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Thank you, I think he is cute too. I don't think an angora would do very well outside. There would be too much stuff to get stuck in the wool so you would have to keep it shaved, then what is the point of having an angora? I'm saving the wool as I brush him and a woman I work with is going to make me a scarf! Basically I'm going to give her enough wool to make two so neither one of us needs to spend money to get an angora scarf. I have the wool, she has the know how. :)

I'm so glad you liked the package. How did the pickles turn out? They came in a pack of four so I ate one after I sent the box. They aren't exactly what I had expected, but they are much closer than sweet pickles. Now that I know how to send things and how small the box is I can send some skittles a couple time a year for you :)
Thanks Dave :)

Well, I guess we are officially rabbit parents. We had our first, and hopefully last, electrical cords chewed. Houdini lived up to his name and somehow squashed himself under the tv stand to get to the power strip. He chewed a cell phone charger and the internet router power cord into bits. We now have new fencing blocking the area to make sure it doesn't happen again. I also checked everyone for electrical burns (but I'm pretty sure it was Houdini).

Joshua called up the internet people and said we needed a replacement power cord. They asked if he was sure the power cord was the issue. "Um, I'm pretty sure. The power cord is in three pieces." Oh yes, that would be the issue then. LOL Luckily they didn't ask HOW the power cord managed to get into three pieces!

For the people I normally chat with on FB, now you know where I have been all week. It took us a while to figure out what happened to the internet. We will have a replacement on Saturday. :)
They always seem to go for the vital cords. My son actually go to use the excuse my rabbit chewed up my homework. My wife actually had to talk to the teacher, somehow she didn't believe him.
Great Blog. Cute Bunnies.:inlove::inlove::inlove:

I love reading your entries.

We need LOTS more pictures.:biggrin:

Dave, LOL how did the teacher take it when she found out the rabbit really did eat the homework? Papers found loose in my office are faced with certain destruction. :)

Susan, We had a little photo shoot just last night. Lots of pictures coming up!













I couldn't resist trying the little outfits. Joshua thinks I'm nuts putting clothes on the rabbits. Just wait until he's at work this weekend, I'm going to have some fun with bows! I have also decided Houdini should be on the muppet show :)

Someone had asked about pictures of the frog, so here is Kermit!


I'm going to try to get some fish tank pictures this weekend so you can see the shrimp and Jaws, our new large tetra that is providing guppy population control. :)
The bunn family had to go to the vet today. Becky's eyes are all goopy and she just wasn't herself. She had to have her tear ducts flushed, which were stuffed full. I have antibiotics to put in her eyes for the next two weeks. She acts like she feels better already. I bet that had a lot of pressure in her sinuses, poor girl.

While they were there everyone was weighed.
Becky- 4 pounds, down from 4.5 in December so more oats
Houdini- 5 pounds, up from 3.8 in December still growing
Cindi- 5.5 pounds! Down from 7 in December go Cindi go! (she was very fat when we got her, free run makes a huge difference in exercise levels!)

After the vet we stopped at the pet store. The kids love to ride around in the cart to see and smell new things. The people working there get a kick out of seeing rabbits visit. They picked out a treat and Houdini got a new brush. With that much fur it is a challenge to keep it orderly. Now everyone is relaxing and I'm going to clean out the fish tanks then take new pictures. What a way to spend a day off.
As promised, fishy pictures!
The first tank is in the bedroom and has 3 male guppies, 12 cherry red shrimp, 4 fancy snails, and kermit the frog. All the plants are live. It is 10 gallons.











The other fish tank is in the kitchen and is 20 gallons. I had all guppies in there, but the population just went crazy! I have given away close to 600 fish and just couldn't do it any more. So, now we have jaws. He is a paccu, which is a type of large tetra and effective population control for the gupies. He also tried to bite my fingers as I cleaned the tank. No one can mess with HIS corner of the tank! The amazon sword is the only plant he hasn't eaten or torn up. I was planted like the other tank before.






