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Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Well the anti Daisy fence lasted 10 hours and that was because she was in her cage for the night.  She hopped over it this morning and I had to cut it down so she could get out.  There was maybe 3 inches between the nic cube and the wall but it was enough for her get behind it.

I tried a couple of positions with the NIC cube panel, now its time to go higher.

Daisy wins yet again.

Personally, I think each and every one of them are born with an engineering degree. (And that's probably what the 'e' in 'e-lop' REALLY stands for.)
Rudy is so adorable.
And that is so sweet what you said about your wife and daughter :)

Have a great night!
So often I want to tease Dave about being "outsmarted" by a bunny...

But then I look at Nyx....

...and I remember she came from Dave & Karen's.

I think it must be something in the water that the bunnies drink!
Well its official, I have declared winter over. Yesterday I drained the gas tank of the snow blower. Now with my luck, there will befreak blizzard.

Friday night it was cage cleaning night and I also decided that I would power wash Nibbles/Skippery's cage and Babys. I also had a cage I had bought at 4H rabbit club I wanted to power wash. This one was going to replace a cage for Nibbles and Skippery. I had thought it would take a couple of hours to clean the cages and power wash the others.

First I didn't plan the trip to the carwash very well. Instead of getting all three cages lined up in the carwash bay and ready to go, I only got one out. Six quarters later, it dawned on me to get the other two out first. Now two of the three cages were over due for a power washing. I can only imagine what the attended thought when he/she came in to work on Saturday or the first person to wash their car. How often do you find hay and bunny poop in a car wash.

So now I have three cages power washed cages and a bunny room that has clean cages but has not been vacuumed yet. 15 bunny's who are waiting to be fed and water bottles filled. Oh, did I mention the cage for Nibbles and Skippery had to be modified before the could occupy it.

What started at 630pm and I mistakenly thought would be completed around 830pm ended up being completed at 1130 pm. After which I had 15 bunny's still waiting to be fed, rather impatient ones at that. When I put all of the toys back I had some very cautious bunny's re-entering their cages.

This weekend one of the things I wanted to do is get caught up on posts on RO that didn't happen, I am now a week behind. I did clean up the kitchen for my darling, beautiful wife,get a couple of loads of laundry done and took a pre-emptive strike against flea's in the yard. I had such a problem last year, it was quite an effort to keep them in check in the house. This year I bought some spray and put it on the yard.

Well speaking of bunny's I need to go feed and refill water bottles.

I read your post to Art & Robin and they both immediately thought of this song...so I share it with you (I'm sorry - there is a tiny bit of bad language in it).

Fancy77 wrote:
You know your old when u stop partying on Friday nights and start cleaning cages...LMAO
I once was getting ready for a party and had the entire group waiting because I had to clean the rabbit cages and get food on the table. LOL...soI think its a "You know you own a bunny when.."
You are just the perfect man! A slave to rabbits and you even clean!!:p

Cutter's Backyard, the one that you hook up to a garden hose works great! Free of ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, gnats for about 8 weeks.
Just a quick post, when I gave Nibbles and Skippery their new cage, I put larger grid NIC panells between them. The can't be in the same cage, but they love to be together as long as the divider is there.

Since Skippery can stick her head into Nibbles area,I thought I had found one of Nibbles toys in Skippery's side but I wasn't sure. Well today it was absolute confirmed. All of Nibby's stack it cops were on Skippery's side!
This past Saturday was crazy, Karen left for her moms in the morning to finish up the preparations for my son's Josh's high school graduation. He wanted his party early so it wouldn't conflict with his friends later.

Took care of the buns and then I took off to get gas for my car, riding lawnmower, mower and weed eater. Stopped by the hardware store to drop off chain saw chains to get shapened. Then to the feed store to get another bale of hay for the buns. I discovered that the trunk of my 1995 Cougar is big enough to hold a bale of hay. Got done with my errandscame home had a quick bite of lunch and then to the retirement home with Rudy. That was a lot of fun, several of the residents enjoyed petting the rabbits and telling stories.

Came home and realized I still had to clean cages and mow my yard for the first time this year. So I decided todo the yard first, very windy but it wasn't bad, chilly, but my light weight coat was keeping me comfy, then when I was on the riding lawn mower and got to the back of the lot and the coat was no longer doing its job. The chilly wind was going right through the coat. It was a this point I decided to put all 15 horse power to the test, I quickly slipped it into 5th gear and took off like a bat of of h***. I am sure I missed a few spots but I didn't care at that point.

Came inside warmed up and cleaned litter cages then collapsed. Karen sweet talked me into running to Walgreens to get some pictures she emailed that she wanted for Josh's graduation party.

Karen, her mom and sister did a great job with the party. Plenty offood and lots of people came. Very nice but long day.
My son is majoring in computer network etc, he received dual credit in high school. So he got credits towards graduation and college credits. He also particpated in a statewide competition the Friday and Saturday before his party. Josh won a gold metal, 3 college scholarship offers and he is supposed to get some nice gift from Best Buy.

So overall a nice weekend for the kid.

This past Monday morning as I was refilling water bottles I heard a loud comotion on top of Blueberrys cage. There Daisy was sitting in the tub I normally use, if there a lot of bottles that need refilling, looking at me with that adorable face. I told her to get down and she did. I turned my back on her and I heard a bunch ofnoise and there she was again! Silly bun.

This morning as I was taking care of the bunny's Daisy was out as usual. She was a happy girl doing all kinds of binky's. However, I have never seen her do a dead bunny flop outside of her cage. I was just filling Pudges hay rack when I look over and infront of Baby's cage, one of her big ears covering her head, was Daisy with her white belly up in the air.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
  I was just filling Pudges hay rack when I look over and infront of Baby's cage, one of her big ears covering her head, was Daisy with her white belly up in the air.

and it's never when you have a camera in your hand:shock:
We all know our bunny's are very intelligent. I am convinced that they are plotting to take over the world.;)

Normally, Miss Sweetie is very shy and will rarely venture out of her cage. Lately she has been demanding to be out. Its really nice to see her do binkies and explore. I told her that if she is going to out she has to use the potty box or at least pee on the puppy training pads I have placed around the room. So far she has been listening, such a good girl.

It's been very interesting with my wifes bun, Dutchess. Up until a couple of weeks ago she was using her litter box but also a couple of corners of her cage. I told her that she was creating extra work for me and I would really appreciate it if she would only use her litter box. She started doing it! I keep telling her what a good bunny she is and I really like that she is using her potty box. It wasn't over night but I could swear she understood me!

Friday night I was cleaning cages as that was the day. Pudge and Carmels needed to have a deep cleaning. So I gave their cages a deep cleaning, vacuumed the carpet in them etc. I refilled their hay racks and food dishes and gave them new phone books to shred. When I returned later to put them to bed, Pudge hadredecorated her house. Evidently she didn't like the clean look. Carmel's redecorating was as intense. He just threw all his toys to the bottom off of his shelf.

Rudy was out today and did some nice binky's. He is not always that outgoing, normally he will come out gets his pets and then hop back to his cage to munch on select pieces of hay from his hayrack. He's has been enjoying his new hiding spot behind Sweeties cage. All the buns will eventually end of there, so far Sweetie doesn't seem to mind.

Titan's new favorite spot is the space between his woman and Daisy. What can I say he's a player.

Well I just realized its 1230 in the morning and I need to give bunny's their treat and get my butt to bed.