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    • ta240
      ta240 replied to the thread Head turn, not tilt.
      We opted for the surgery. It went well and he spent 2 nights in recovery. When we got him home for the first two days he absolutely...
    • ta240
      ta240 replied to the thread Head turn, not tilt.
      no, I'll have to ask about it. He does have a very sensitive stomach though.
    • ta240
      ta240 replied to the thread Head turn, not tilt.
      We got the second opinion today. This Vet said that all the bunnies that she has worked with that had the surgery had some form of...
    • ta240
      ta240 replied to the thread Head turn, not tilt.
      Yes, he is still on the meloxicam, 1.3ml once a day. Recently they upped his Metronidazole up to .75ml from .2 and that made him very...
    • ta240
      ta240 replied to the thread Head turn, not tilt.
      We've got him scheduled for a second opinion at a recommended bunny vet about an hour away. I'm a bit worried at this point that with...
    • ta240
      ta240 replied to the thread Head turn, not tilt.
      Thank you for the reply and the link. I've been doing a lot of reading on it now and will do more. Some of the stats are definitely...
    • ta240
      ta240 reacted to JBun's post in the thread Head turn, not tilt with Like Like.
      I haven't, but I have read of very difficult experiences from some that had it done. I'm sure there are success stories, but I can't...
    • ta240
      ta240 replied to the thread Head turn, not tilt.
      The medication has helped. He doesn't wrap up as tight as in the photo above, he sometimes even lays out straight and can move in...
    • ta240
      ta240 replied to the thread Head turn, not tilt.
      Thanks for the reply. Sometimes I just have to be more stubborn than him and wait it out and he will finally swallow what he has. I'm...
    • ta240
      ta240 reacted to JBun's post in the thread Head turn, not tilt with Like Like.
      When I syringe feed, I come through the corner of the mouth (the side) to get behind the front teeth. Then I'll sometimes wiggle the...
    • ta240
      ta240 replied to the thread Head turn, not tilt.
      Anyone have any tips on getting him to take the critical care food? He has discovered that he doesn't have to swallow the food. I use...
    • ta240
      ta240 reacted to TreasuredFriend's post in the thread Head turn, not tilt with Like Like.
      Our special needs' hind-limb paralysis girl resists having her head turned. She favors only one side. She was diagnosed with...
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