Jaws sunk the ship :)
I was also super mean and cleaned the gerbil cage. They get so mad because it takes hours of chewing to get the cage just how they like it and I go and throw it all away! The cats also tried to help. Andre sits and stares. Victoria doesn't get it that she can't go nose to nose with the camera. :)








I have to get this out of my system so I can get past it, but I am very frustrated and a bit angry and Cinderella. Becky is an extremely sweet, submissive bunn. Cinderella keeps stealing her food because I'm trying to get Becky to gain weight so she has yummy extras like oats or sunflower seeds. Cindi needs to loose weight and has been doing a great job, now 5.5 pounds down from 7 when we got her. Cindi still gets her pellets and all the hay she wants and veggies at night, it has been all exercise. Becky has now lost 1/2 a pound and is getting way too skinny. We have been standing guard to make sure Becky eats, but that is very time consuming and stressful. It just drives me crazy because I got Cindi to be a companion to Becky. We made it through the bonding process, but they only cuddle in stressful situations. In their own room Cindi and Houdini cuddle at one end and Becky is alone at the other end.

Yesterday I spent all day cleaning the bunn room. I took everything out and then realised they were peeing on the carpets. I cleaned it all up, scrubbing the rugs to get rid of the spots and smells. Everything is spic and span at bedtime last night. During this process I had the kids in an xpen in the livingroom. They all cuddled up in one big furrpile. I had hope things were going to be better.

I gave them dinner and Cindi chased Becky out into the hall. I had enough, Becky is my heart bunny and I can't take seeing her being bullied. I set up the xpen in my bedroom and she is going to just stay in there where she can eat in peace. This morning I went up to give Cindi and Houdini breakfast. They had peed around the litter boxes again!

I am so frustrated and angry and hurt. I know they are just doing what comes naturally to rabbits, but why on the floor!?! I suspect that Cindi may not have been as litter trained as I was told. I try to remember that she spent 3 of her 4 years in a shelter. It's natural she picked up some not so sparkling habbits, but GGeeeerrrrr! She won't let me pet her, she pees all over the floor, and chases my baby.

I don't want to get rid of her, just to be clear. I want to find a way through these issues. I know she has a good heart in there somewhere and she's just afraid. I have to find a way through. If I give up I will be failing us both.

Houdini is an easy going boy and I'm hoping he will help her learn to trust. He's not much of a snuggler, but that's ok. He lets me give him a nose scratch when he's eating and tollerates his brushing, that is perfectly fine.

Becky seems happier and more relaxed since I moved her. Now Joshua is like "see, I told you we didn't need to get her a friend". Blah. I just want her to be happy.

I really hope now it is just the two of them in the room the peeing issues stop. I keep cleaning it up as soon as I find it and put all the poops back into the litterbox. I don't know what else to do. It doesn't help that I'm really hurting today from the scrubbing yesterday. To top it all off I have to do a dress fitting for a wedding I am in this summer. *sigh* I am not a girly girl. I didn't even do a super formal dress for my own wedding! I just hope this is less painful than I antissipate.
Totally pooped but wanted to send you a quick message before heading off. Just wanted to say I am sorry things are getting rough with the bums. I can understand how it feels. Especially when you put so much effort and energy into cleaning knowing that you will feel lousy afterwards, only to have to start all over again. Bah. I am sure things will get better. Sending you many many hugs!
Sophie, Thank you for the support. This morning is going better. Becky is happy as a clam in her new spot. She stole one of Joshua's note pages and has it "hidden" in her house. What a sweet bunn when her naughtiest is pulling a piece of paper into her house that was on the edge. She's also taking her eye drops like a champ.

