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Yes it was whole, posed like a bun sitting there.

I can't eat shellfish because of allergies. Is there such a thing as a chickenaterian? I think it would be easy to give up everything but poultry. That is where I stumble.
Rebecca is a BBBAAAADDDDD bunny! :p

Last night I was on a time line. We had dinner reservations with my in-laws and I didn't want to be late. I left work a bit early to make sure I could have time to go home and change first. Of course I check in on the animals when I get home. I can't find Becky and it looks like one of the cats has partially knocked down the baby gate so she might have gotten out of her room.


Great. Now I have the rabbit somewhere in the house, but I don't know where. Not all the rooms are rabbit proofed.

:sofa:I start searching. Joshua gets home and joins me in the search.

We spent an hour looking under every piece of furniture, in the chairs, and every possible place we could think of. No Becky.


We had to go. So, we put out greens in each room and shut every door, so that way we could narrow down what room she was in. We went to dinner and came home two hours later.

Becky was sitting at her dish waiting for dinner like nothing happened! :innocent

AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! :pullhair:

Bad Bunny for hiding! I still have no idea where she was! We are going to have to figure it out and do a little more bunny proofing over the weekend. :grumpy:

:purplepansy:Today we were at the Philadelphia flower show.:pink iris:It is the oldest flower show in the US. It is also the largest indoor flower show in the world. :clover:We are talkinghuge scale. :rose:I am so sore and tired I am not up for dealing with the photos tonight, but will work on them tomorrow. :rainbow: Stay tuned for beautiful flowers. The theme was "Spring time in Paris".

LOL @ hay in your undies. That must have been REALLY uncomfortable. :pHehehe I love how bunnies play innocent and make it look like you are going crazy :expressionlessGiggles and Smores did the same when they were naughty. I hope you figure out where she was hiding. :)We'll be going to the tulip festival here soon. I just love flowers. I'll be waiting for the pictures. :biggrin2:
Nela, I did figure it out. Last night I was cleaning up while she was hiding. Apparently Cindi felt that cleaning her litter box was offensive, so she thumped a couple of times. Then I hear a tiny thump in answer. They were going back and forth in conversation so I was able to follow the sound. Here Becky tucked herself under the skirt on the back of the chair. The bottom has been blocked. I swear I looked there before, but she must have scooched from side to side as I looked around the chair before. Silly little girl. :sofa:

I love spring bulbs! I think the hyacynths are my favorite, but tulips are Joshua's favorite. They hold so much hope. When the winter is at the worst I can think of the little bulbs in the ground waiting to spring forth in the sunshine. Hope for the future. :)

It has been very rainy here and the temperatures are dropping. Nothing like a cold rain to make my fibromyalgia act up. I did see the Rheumatologist today and I am doing so much better over all that I don't have to see her for another year! :)

It is so nice to be making progress with my health finally. Some times I feel like it is an up hill battle. Every time I make a little progress here, I slide back there. However, over the past year I have made some important strides and improved over all. It's hard to remember on days like this that I would love to cut off my right leg just to get it to stop screaming. A hot bath with epsom salts will be in order as soon as I get off work. I know, whine, whine, fuss and moan. :tears2:

Hopefully the girls will be in a cuddly mood tonight. In general they like to cuddle after I get out of the shower or bath. I smell tasty then. :) My shampoo is mint and my soap is lanvendar. It's no wonder why I get bunny kisses!
MiniLopHop wrote:
You know it is going to be "one of thoes days" when you get to work and something is poking your bottom. I went into the bathroom to investigate, and there was a piece of hay in my underwear. How did it get there!?! :p


Thanks for sharing, it gave me a good laugh.
I did a little more bunny proofing in my office so the girls can't get themselves into too much trouble, or so I thought. Cindi can still get on the chair and then up to the desk. I had their treats up there and she proceeded to toss the bag around so a bunch fell out. Cindi was ok eating what she gave herself. However, Becky ened up with a tummy ache. :(

I guess it is good that Cindi shared the bounty, but what a naughty bun. The treats are going into a chew proof canister now. So last night I stayed up rubbing Becky's tummy and gave her some simithicone. Thank goodness she is back to her perky self and eating well today. :)

They had their first introductions on home territory. Though not on purpose. I had to take the turtles to the bathroom for their weekend soak in warm water. They are on Cindi's side of the room but the door is on Becky's. My hands were full so I didn't shut the gate behind me. I guess Cindi is feeling more bold these days because she wandered over the Becky's side and sniffed around. There was a little hair pulling, but nothing big. I ended up leaving the gate open for about an hour and sat there watching them. They took turns invading each other's territory. They would get so far and then the home bun would chase them out. There was no fighting though, which made me so proud of them. The bonding is really coming along.

And by request, selected pictures from the flower show. I have 378 in photobucket, so if you would like more you can go there.

