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  1. love4bunnies


    I want to buy a Black Holland Lop doe but not sure what colors are in her background as the lady is still looking for her pedigree. Was wondering would i get all black if i bred her to a Harlequin or Tri buck? Thanks
  2. love4bunnies

    best color to breed a chestnut to.

    What is the best colors to breed a chestnut holland lop to?
  3. love4bunnies

  4. love4bunnies

    Please Help

    I have a Holland Lop Doe that wastes food like crazy.She digs it all out of her metal feeder.:( Does anyone have any idea what i can do to get her to stop this:?
  5. love4bunnies

    What Color?

    On her pedigree she is listed as a Orange. I always thought Orange was brighter then her color. Her father was a Orange and her mother was a Chestnut.
  6. love4bunnies

    What will i get if

    Connor is my Tri(Charlie i think) Buck and Patches is my Doe. Will i get Charlies if i breed them together? 2 pictures of Connor. This is Patches
  7. love4bunnies

    color of

    Could someone please tell me the color of the Mini Rex in picture up at top on right and the one at the bottom of picture? Thanks.
  8. love4bunnies

    Is my Holland Lop a Charlie

    Is Connor a Charlie? I bred him to my broken Magpie and got 5 charlies i think.They will be a week on Sunday. Will post pictures opf them then. Connor
  9. love4bunnies

    Mini Rex

    Does anyone have any idea what color this Mini Rex doe is? She doesn`t have a pedigree.
  10. love4bunnies

    How can people be so cruel

    Here is a bunny my husband and i found today on our way to town in a open top cage at side of road.The top was wide open. There was about 2 inches of water in his cage so my husband dumped the water out and we brought him home as he was cold and very wet. We dried him all off and dried...
  11. love4bunnies

    Frosty ??????

    Is this what you would call a frosty? He is out of a Harlequin and Black and he has Fawn,Harlequin,Broken Chocolate and broken Tort as grandparents. He has blue gray eyesbut when he was younger he had blue eyes The camera flash makes him look like he has red eyes,:( Is there such a...
  12. love4bunnies

    Magpie or Broken Magpie

    Would you call this Holland Lop Doe(Picture makes her look bigger then what she really is) a Broken Magpie or Magpie. She is listed as a Magpie on her Pedigree. Her picture is on my profile. Are they showable in Canada? Thanks.
  13. love4bunnies

    Question about a color breeding Mini Rex

    I have a chance to buy a Blue or Lilac Tort Mini Rex doe out of a Harlequin mom and Chocolate Dad. If i buy her and breed her to a Tri what colors may i get? Not sure what colors are in the Tri`s background. The picture i have on here is the Blue or Lilac torts mom.
  14. love4bunnies

    Please Help

    I just bought a Netherland Dwarf buck and doe with their 4-4 week old babies. The lady brought them to me but didn`t tell me that the doe was expecting again. I guess her next door neighbour`s boy let them out of the cage and i guess they bred before the owner caught them and put them back...
  15. love4bunnies

    Holland Lop color please.???????
  16. love4bunnies

    Air Conditioning

    Does anyone have air conditioning in their rabbitry? Does it help the rabbits stay cool?:?
  17. love4bunnies

    What color to breed with Siamese Sable

    I just bought a Siamese Sable Holland Lop buck and i don`t have his pedigree so have no idea what is in his background.:( What color doe should i breed him with or the best color to try ? Thanks.:)
  18. love4bunnies

    Water dishes for Holland Lops in unheated rabbitry in winter.

    Hi, I heard or read somewhere that if Holland Lops get their ears in the water dish in the winter time in an unheated rabbitry that they can freeze them and then that is really bad, What kind of dishes would you use so this does not happen.:? Thanks in advance.:)
  19. love4bunnies

    Problem with

    Hi, I tried to get my Mini Rex doe bred with my buck(in picture)but he just sat there.Wasn`t interested at all so i checked him and he only has one testicle fully dropped but the other one is very small and doesn`t look developed. Will it develop and drop? Not sure of his age. Please help...
  20. love4bunnies

    Tri ?????

    I bought this little Holland Lop doe today and am wondering is she a Tri? She is 4 months old. I love her color.:D Can i only breed her to a Harlequin?