The other two are doing better since I pulled the fence over. Basically I made their space 7 feet by 4 feet at the end of the room they weren't peeing on the floor. They used their litter box now that they are in a smaller space. Now I will let them use the whole room only under supervision. That's still a nice amount of space for two bunns, so I think they will be ok. Perhaps before it was just too much space and they were feeling insecure? This also keeps the cats out of their space, which I think they prefer. Andre is sad, but he will get over it.

I have decided that Cindi is going to get a hug every day wheather she likes it or not. Sort of the kill them with kindness idea. I think I focused so much on getting the girls bonded I didn't do a very good job of getting the two of us bonded. She was abandoned before and spent a very long time at the shelter. I have to remember it is going to take time for her to trust. I have to work hard to earn it.

Joshua has to get up at 7 all this week for a camp. Mornings kick my butt. I didn't sleep well last night so it's going to be a long day. Hopefully going back to the gym will help me sleep better tonight. Arthritis warm water class, I love it.
ok, I have to get on my soap box for a moment. What is with all the "bad bunny" and discipline posts lately? I can't believe people get rabbits for in the house and then expect them NOT to chew on anything! Rabbits are still rabbits when you bring them into the house. No one would expect a puppy not to chew on things if the home wasn't puppy proofed, so why do they expect no chewing from a rabbit? Part of the joys of being a bunn parent is figuring out how to channel the instincts to make for a happy bunny. Flicking them in the nose when they are "bad" isn't going to help. Believe me, if I thought it would help mine would be getting flicked this week, but it just makes the rabbit afraid, which doens't help anyting. Blah.

Onto less ranting news. I have figured out the peeing situation in my office. It is Houdini peeing on the carpet, not Cindi. I saw him in action this morning. The problem is that Cindi hops into the box to do her thing and it is not big enough for them both so he just goes on the floor. The reason the fence being moved worked is because the big litter box that would fit 4 is at that end. You would think they would travel across the room for a box, but no. I will be getting a larger box for when they are out and about. I feel so much better now I have figured out the problem. It was MY problem not understanding their needs.

They were particularly cute this morning. I let them out to run around while I get the turtles and birds up and get everyone breakfast. I gave Cindi her morning huggles and she is starting to tollerate it better already. When I was done my rounds I pointed to their fenced area and told them to go home. Houdini and Cindi hopped right over and I shut the door. What smart bunnies!

Becky was super cute last night. She loves to burrow in the blanktes. She made herself a little bunn cave between my husband and I and took a nap. We tend to read in bed before we go to sleep so we have been letting her join us. Joshua may pretend to be a tough guy sometimes, but he has a real soft spot for Becky in particular. After her nap she would hop from one to the other of us for nose rubs. She tumps me off when I put her back, but we are afraid of squishing her if we let her stay in the bed when we are sleeping. Once she sees her evening salad all is forgiven. I have decided that she needs a friend, but one that is even more submissive than she is. I'm going to stop at CVS on the way home and get her one of the stuffed rabbits that are realistic looking. No chance of her food getting stolen!
I start my day with mixed feelings. I am happy because my bunnies are very happy with the new set up. Houdini is becoming the king of binkies. This morning when I let him out during my morning rounds he snuck out of the room, down the hall, and checked out the bathroom. I ducked out into the hall and asked him what he thought he was doing. He binkied the whole way down the hall back into the room. He just loves to get away with being "naughty". I put breakfast down and he binkied himself into the table. Breakfast is not worth putting yourself into a coma, it happens every day. Such joy from such a furry little muppet!

The sad part was I found Brittney (zebra finch) laying in her food dish. She passed quietly in the night. Frank is alone today but I will get one of the girls from the main cage to keep him company tonight, I just didn't have time before work. It's hard to think of them as old, but in finch terms 3.5 is definately getting old. The typical life span is 3-5 years. Now we have 8 birds.

