My gosh!!! Maternity ward???

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rabbitgirl wrote:
OK, PEOPLE.....bets on the belly. How many? When will shekindle? Remember last time??? hehehe


She'll have nine babies - at 3:45 am on Saturday morning....

[suP]8 on Sunday.And I really want one... Maybe someone could cometake SLG andSebastian off my hands for awhile?[/suP][suP] [/suP]

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
[suP]8 on Sunday. And I reallywant one... Maybe someone could cometake SLG and Sebastianoff my hands for awhile?[/suP][suP] [/suP]

ANYTIME Razz just sendem my way SLG ans Cassi canhave a blast frog hunting , snake wrangling, kittty hugging , Bunny chasing, watching the Deer , watching out for the Moose's, She would have a BLAST!!!!!! ,
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
[suP]Maybe someone couldcometake SLG and Sebastian off my hands for awhile?[/suP][suP] [/suP]


The most logical place for them to go is to Tucker Town where they will be respected, loved, and appreciated for a change.

* * * * * *

Rose, I love your note on the cage. Good Lord, Tank must beso thrilled to be back with you. I think she'll have 7babies. Are you going to keep one? You knowyou're going to lose your heart to all of them.

Our little lady is making us all wait again.:p


We have a hay nest! And a jumpy Tank.

This morning, she actually BUMPED my hand to make me hurry up with thefood. Then she started shoving it around when I put it into the cage. Igave her a piece of lettuce (BIG hit), and she didn't even flinch whenI stroked her--she looked pretty cheerful, but a bit edgy. I hopesoon!!! So does she.;)

I bet 7 too.

Carolyn, I'm going to have to enjoy them all growing up in their newhomes.:?No room. But I am SO happy they will have good homes.

whooooohoooooooo we havenest , !!!!!!!!!! sending positivethoughts Tanks Way !!!!!! Istill say 8 to 10 .
:waiting:Boy, Tank sure does like tokeep us waiting - again!!! ;). I hope she and the kits are OK.One thing for sure - they are certainly better for being where they arenow.

I reckon 8 babies, mid-afternoon Friday.

No dice!:pshe's such a diva, keeping us waiting.

She smushed the nest too, just like last time. I guess it wasn't "goodenough" or maybe she's just bored. If i didn't know she was like this,I'd be worried by now. But as it is....;)

:ponder: Where are thosebabies?? Oh, man, I'm having trouble waiting....come've got peoplewaiting here.

No, really, you tell that girl to cook those babies as long as she needs to.

At the store I managed in Pittsburgh, we had aguinea pig that was HUGELY pregnant. I swear I thought shewas going to burst! For the last couple of days, she wouldn'teven get up to eat or drink. We would put her dishes reallyclose to her and she would S-T-R-E-T-C-H to get the food andwater. She ended up having 8 babies!

cirrustwi wrote:
At the store I managed in Pittsburgh, we had a guinea pigthat was HUGELY pregnant. I swear I thought she was going toburst! For the last couple of days, she wouldn't even get upto eat or drink. We would put her dishes really close to herand she would S-T-R-E-T-C-H to get the food and water. Sheended up having 8 babies!

:shock2:8 little Piggies from one mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy * you know what * normally 4 isa very large litter for a Pig ,unbelieveable mommy she is !!!! geeshwhat a shocker !
Gypsy: I know! That piggie wasnuts! I felt so bad for her, she was so huge, you can onlyimagine. I've never seen anything like that. Onewas still born and 1 had a club foot, but the rest were perfect and notoverly small either! We were taking bets as to how many, Isaid 6 and no one would go higher...she started having them and westarted counting...poor girl was in labor for ever! Hersister, who also came in preggers, had 6. Those were somegood breeding girls.

Goodness bythe sounds , myimmediate thought was and ISSpay her for her own good andthe sister too , can you justimagine what that did to her uterin tubes!!! not to mention what it did to her generall allaround health . wow .
not to mention the breaking andscarring of her pelvic bones!!!!!!

(you can tell by the amt of new bone growth on them how manylitters/kids an animal/person has had....they are broken and chippedduring birth .. OUCH!!!)

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