Recent content by Cabrissi

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  1. Cabrissi

    Cinnamon the Cinnabun's Bunderful Life

    Just popping in real quick... things have been a bit nuts and my free-time has been on the short side of non-existant atm but I had to post this here because it was so hilarious! So I've always said Cinnamon was a bit odd as she's not been keen on banana and everyone says how their buns go...
  2. Cabrissi

    Pfffft! Thats not a rabbit!!!

    He is too cute! I loovvee those big loppy ears! :D
  3. Cabrissi


    Welcome to RO! :D
  4. Cabrissi

    Angel's spay - before & after...she did well! Thanks for prayers and well wishes

    Aw, glad she came through well! What a little cutie!
  5. Cabrissi

    Word Association - 2010

  6. Cabrissi

    Mother and 2 kitten/My current foster cat

    Sending you heaps of sympathy... it is the hardest thing about fostering little ones like these. I've had two litters fostered as you are doing, for shelters where anything under 600g (so, about 6 weeks), pregnant or ill in any way is automatically euthanized. I've had a couple litters like...
  7. Cabrissi

    Word Association - 2010

  8. Cabrissi

    My rabbits just LOVE...

    I would try a multipronged attack of preventing access as much as possible (management, preventing them from practicing the behaviour any further) as well as providing them with and redirecting to appropriate chew items (you'll want to have lots of them, of different types and textures, of high...
  9. Cabrissi

    Word Association - 2010

  10. Cabrissi

    Hai There...

    Hi Sadie! I'm in Victoria but I'm originally from Michigan and am an ex-vet student. Looking forward to hearing a lot more about your buns! :D
  11. Cabrissi

    Little Bit wants a Bunny.

    *stalking you* (But only in a nice way!) I think the cot idea is great... good use for cots for cosleepers for sure!
  12. Cabrissi

    Scone MacBunny

    *virtually snuggles Scone* A gorgeous bun like that NEEDS heaps of photos taken of him! He's totally smoochable!
  13. Cabrissi

    Flooring and Warmth for outdoor hutch

    Forgot to mention - Bunnings has seagrass mats for $2 the buns LOVE! Great for lounging on, chewing and if you take a couple zip ties to a rolled up one they make good hidey-holes. (Can you tell I am so excited you're getting a bunny???) For the aviary wire you could always advertize on...
  14. Cabrissi

    Flooring and Warmth for outdoor hutch

    I use lino under the buns ex-pen... it's indoors, so a bit different but imo it works well and cleans easily. Carpet can be an issue with ingestion... but it depends on the bun... younger buns are going to be more cheeky than older buns, some individuals are just chewers by nature and it also...
  15. Cabrissi

    Got Ears?

    Michiko is way too gorgeous with those big e-loppy ears of hers! What a little sugardrop! Hopefully the weather settles out for you soon and it's not so hot, they do feel it quite keenly don't they?