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Hi, i’m a fairly new rabbit owner and has had my 5 and a half month old rabbit for over a month now
So far, i feed him a handful of lettuce and 3 slices of pepper or cucumber or carrot twice a day for breakfast and dinner. He also has pellets and hay on offer for him 24/7
I thought that maybe i was feeding him too much since he looks bigger than when i got him but when i visited his siblings, they were a bigger then him. He is quite active and loves running and jumping around his outdoor run, and i’ve noticed he gets especially energetic after his breakfast and dinner. I also don’t know what type of rabbit he is so it’s difficult to do my own research
If you have any, advice on how much i should feed my rabbit is greatly appreciated. i’ll attach some photos of him in different positions for reference!

So far, i feed him a handful of lettuce and 3 slices of pepper or cucumber or carrot twice a day for breakfast and dinner. He also has pellets and hay on offer for him 24/7
I thought that maybe i was feeding him too much since he looks bigger than when i got him but when i visited his siblings, they were a bigger then him. He is quite active and loves running and jumping around his outdoor run, and i’ve noticed he gets especially energetic after his breakfast and dinner. I also don’t know what type of rabbit he is so it’s difficult to do my own research
If you have any, advice on how much i should feed my rabbit is greatly appreciated. i’ll attach some photos of him in different positions for reference!