the girls' room, but I'm always afraid of having anything on when I'm not home.
Actually, the timer is the kind that you can use for Christmas lights. It has a lot of little switches on it (4 per hour, and it has all 24 hours on it) that you move up or down to choose when you want the appliance on. I just set it for 1 switch on per 4 switches (if that makes sense?). I will have to post a picture of what the face looks like.

TreasuredFriend wrote:

-- How you doin' with taking blood from arms?

I am done with the clinical part, and I applied for graduation, but I didn't get a follow-up call or papers in the mail or anything. Now, there's no one around campus that deals with that. Also, I can't find the papers I printed about taking the state test. Ugh. Why can't I just be more organized?!

-- When things slow down over here, you'll have to visit in the fall again with Will, if you can. Big Hugs for working things out with your tall handsome guy. Living with another person isn't easy, at times. -- !!!!!
Yes! We are long overdue for a visit to bunny-land! :) I can't wait!

Q. The McBundersons get out together for run time?
They get to come out of their pens at the same time, but they are in separate areas. Sammi gets run of the bedroom most times, because she's immaculate with her potty habits in the bedroom. Toby gets run of the hallway/living room/dining room. I put his litter box at the end of the hallway, and there are very few accidents. If he runs around the bedroom, there will be little poops everywhere, along with some urine stains! :grumpy:

SnowyShiloh wrote:
How hot does it get in Wisconsin? I'm glad all my pets are on the first floor because the bedroom upstairs gets soooo hot. We put a window mounted air conditioner in. Downstairs doesn't usually get bad, but Rory gets his own fan because he acts hot sometimes (lies all spread out).
It can get into the upper 90's here. Most of the time, it seems to top-off around the high 80's to low 90's. There can be colder/warmer spells, though. It also gets a bit humid here, too. :(

Can you post more pictures of Sammi and Toby?
I will soon! I've been SO busy lately. It's not even funny. I will have to take some photos during their scamper-time. Also, I really want to tidy the apartment before I take pictures!


Yeah, he literally fit into the palm of my hand. I could actually turn his bowl upside down and it fit over him (it's the bunny sized bowl from Super-Pet). :p He was a tiny little guy! I wish they always stayed that small! :hearts:
Wow! I have gotten so bad at updating this thing. It's been super-busy here! I'll try to keep the post short.

We had a bit of a carpenter ant mini-infestation in our bedroom. When I noticed the ants in the bedroom, I freaked out and started spraying Ortho pesticide on them (not thinking). I sat back and watched them track through it, and I noticed Toby sitting a few feet away, cleaning himself (he hadn't gotten the Ortho on him, though!). I spazzed out and grabbed him under one arm, Sammi under the other, and rushed them out of the bedroom. I yelled for Will to get the carriers to put them in. Of course, being a guy, we had to play 20-questions as to why I needed the carriers... :grumpy

We had to set-up temporary pens out in the dining room and living room. Later that night, we were going to go to bed, and there were ants on the bed. So, we moved our mattress into the living room, too. We have carpet-shampooed and cleaned our bedroom and had our apartment manager spray heavy-duty pesticides outside our window. She also put Borax laundry soap in our windowsill. I guess ants hate it. Who knew?

As to how they got in our bedroom, we think our window-mounted air conditioner was letting them in. I had a hummingbird feeder above the air conditioner, it was windy and it leaked, so there was sugar-water out on top of the air conditioner. I wiped it down and didn't think anything more about it. Well, the sugar-water must have dripped into one of the little vents, and the ants were either crawling through that into the apartment, or they were finding alternate ways in around the air conditioner (it's not snug 100% in the window). I think it was the gaps in between the window and air conditioner that let them in.

The bunnies are back in the bedroom (after properly letting it air out), and we moved a lot of our stuff back in there. It's so messy, I haven't even tried to get pictures of the bunnies lately. It might have to wait until after I move! lol

On that note: We are in the midst of apartment shopping. So, I've been boxing all of our stuff up so Will and I can move. I found one place that I really hope we get! It's so hard to get an apartment that we can afford that also accepts bunnies. It's in Pewaukee, which is a neighbor-city to Waukesha, and it's on a back road with some nice trees in the area outside the bedroom window. I am super excited about it - I really hope we get it! :)

Here are the two new bunny set-ups, complete with new rugs. :p


Sammi (& Reggie - he was evacuated, too, but he was easy to move 'cause his cage is on wheels!)

