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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2020
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My REW doe is pregnant 24 days now. I found her out of her pen, which is 34 inches tall. I’ve seen our rabbits be able to jump out and they kind of have to climb it toward the end and then jump down. So I’m worried that she will miscarry because she hurt her babies possibly. Do you think she might miscarry? She rarely jumps out, so of course she has to do it when she’s pregnant. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The bunnies who jump out in our Rabbitry, I put a covering over their area so they don’t jump out. I’m just worried she may have hurt her babies.
That is impossible to answer without a rather extensive examination, and even that quite likely would be inconclusive. Imo, most likely she's fine. But better modify your pens.
You would need to go to a vet to find out, but rabbits are pretty amazing so i wouldn't worry unless you see problems come up.