I'm working on clicker training Becky. So far I'm giving her treats and clicking so she will associate the sound with food. I don't know if it is working, but she likes the sunflower seeds and I'm hoping that will help her gain back all the weight she has lost. I also got one of the realistic stuffed bunnies from CVS so she would have a friend. Becky has moved the stuffed bunny several times and seems to approve. I guess she likes being the boss.
Awww! Houdini sounds like he is just high on life :D I'd love to see a rabbit binky that much. Beau is so lazy, he just crawls around then flops XD

I'm sorry about Brittney, but at least she didn't suffer or anything. It was a quiet death and she was happy.

I'm thinking about getting Beau a stuffy because when I move to my dad's, he'll be outside and by himself while I'm at work so I want him to have something to snuggle with or move around or whatever he pleases.
Dave, LOL how did the teacher take it when she found out the rabbit really did eat the homework? Papers found loose in my office are faced with certain destruction. :)
The teacher laughed and said that is a first.

Living with multiple bunny personalities can be a struggle, just hang in there.

Sorry to read about Brittney passing away.

Amanda, Houdini acts like he's high on something, that is for sure :) I am trying to get a video of him being so silly, but he sees the camera and hides.

Check out the bunnies at CVS if there is one close to you. I was very happy with how realistic they look. They are even the perfect size for cuddling. They have gray and brown.

Dave, Thanks. I'm already over being mad at Becky. I knew I just needed to vent and then sleep it out. She just likes to push my buttons. Giving her huggles twice a day eventhough she doesn't like it seems to be paying off. This morning's cheek rubs got uppy ears. From her that is quite the complement :) She just needs more time to adjust to being loved. I wonder if she is afraid of getting sent back to the shelter? 3 years is a long time for a bunn to be in jail.

Thanks for the well wishes about Brittney. She was a good bird, but unfortunately she was always lowest in the pecking order. I think she was very happy having a seperate cage with just her and Frank. Hopefully if I give him another friend he will be ok. I have a couple of her sisters that I can move one over. If I put Frank in the larger cage his ex-wife will just pluck him bald again so that really is not an option.

Oh yeah, just getting rid of the extra litter boxes worked. Now they just go in the one in their house (big enough for both plus). I'm so relieved that they are being good again. Taking Becky to our bedroom really was the best thing for all three.
That should have been being mad at Cindi, not Becky. I know I shouldn't play favorites, but Becky is my baby.

I ended up closing the fly through pass so I have two three-foot cages rather than one six foot cage. I put three girls in with Frank and three girls in with Alvin. So far so good. I will have to watch for plucking as they arrange their status again. It's much easier with the finches though than with bunnies. They work it out on their own, just occasionally needing to seperate someone that is getting plucked.

I have been having a lot of pain in my neck lately. I have a disc that is degenerating so it is not a shock. After dinner last night I had to take a muscle relaxer to try to stop the spasms. Joshua has been working long hours at a spring chess camp this week. Becky was probably rather confused because she was up on the bed and both of us just fell asleep. It doens't look like she did anything, just sat there and waited for us to wake up and play. Joshua finally did get up and put all the kids to bed. I barely was able to get up for my b-12 shot this morning. I'm dragging today but the pain is a bit better and I get to go out to lunch with a work friend.
This morning we had a very close call. I was getting all the kids up as normal. Andre tends to follow me around because he's nosey and doesn't want to miss anything. I fed the birds and Frank zipped out of the cage! He was across the room in a heartbeat and Andre was right after him. I was screaming at Andre NO!!!!

The cat lunged and I thought the bird was a goner. I pulled the cat's tail because it was all I could reach. He spit Frank out with a little burst of feathers from his mouth! I put the cat out of the room and caught the bird. Frank seems fine. I guess Andre was just trying to play? There were no teeth marks or any other signs of anything happening other than a little slobber. I hope the birds never sneak out again!

The bunns are doing well. I got a shipment in the mail that had a very long piece of crumpled paper as padding. I put it all in Becky's play pen and she's loving it. All that paper to dig under, push over, and tear through! I will try to get pictures tonight. It was a very busy morning.

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