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At least Milu is courteous enough to wait till you're finished cleaning his litter pan. Mine just go on the empty spot b/c they are so impatient like their mother!:p Forget the royal family like Kirby'sHelen's Rabbit Nation, mine are ghetto!
Well, it happens too! Less often now that he's a grown up rabbit, but as a kid it was common for MILU to be desperate while I cleaned his bathroom... He finally learned that I'm not removing the bathroom away from him, and he'll be able to do his stuff when he wants, after I clean, hehe.
Penny still does not understand that the litter box is for business, I think. She thinks that's where she eats. She poops whenever she eats. If her salad is too big or she happens to need to go while eating pellets from her dish, she will leave me some presents next to the dish. This is a huge reason I had to remove the hay rack. She thinks the place near the hay rack is her own portable toilet.

I tested Kirby before. He has a firm understanding of "where he's supposed to go" even if there is no box there. If the litter box happens to be gone because I am cleaning it, too bad for me. The King usually paces around looking very pissed off that the box is absent and when he can't hold it anymore, he writes a firmly worded note for his slave, "....faster next time....." Yes, you guessed what the "......." is written with.:expressionless Kirby does not need any food associations to poop in there. Sometimes he is sleeping, but will wake up suddenly, run to the box, lift his tail, and then hop out as soon as he's done. I'm pretty sure he poops when there is no box there just to express his disapproval of me removing it at a bad time. :p

Toby uses the litter box unlike any rabbit I've ever known. He is the epitome of clean. He knows that if he needs to go, he goes in only 1 place. He will hold it until he cannot hold it anymore and if the box is not there, it's not his fault. When I moved him from this xpen to the condo, I expected him to be very unfamiliar with the space and not know where the toilet is. But I was wrong. Toby never associates the litter box with being in 1 "place". He knows the litter box and will recognize it anywhere. When he moved from rabbit room to living room he knew exactly where the box had moved to. When he moved into the 2 level condo, I put him on the 2nd floor. He did not know how to go the first floor (where the litter box is). He hopped around, looking very serious for 2 hours. He was just too scared to go down the ramp and explore. Finally, my hubby told me to pick up Toby and put him downstairs so he knows what is downstairs and doesn't have to be scared. Immediately after I picked him up and put him downstairs, he jumped in the box and peed. Toby is a VERY smart rabbit, but mostly he's held back by being scared of stuff.
Thanks, Amy!

Helen, I guess I know what "...." stands for. My bun gets mad at me, too. Sometimes, when he gets too mad, he makes a real mess WHILE I'm cleaning.

It's incredible how, when he sees me cleaning, he runs to his bathroom and HAS to do his "job" there, right at that moment. He's learning how to control this sudden urge, but sometimes he still gets mad and punishes me for being evil. Yes, I'm so evil that, in one minute, I steal all the hard work he did for so many hours. "So much labor for nothing", he says. (lol)

He's more educated than any other pet I've had, but still he's not 100% trained, like Toby. That is a dream pet! It's possible to tell places where MILU has stayed for more than some minutes. Sometimes he leaves some "evidence" in places he stays for long. I can even tell how long by how much "evidence" is left. heheh

**** Note: As I'm writing this, he's just jumped on my bed and did some of his "hard work" there. He hasn't been naughty like this lately... I guess he's mad at my computer. He's really jealous when I stare at "the stupid box". :crash Before using my bed as a bathroom, he jumped on my lap and tried to kill another mouse of my computer, biting its cord. I can't mention the number of mice he broke (my friend gave me this one and it's brand new, it's the 2nd time I'm using it), also chargers, etc... my friends tell me to give MILU some $100 bills, they say it would be cheaper than letting my bunny chew all my electronics. It would actually be cheaper, but money is a dirty thing that everybody touches and is full of germs, :shame I still haven't given any to MILU. Only the best to my dear termite.


**** As I hit the "reply" button, AGAIN he jumped on my lap, tried to eat the mouse cord and I saw him lifting his tail on my bed - just in time for me to grab him this time and take him to HIS bathroom, but guess? He didn't do anything there. He's waiting for the chance to take revenge against the enemy, that "stupid box" (computer), hehe :crash:crash:crash:crash:crash:crash

If only he knew I'm using "the box" to talk about HIM, and that I don't forget about him when I stare at "the box"...

:biggrin:Milu is just wonderful! And makes a great model too. I didn't think to try Nummy on some oranges. I think they just loves sweets! I can't believe the tail on Milu! Wow :pet:pretty bunny!
Thanks!! I couldn't believe my eyes the 1st time I saw MILU eating orange, I hardly ever eat it myself!! Last night I gave him some pieces of tangerine, he loved them too, ask Nummy if he wants a piece next time you eat it :)
"Fresh" footage of MILU eating carrot tops - I've just made it some minutes ago. If you turn up the volume, you may hear a sound like a "creek, creek, creek" from his teeth. I guess the fact that they're misaligned must make them grit each other and produce that sound.. it's not the sound of the leaves being chewed. :(
But I'm glad he still can eat anyway.


