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Thank You Erika I am trying to get information on all avenues

SO I just got off the phone with that Julia I mentioned. she reaised FG for years but no longer does. She gave me the same options all of you did.

I told here where I bought Jay Jay from and she knows him well from shows and feeback from ppl who have bought rabbits from him then came to her. also she said she has see a lot of his rabbits on the table and they all were aggressive. She thinkgs cuz it is his rabbit it is a genetic thing
As I was reading this thread, I was thinking of the sanctuary idea that Pipp gave you. It is something I would actually like to do some day for bunnies with behavioural problems.

I'm sorry this is happening though, I was petsitting a bunny last Summer and had the same problem. I really think it's to do with the scent of your other bunny. The bunny I was looking after was a neuteured male too. He was fine until I had been out feeding and cuddling my own bunnies, and then he went to give him a cuddle, he smelled my jumper and bite me. After that he would attack me anytime he came out for a run, thankfully I was able to hand him back after two weeks!

I can understand how scared you are, believe me I was terrified of this bunny! I couldn't even feed him, I had his bowl right against the door so I could pour it in through the bars and to let him out for a run I would open the door slightly, get on a chair and open the door with a brush :D To put him back in I'd wait till he was well away from the hutch and put in veggies, then when he climbed in to eat I'd run over and shut the door! He even stood outside my bedroom door before and wouldn't let me out :shock:

Good luck with Jay Jay!
UPDATE: John had Jay Jay out tonight for a while I guess all was going well. I was in the basement. I went to the bathroom at one point and he chased me, but i am sure it was cuz i was anxious aand he could smell that.

When it was supper time I go upstirs again and hear a comotion. I get into the kitchen andI see John putting Jay Jay away. I was told he was attacking John now. The story was John was on the floor cuddling with him then got up to take care of supper and he walked around like normal then at one point Jay Jay started to linge ears flat and bit his heal when John walked past him. John turned around and Jay Jay jumped at him again. John scooped him up and put him away immediately.

I asked John some of the questions that u all asked me. and it seems like nothing set him off John just walked by that it and Boom got him good on the heal.

OK I know this sounds bad but i am glad John saw it first hand so now he doesnt think I am crazy.
My brother had a buck with the same issues. One minute he was petting him, the next, the buck had lunged at his face and bit his nose.
Pipp wrote:
I have no doubt that Jay Jay will improve at least somewhat, I think Monty's neuter will help, as will just time. Thus I'm also recommending that Monty gets neutered and Jay Jay has some time to get used to him, because if nothing else works, keeping him (isolated) may be the only option left (that isn't euthanasia). I certainly wouldn't try bonding him with Monty unless he turns into a sweet trustworthy bunny longterm.

But the reality is that chances are pretty slim that he'll progress that far.

Jay Jay may never be trustworthy in a home that involves small children and day care. His bad behaviour is beyond any bunny nipping I've seen, and because he's so big, it can't be easily dismissed like it is with my little guys. Jay Jay can do damage. (I don't even want to think about the potential liability issues).

Right now, I really think other options must be explored. If something perfect for Jay Jay comes up, great, problem solved.

More likely, though, the search will take time, and the option of him getting used to Monty will be there regardless.

sas :expressionless:
Sorry I didnt reply to this

But I know there r a lot of u rooting for me to take the time with Jay Jay. I have not dismissed any of you and your ideas and suggestions I am not taking this lightly.

SO here is what I have been thinking about:

I dont wanna euthanize him, But I do feel it is in my family's best interest to place him in a home that would b better suited to handle his special needs.

I do not have the room in my home to set Jay Jay and Montys cages next to each other long term to get them used to each other. my home is just to small.

Lastly I am scared, and after the situation with John last night he is concerned that Jay Jay will progressively get worse and hurt the boys.

I left a message with MCRS and will wait till i hear from them b4 I go ahead and do anything further. BUT if they can not help me I will then contact SAS to help me get a Craigslist ad set up.

I feel better i am no longer confused about what to do and making this decision was no an easy task, but I feel it is the right option for all of us

I am sorry if I have let any of you down, and I again thank you all for your generosity and support.

No worries. You haven't let anyone down.
On the contrary, you have recognized that Jay Jay needs a very experienced bunny behaviour person to correct his extreme issue. Without professional help, he won't reach his full potential.
Nothing wrong with making that happen for him.

This is the right, responsible choice for Jay Jay, your young family, and your day care kids.

It is all good.

You have to do what is right for you and your family. JJ is in a good bunny home now, and there seems to be more bunnies than good bunny homes. I feel bad that situation with JJ has gotten to this point. When it comes to an issue of saftey, I can not second guess your decision. I only hope that you can take the time to find the right place for JJ, and that you find the right place for JJ.

If you do decide to get another bun, I hope that you wait until after Monty is fixed and give some time for the hormones to get out of his system. Then I hope you take Monty along to see if the new bunny wants to be friends with Monty - that way, hopefully, you won't have to go through this again.

I've seen some people say that you can bond any two bunnies...but I have never believed that. Sometimes bunnies just don't get along. I guess this is one of those cases.

All you can do is yer best. It looks like you are doing that right now.

I wish you and JJ the best of luck.
Thank You Autumn for the kind words!!

Torch...I have talked to a rescue in IL...No Splitting Hares. She gave me lots to think about and seems to be very helpful I am still waiting for calls back from a couple other rescues I called.

I want to do what is best make all the "right" decisions. I hope I do...this one does feel right for all of us. We all make mistakes in life and I hope i do not make any, any time soon :)

ETA: spelling errors
Denise, You surely didn't let me down. I completly understand why you made the decision you did.

I couldn't imagine living with a rabbit I was afraid of. I adopted both of mine with my ex and when we first brought them home. I would make him reach in their cages and pick them up or feed them because I was afraid they would bite me. I know how stupid that sounds, but I am a baby when it comes to pain. Once I saw they didn't bite him, I was fine with them.

I wish you the best of luck finding Jay Jay a new home. And don't feel bad for making the best decision for your family. I think everyone can understand why you made the decision you did, I know I can.
SO John, Zander, and I went to Illinois yest. We decided to take Jay Jay to No Splitting Hares Rescue. I was impressed with the owner Lisa over the phone so we made the long trip down there.

I knew i made the right decision yest. morning when John went to place Jay Jay in the carrier and he was biting him. I know Jay Jay is in good hands and I am grateful for the help, Lisa gave us.

In return I donated a lot of things to her rescue along with a monetary donation. I also wanted to take the advice of (I think SAS) to do a trade. Lisa has a lot of rabbits that need homes, and adding one more would still be added work for her, especially one that needs more time to manage.

The rescue is a 2 story farm home and it is completely devoted to bunnys. If I had to guess she probably has 100. So after a long time of crying and debating we decided to adopt an older girl (no name) I have no idea how old she is, or what her breed is. she needs some weight to b put on her and only was at the rescue about 2 weeks and has come along way since she has gotten there (weight wise I mean) She does have an ear tattoo so that leads me to belive she might be purebred. I could be wrong tho.

We decided to name her Rose and I weighed her this morning and she is 6.6lbs but u can feel her bones and u can see a lot of places that look like they need to b filled out.




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