Rabbit nodule? Falling off? Help

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May 28, 2018
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Hello!!! I'm Harley and I just made an account solely to ask about my 4 month old bunny Clover.
She's healthy and was vaccinated a little while ago. Just an hour ago a perfect spot of fur on her nose just fell off! She shows no pain, is destroying my books and running rampant as usual! There's another spot on her nose, and the skin is barely hanging on- it's another circle shape.
It's not bleeding, and she can still sniff correctly.
I fear she'll accidentally take it off, like the other one, during grooming,

Help, please? She's my first rabbit- I love her to bits.

Welcome to the forum!! I'm afraid I cant open the picture you uploaded, is there another picture you can try? I'm finding it difficult to picture what you are describing!
Maybe it is just my computer, but that still wont open for me, sorry. Maybe someone else will be able to help?!
Unfortunately not, sorry. Maybe you can try describing it a bit further? Is it crusty skin that is coming off with the fur? Is it possible it is part of her moulting?
i linked it! can you see?
and, the skin underneath is crustyish! very dried up
it's in an odd perfect circle
Oh yes I can see now.. my first thought is ringworm.. is she kept outside/potentially have contact with other animals?
she's kept inside! and has no contact with any other animals.
what are the symptoms of bunny ringworm? how could she have got it? is it fatal?
Give it a google - it is the same in all animals, just circular patches of hair loss and crusty skin, usually on the face in rabbits. It is a fungal infection - doesn’t bother them at all, but humans can catch it so be careful if that’s what it is. It is easily treated by anti-fungal cream from your vet. They catch it from other animals, particularly wildlife. How long have you had her? I would take her to a vet to have a look, and then you will know for sure.
She's been vaccinated? For myxomatosis? There is a possibility that your bun has a mild form of nodular myxomatosis if she is vaccinated. Which means that your bun has been exposed to myxo but because she has her vacs and partial immunity, it's a milder form.

If you can find an out of hours vet that is experienced with rabbits, that would be the best thing to do, as I'm unsure whether or not the milder form will require your bun to be put on antibiotics and anti inflammatories or not. If she's not vaccinated against myxo and/or she develops more severe swelling or respiratory difficulty, get her to a vet immediately.

Of course this is just a guess based on your info and the picture. It's possible it's something else like ringworm, or even rabbit syphilis(treponematosis) can present with similar symptoms.
Good point @JBun this is very likely - ive only seen proper myxy before but what you’ve said makes total sense.
Thank you so much!! @JBun !! So, the next move is to take her to a vet then?
I hope this myxo thingy or ringoworm arent fatal?
Ringworm isn’t at all fatal. Myxy can be, but the mild form isn’t as bad - I would still see a vet asap to be safe.
Thank you so much for your help!!! <3 <3 I feel so much more relieved! Happen to know any free vet services in London? ^^'
You may be entitled to treatment by the PDSA if your earnings are below a certain amount, if not im afraid you’ll have to pay like the rest of us :( haha
Check out the rwaf website for a list of rabbit savvy vets - you can put in your post code to find the one nearest you. This is the best bet as not all vets have great rabbit knowledge as they are considered an exotic species in vet school.. much to my annoyance (and not for lack of campaigning!)