Hope you get the apartment K and W!

Ant swarms are nasty and icky. Yikes!, easy to freak one out. Stay away, ANTS. Thanx for the Borax tip.

Toby and Sammi and Regiford really have nice set-ups.
Sorry it has taken so long for an update. No photos yet (sorry, guys!), but I've been SO BUSY!

I got a second job at the clinic where I did my phlebotomy clinicals. I now work there under a "temporary pool" position. Basically, that means that I work most Fridays and an occasional Monday. Today is one of those Mondays. I still work full-time at the nursing home, where I work four days a week. So, on my weeks that I work Monday and Friday at the lab, that means that I only have one day off in a seven-day period. Unfortunately, because I work every-other-weekend at the nursing home, that means that for every 14 days, I only get 2 off. Then I have to wait another 12 days to get another day off. Some Mondays and Fridays I am off, but yeah. Once school starts in August, I don't know what I am going to do. I am going to be applying for a full-time phlebotomy position at the hospital soon. If I can get that, I can stay pool for the lab, and I can probably go to a pool position at the nursing home. Then, I only have to work one weekend a month.

We are still apartment shopping. That one apartment that looked promising fell through. He said that my pets "wouldn't be a good fit here". He was fine with them before, so I don't know what happened. :( We technically have until the end of August to find a place, but we were hoping to get into one by July or August 1st. We still have two months, so we'll be fine!

I had the bun-buns out for run-time yesterday. They haven't been out in awhile (due to the business and messy apartment factors). Toby bolted around for awhile, then nestled under an empty plant stand. Sammi didn't want to come out into the apartment, so she got to run around in the bedroom. When I let them out, I normally confine Sammi to the smaller bedroom (she doesn't come out into the living room, anyways), and Toby gets the hallway and living room (sometimes the dining room, too, but it's too messy for that). After awhile, I put Toby back so Sammi could come out to the hallway if she wanted to. She just would sit at the end of the hallway (by the bedroom), stare at me down the hallway, then thump and run back into the bedroom. When I went into the bedroom to investigate, she was laying next to Toby. Toby was in his pen, but they were "cuddled" next to each other through the bars. So, I decided to do a bunny date. Bad idea. Toby kept lunging and biting Sammi. I removed them from one another, and Sammi looked so hurt. She was physically fine, but I don't know about her "feelings". She just looked sad and confused. She even came up to me while I was sitting on the floor and put her front toe-sies on my leg, looking for head pets. When I obliged, she pancaked out with her front feet still on my leg. It was so cute. She has the capability of being a cutie, so why doesn't she do this all of the time? As for Toby, he was put back in his pen in "time-out", while Sammi continued to prance around the bedroom.

On a sad note, Ish Kabibble the finch died yesterday. :( I checked her two days ago for food/water, and she was fine. Yesterday evening, though, she was dead on the floor of her cage. When I was emptying the cage, I noticed that the food was stuck in the tube entrance, so no food was coming out. When I checked it the other day, there was food coming out, so I don't know if she just got sick and died, or if (at a max.) two days without food did. :( I feel horrible right now. The feeders are those gravity-assisted ones where you fill a clear tube that spills out into a little feeding trough. It keeps the poo out of the food/water area. It worked well for the time we had them, but this time it just clogged up.

RIP, little Ish Kabibble. You're with Leonardo Da Finchi now. :rainbow:
Aww, poor Finchi's. It could have been anything, not necessarily the food thing. :( At least they are together now. I'm so sorry for your loss.

It's nice that Sammi cut you a break. Maybe she sensed you needed a little bun-therapy.