The theme was spring time in Paris

A bunny on the huge mary-go-round made of flowers

Cool phantom of the opera theme

sexy store front

window box

lilly of the valley, one of my favories

adorible purse made out of flowers

painting made of flowers

garden scene in miniature

rock garden



me in the greenshouse

the thinker as an ever green


The flower show is so wonderful. There's something for everyone!
I am really struggling with anxiety and depression the last couple days. Looking around the world and all the horrible things happening makes me wonder about things to come. I keep having horrible dreams of the apocalypse. If the rapture comes will my pets go to heaven too or will they suffer with no one to take care of them? Round and round and round my mind goes at night. I'm having a hard time concentrating at work today too. I have to find a way off this horrible ride.
I know it is probably the depression, but I am thinking about getting a pair of guiney pigs to go in Becky's old cage. I would want both the same sex, but other than that I need to do some research. This would be if Elvis can't come home to us. I just don't have the heart to adopt any other buns at this time. It's Elvis or nothing I think. Anyone with piggies have any advice? I had them as kids, but that was long long ago. :)
Hey Brandy! :biggrin2:

Lovely pictures :biggrin:Looks like it was a really nice show. Was it all you expected it to be? It's really lovely to put faces to names too by the way. ;)I'm so sorry to hear about your health. I know how discouraging and frustrating that is. I wish I had more to say but I really don't. Meh. *Big hugs*

How about this... If the end comes for everyone, we'll meet up and hang out. If it comes for one of us, the other will look after the pets. :)To be honest, I don't fear death really. I just accept it as inevitable and try to make the best of the time I have. I have faith that if something were to happen to me, good people would come to the pet's rescue. The stuff going on now is certainly not funny and it is very destructive but I also know that I have just as much if not higher a chance at being struck by a car. If I allow myself to worry about it, I'll just go crazy. Just like I cannot allow myself to think about something happening to Jeff... There are just some things that shouldn't be thought about. Best to deal IF and when it happens. There are way too many what ifs in life to keep a sane mind if you think about them.

As for guinea pigs... They are awesome. Really. I just love them to bits. They are silly, they are sweet, they are noisy, they are cheeky, they are aaaaaaaalways wanting food... Hehehe. They aren't like rabbits, I find them very different and that's what makes it fun because when you have both, you just have the best of both worlds. They aren't as smelly but they generally don't litter train as well as rabbits. They aren't as likely to get offended easily though. :pI find them to be less sensitive than bunnies GI-wise but same precautions go as for the rabbits. I think if you can handle rabbits, you can handle guinea pigs as there are many similarities in terms of care. Piggies do need space though because they don't climb really (unless they have ramps)so they need a lot of horizontal space. (You could always attach a piggie run to Becky's old cage and that could work.) They love to run and explore and they are very easily amused. Give them a cardboard box with a few holes and they will love youforever. They will renovate it though.Lol. My boys decided I could catch them too easily when in the box so they made a side door to escape. :pI love their squeaking and chatting myself. I love when they call me and Jelly Bean is stretched out as far as he possibly could to catch a glimpse of me. Hehehe. Really, they are sweet lil buggers and I plan on having them for years to come. :)
Sophie, Thanks for the encouragement. I am doing much better today. I think I just needed some sound sleep. I have decided not to see the news for a while because the horror is just too intense. There's nothing I can do to help so why torture myself watching?

I have read several scriptures and assured myself that even if my pets can't go to heaven that God will take care of them somehow. Personally, I think our pets do go to heaven because they are innocents.

I love the idea of getting piggies, but I think I will pass for now when I look at it more rationally. We have so many animals that I don't want anyone's care to suffer. If it is the right thing to do then piggies will fall into my lap the way animals have in the past. I have to remind myself that I can not rescue everyone. I need to focus on making the lives of my rescued babies the best they can possibly be. I think I can get a bit OCD. I'm going to focus that intensity on the garden because if I bring home a new plant every week I can still take care of it, versus bringing home a new pet every week very quickly I will not be able to properly take care of everyone. I hope that makes sense. Besides, the buns and turtles will love an updated garden to play in :)
Sure makes sense to me! I can be the same about pets. It's taking a lot a lot of self-discipline. It doesn't help that they're really all I have other than Jeff here. Hehehe. When Jeff is at work, it's just nice to have the pets to play with. :biggrin:I miss rescuing terribly but I know that it's just silly to get back into it with my health. Poop.

