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  1. L

    Rescued a mistreated bun

    Hey everyone! My hubby and I rescued a bunny today, making our count to 3! She is a very sweet girl, and the owner, even though well meaning, did NOT know how to take care of her. When we got her home, she had nails probably an inch long! :shock: Also, the owner tried to give us her...
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    Anti Social Chyna

    Hi everyone! We are having sort of a problem with Miss Chyna and I was hoping someone could give me some advice. When she came home with Tupper in August, she was (and is) very shy. She hides from my husband and I, and absolutely cringes any time we try and pet her. I have tried spending some...
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    Our new baby girl, Chyna!

    Hey everyone! Tupper got himself a wifey! Her name is Chyna. She is 6 months old, and looks like she still has a whole lot of growing to do! Here's a pic of her:
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    Why is this funny?

    Why is it whenever we talk about having a bunny, people automatically mention having rabbit stew for dinner? They say it as a joke, and I guess to some people it would be funny, but would it be funny if I talk about bbqing their dog or cat? My husband even has a friend who has renamed our bunny...
  5. L

    Just wanted to say Thank You

  6. L

    How to get bunny used to new place

    Hey all, It's been a hectic week so far! Monday morning found out my husband got into the summer law program at Alabama. So now we are trying to get packed and moved in to the new apartment (from Conway, Ar to Tuscaloosa, AL) before first day of class on May 26th!! :shock: Needless to say, my...
  7. L

    Sticky clear eye discharge

    Hey all Mr. Tupper has just recovered from a very bad strain of pasturella. It took us six weeks of lots of antibiotics, that made him go into GI Stasis, but we pulled him through! YAY! One thing that has been concerning me is his eyes. He has been having a clear sticky discharge coming from...
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    Just wanted to say Thank You

    I want to get on here, and thank everyone who helped with that psycho Craigslist witch. She hasn't posted another ad on there all week. I haven't heard from the Humane Society (keep getting answering machine when calling), but I am taking her silence as a victory, and that maybe they actually...
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    HELP!! Crazy Craigslist psycho is back!!

    Here is her new post on Craigslist!! What do I do? I have already notified the ASPCA and Humane Society in the area!
  10. L

    4 week old bunnies being sold on Craigslist!!

    Hey all I ran across this ad while browsing Craigslist. I remember a discussion on here before about 4 weeks being too young to be sold. I tried talking to this lady, but she basically told me to shove it where the sun don't a nice southern way...
  11. L

    Can bunnies do stairs?

    Hey all We are moving this summer to a new city (hubby is going to law school), and we are looking into places to live. There are some nice townhouses in our price range, but I am worried about Tupper and the whole stair situation. I have this fear that he will tumble down the stairs! :tears2...
  12. L

    Tupper's birthday!!!

    Today is Tupper's 5th birthday!! His first since I got him last year! I wanted to get him a birthday hat and take pictures, but he said in no uncertain terms that he doesn't do hats, lol :D I have a feeling I would lose an arm even trying to put one on him ;) So, anyways, here is his birthday...
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    Sorry...somehow, got this in the wrong forum. Please delete, mod :D
  14. L

    Bunny birthday cake

    Hi all :D Well, Tupper baby is celebrating his first birthday with us later this month (he will be turning 5!), and I want to give him a bunny birthday cake. Does anyone have suggestions on what would be a great cake for him? I told my hubby that I am going to get him a birthday hat, and take...
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    Tupper's first trip with us!!

    Hey all :D I just wanted to let everyone know that we just got back from our week long holiday trip with Tupper, and he did great! He was a good boy, didn't bite anyone, and even started cuddling into me and hubby. I know he was just clinging onto someone familiar in a strange new setting, but...
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    Not drinking

    Hey all I am concerned about my Tupper. He doesn't seem to be drinking water at all! He has a bottle, but when I started noticing this, I got him a bowl for water as well. Now he has both, and I still don't notice the water decreasing, or him drinking. I just read about putting a little apple...
  17. L

    Harness and Leash training

    Hey all! I am trying to get Mr. Tupper used to the harness, and later the leash, for our big trip in a couple of weeks. Today was day 1, and I put the harness on. He didn't like it at all! Jumped around a little bit, and then started grooming himself, like that would make it magically fall off...
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    Just wanted to say it to everyone!! :D
  19. L

    Bunny Crack!

    I just got a mini bale of Oat Hay from binkybunny! I put some in his play house, and haven't seen him since...that was 15 minutes ago!! This is bunny crack!! :shock:
  20. L

    Need ideas for temporary cage

    Hey all I need your help in deciding what to do. This Christmas we are going to North Carolina to see my hubby's family, and I am trying to decide what to do for Tupper's cage. This is my idea so far. I was thinking of getting a medium or large dog crate (the wire ones) and using that as a...