I hope you find a suitable apartment soon. It is such a drag to find a home. I never realized how difficult it was to find an apt with pets. Your pets aren't even big or really that noisy, bothersome... why are people being so blah about it? :(
Ooooo... a nicer apartment together.... Sounds like things are going well.. :DThat is good to hear that things are working out. Also sounds like your job schedule is hectic, but working. Good for you!!

Kelly, what ever you do, don't take any more pics of the kids to post on the forum anymore. Nope!! Don't want to see anymore piggie lips, or cute bunny mooshes!! ;)

Hey Kelly, I was trying to remember who was from Waukesha, WI when I heard about the tornado. Hope everyone is ok.
Yeah, that tornado was scary. I was home alone (Will went bowling by himself :grumpy). I checked the weather radar online before I went to bed (like I normally do), and there was an angry-looking storm coming our way. I called my mum to unplug her computer before it got there. She lives in Oconomowoc, which is about 20 minutes West of me, so she would get hit by the storm first. She didn't even know it was going to rain that night.

I was standing on the porch, taking video of the lightning flashes, and the storm siren went off. In the three years living here, I've never heard the storm siren go on. I grabbed the bun-buns and Reggie and packed them up in their carriers and sat them on the couch. I sat there, watching the TV radar and waiting for the tornado warning to hit. Luckily, it never did. It hit Eagle, which is about forty-five minutes Southwest of here. The next day, Will and I drove through Eagle on our way to go hiking. It was horrible looking. There were huge willow trees snapped like toothpicks. Sure, there was housing damage, but it took those poor trees over a century to get that big, only to get knocked down by the tornado. It was an EF2, which is about the halfway mark on the EF0-EF5 scale (EF5 is the worst).

Then, we had 35+ mile an hour winds a few nights later. More tree damage then, too. THEN, there was ANOTHER tornado yesterday is Sturtevant. It was an EF0, so the winds topped out at about 65 miles an hour. So, methinks that mother nature is PO'd right now.

Nah, storms don't scare me. Heck, tornadoes don't really scare me. Where I grew up in Oconomowoc, we saw lots of bad storms. My parents live in a suburban area that is up against the farming side of town. The neighborhood they live in has a big open center (it's shaped like a big "O", with houses along the outer edge). We got some nasty storms there. With all of the open area, storms seemed to get worse and start tornadoes. We would all be sitting in the garage, looking out of the garage door at the clouds. Once the storm sirens went on, THEN we'd head to the basement. We never had a single tornado touch down by us, but we would see the damage from them a few miles to the North of us. It made me semi-fearless of storms. I know when to retreat to the hidey-hole.

On a tornado-related note: When my older sisters were little, my dad had them up on the Chain of Lakes up North. A tornado started and was skipping around near the lakes. My dad had to race the tornado (with two terrified, screaming little girls, no less) in his fishing boat. He got them to the boat gas station (where you dock your boat to the fuel pumps) and had to get them out of the boat and into the store quick for shelter. I don't even think I was born at that point. Some childhood memory for my sisters, huh?
OK, I was able to take a few pictures this morning. I decided to not clean the litter boxes so I could take the pictures :p Will is going to clean the boxes today, though.

Toby begging for a treat:

Sammi looking grumpy:

Regiford sitting on his hay:

Plus, just for that comment Myheart, a bonus video of piggy-popcorns! :p

They are all adorable. I love the pic of Toby begging for a treat.
kirbyultra wrote:
Toby's very good at begging for treats!! I love those little legs.
Sometimes when he does that, he kind of sits back so he gets these little bunny pantaloons. I love it when that happens! I will have to try and get a picture of it when it happens. :hearts:

I took these pictures with my old little Kodak camera. It's much easier than my new huge Canon camera to maneuver near the bunnies. I will try to take more pictures! I'm a bad bunny mummy when it comes to updating their blog! :biggrin2:
You totally crack me up, Kelly. I ALWAYS appreciate when people throw in the word "pantaloons" to keep it lively! You know what's weird? My Toby has those pantaloons on when he stands too, sometimes. It's pretty visible when he squats and wipes his face usually. :biggrin:
How's Sammi doing? She doesn't look that grumpy.:biggrin2: Toby reminds me of my Baci when he's begging for craisins.