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. :)
I had a HUGE breakthrough yesterday. It was one of those AH HA! moments. The whole feeling the need to rescue every possible animal has gotten much worse over the past year. I have been taking Mirapex for restless legs for the past year. The doctor warned me that it can cause excessive gambling, shopping, or risky sex. I really think the compulsion to rescue is from the drug. I feel so much better on it that I'm not going to stop, but it helps me to funnel the urges into a more productive area, like the garden. :)

I ordered 100 strawberry plants last night. There are 2 kinds of June berries and 2 kinds of ever bearing. I'm going to use it as ground cover for around our immature shrubbery in the front. The berries are a bonus :)

I also planted all the seeds to get started in the house so I have nice little plants when the weather warms up. It's 70*F today so I am so ready for spring! Next Tuesday we are supposed to get a few snow flakes though so it's not safe to plant outside yet.

Tonight Joshua has the monthly Friday night tournament so won't be home until around 11 pm. A whole evening left to my own devices gets a little dangerous:big wink:

I have decided to take the bun girls for their first pet store visit. I want to get them harnesses so they can explore the back yard when it gets warmer. I figure it is more fun to take them in to try on the harnesses rather than returning if they don't fit. It will also give me a good chance to see if a car ride makes them snuggle more.

They seem to be good now unless they are in their home territory. I'm not trying to push too hard because I figure they will bond when they are ready. It is nice to watch tv in the evenings with both of them on my lap. They are still trying to decide who is the boss so there is the occasional nip, but from what I understand even bonded pairs do that. :innocent

No updates about Bond/Elvis. He still have two weeks before his next blood test. At that time we have to decide if we are willing to wait even longer (it has been almost 2 months already) or pick another bun. It's a tough decision, I really want that particular rabbit for some reason. I know the foster mother will be wonderful to him if we go for someone else, but it's still not the same. She does bunny massage though and inspired me to get a book for bunny specific massage.

Back in the days I worked as a vet tech I trained and then started my own business doing pet massages. The clientele was exclusively dogs and cats then. I have kept up with massage for my own animals and I think it makes a huge difference. There's nothing cuter than to be massaging Andre and he will stick his feet out and spread his toes. It's like he's asking me to rub his feet, and of course I comply. The buns are learning to trust and relax into it. :D
Dave, great to have the confirmation of choice. I'm so tired of struggling with the garden. The funny thing is that just when I have it perfect and minimal work, we will move. Happens every time. I want to be here long enough to get lots of berries off the plants! It's the one thing that everyone in my house will eat.
I can't wait to get to planting myself... I just hope everything gets done on time. Lol. For now I have some berry plants I can pot so I will get those started. Will you be planting other things? :)
Knock knock!

Hey you ;)How are you? How are the girls doing? Any news on Elvis yet? Lol I'm so hooked on him for some reason. Do you think you can get pics of the other pets when you have a chance? I love seeing them. I don't think I remember seeing your frog? :confused2:

Hope you have a great day!
Hey. I just heard from the rescue place yesterday. Elvis is not doing well medically or emotionally. He has started to be very aggressive towards his foster family to the point the husband can't even feed him. His white blood cell count is still elevated. I'm starting to think it is a sign that he is not the right fit.

They do have several other bunns that are special needs that are available. I think I may take the girls for mini dates April 9 or 10 to see if they get along with anyone. Who knows, they may be strict lesbuns and not accept any male. *shrug*

I have been playing with the camera and the fish tanks. I think I got a good picture of Kermit. I probably won't get to uploading until the weekend though.

Work has been nuts and I'm just trying to keep up. Not feeling well doesn't help either. To top it all off we were just notified (not a secret, it is also in the news) that my company is the target of a hostile take over. Yipee Skippy
Last week was emotionally rough, but things are going better now. We are still under the threat of being taken over, but there's nothing I can do to change it so I'm not going to stress myself.

Pictures from Friday night's movie cuddle. Cindi does not like the camera, but the pictures turned out cute anyway. I love bunny lips!



Sturday morning I went to Luv-n-bunns (rescue group) to meet Elvis and BeBe, the two special need boys we were considering adopting. Neither of the boys worked well with my girls though. However, when we tried Houdini it was instant love! He is an angora that was born at the shelter. His mom and three other pregnant does came in from a hoarding situation. He is the last to be adopted (10 months old). He is great about being brushed and so sweet. He's only 3.7 pounds but looks large, just lots of hair!

A cute pic of Becky from Saturday

Pictures of him settling in.



Note the cats are also in the picture. Andre is under the apple box and Victoria is walking out the door. Andre is the only one Becky lets go into "her" bunn cave. :)

Congrats on your new addition!!! He's adorable! I wanted an angora in the past but didn't think it'd be good outdoors and Jeff isn't their biggest fan. I'm so glad I'll get to see pics of your boy. :biggrin:Very cute!

I've been munching on those cookies btw... They are yummy! Nice comfort food. Hehehe. But I errr wellummmm have no more skittles already. :expressionlessLOL. I tried to make them last but I guess I was less well-disciplined than I had hoped :pI am waiting for some deliveries but I am working on your box ;)

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