You can hear the noise better when MILU comes closer to the mic in the end of the video - of course he had to come sniff the camera and see if it would make a good dessert. I couldn't help but laugh.... (and wish I had a decent camera!! heheh)
Aww loved the video!
Milu has been entering a new phase of peeing and destroying my room.
I'm not sure why, I spend a lot time with him (maybe even too much, so he can't stand 3 hours by himself?)...

He's been opening the door of my room and peeing all over and chewing stuff. He does it when I'm in the kitchen or bathroom, so I don't see him making a mess - although some times I can hear it from far.
He knows I'll get mad if I catch him destroying my room, so, when it happens, he gets invisible.

Becoming invisible is very easy: :ph34r2 :embarrassed:
All he has to do is sniffing the floor and leaving my room.

When I see him out of the room, that means he was OUT, all of the time, and has never been inside there
:nod (that's how rabbit logic works, more or less like the theory of relativity - you know rabbits are more intelligent than humans and know cosmic secrets that we don't know).
By never having been in my room, MILU has no idea who peed there or chewed the last charger that is still working (despite all the times MILU attempted to murder this last one). :ponder:

He actually looks at all that savagery made in my room with a face that clearly shows how disgusted he is with such a horrendous thing, and his face clearly states that he's puzzled trying to figure out WHO did that, and when he finds out, oh yes, he'll take care of that villain and teach him a good lesson. If only he could find out who he is......!
What a hero. :pet:

The way he gets invisible is so hilarious I can't get mad at him.
I don't know how to educate him again. He was ok.. now maybe I'm being to permissive and he thinks he can do whatever he wants?
I'll post MILU's pic for the photo contest here too: he doesn't love Brazil much (mostly because there aren't savvy vets here and he's always in trouble when he needs medical attention), but he likes to eat fruits and play so I portrayed him as the "banana-winged angel MILU" - flying all over, playing and eating all at the same time.


* I guess bananas, fruits and beaches correspond to the idea that most people make of Brazil. What I see out of my window is different, though: a concrete jungle and the worst traffic of the world. Nothing like what people expect to find here!

This a nice pic of here:


This is the lovely construction site right next to my building. They love to be noisy at 1, 2 or 3 am, 7 am, but at 3 or 5 pm they're all quiet. Go figure. I don't really mind (except for MILU), but most people do.


** oh yes, they're so smart that a they made huge crane fall down. You can see it in the pic. They tried to use it in a heavy rain season, going up and down ramps, etc... it was good entertainment to watch them trying to lift that giant. And good that they got quiet for some days too :)
You're from New York, right? I know NYC and it looks WAY better than here! NY is the place to be!
Thank you about the pic, I tried to make MILU's environment better at least in the virtual world...
and we're all still waiting for Penny's entry!
hotmaildeal wrote:
You're from New York, right? I know NYC and it looks WAY better than here! NY is the place to be!
Thank you about the pic, I tried to make MILU's environment better at least in the virtual world...
and we're all still waiting for Penny's entry!
Yes, I'm in NYC but depending on where you look, it can be pretty dumpy too!

Ummm I am working on Penny's... lol

BTW, how do you cut out Milu's body from your pictures so well?? Do you use a program? I have such a hard time cutting out my buns with my shaky hand and mouse....
Dave - yes, MILU is always looking for who did the sick attacks to my room. He's never found any suspects, but he works hard on the case.

Helen - I used "Macromedia Fireworks".
I erased the background around MILU using a round eraser. Then you need to adjust the "edge" to be smoother (never leave it on zero or it will look too sharp, with square edges around the image) but I don't like it too smooth either. An edge of about "25" must be ok. You can enter different numbers and see what you like best. If you enter 100, in my opinion, the image may look unnatural. Zero gets too sharp. I guess any program must give you the possibility to adjust the size and edge of your eraser tool. Unfortunately, it takes hand and mouse (and patience!!!) to do it right. Some tools that are supposed to help they don't give better results than time-consuming mouse work.

I did this erasing process on MILU's pic and searched for other images on the web (all individual fruits, landscapes...) then I erased the background of each fruit the same way, leaving their background transparent, and finally pasted all MILU and fruit images on pics of beaches (there are 2 different pics of 2 beaches there ;) ). It took some time, but it's for MILU, right? heheh
Let me know if you need more help with it.

**** On photoshop: you click on the eraser tool, then on "brush". It will show you options for the "master diameter", that will adjust the size, and below, "hardness", that will adjust what is the "edge" on Fireworks. About 75% hardness must be ok.
Thanks for that explanation! I literally was using MS Paint that comes with windows and it's so basic that it just erases pixel by pixel so it was slow, and very frustrating. The result isn't even that great as you end up seeing lines from the original pic around my buns. I then used a free software called GIMP to layer the pics on each other as transparencies. That's the one thing I couldn't get Paint to so for my life. I should see if Gimp has the eraser hardness option! It is an open source app modeled after Photoshop. It is not very fast but then again neither is Photoshop lol! It has a lot of features and it's free. I have never used it before this photo contest, and I think I should explore it some more.

You certainly spent a lot of time on this!!! It was so much work to get milu such a great photo entry!

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