When can I let my Bun be more active after surgery?

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Aug 15, 2019
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Hi, all!
It’s been quite the 6 weeks with my bun. It all began with a Stasis scare, and it took him about 2 weeks to be 100% again. About a week and a half ago, I came home for lunch, and noticed that he wasn’t right again. Not eating, hunched up. I felt on his belly, and felt a little pea sized lump... I freaked! Immediate vet trip. My vet told me that it was his hernia! It had popped out. She popped it back in, but told me if it happened again, he would need surgery. Well.... Thursday... one week later, it popped out again. Surgery that morning.
Anyway, now it has been 72 hours since his procedure.. and he is going STIR CRAZY being cooped up in the lower level of his hutch (he has a two story one and an ex-pen surrounds it). I’m such an overprotective mother, so I am so leery of letting him do much... but at the same time he REALLY wants to go out in his ex-pen to explore some. I have let him out a couple of times briefly...for about 5 mins each.
My vet wasn’t super specific about what it meant to keep him from being overly active...so what is y’all’s input? I think I am right in slowly reintroducing him to his exercise pen.

Just as an FYI... from what I have gathered, his hernia surgery is a pretty similar equivalent to a female spay. Not a super invasive surgery, but also definitely not “mild” like his neuter was.
I’m hoping that his health issues recently all can be connected back to this hernia, and that we can move on after the recovery!

Thank you!
I would let him out supervised. He knows what hurts and if he starts to get a little too excited/crazy you can just put him back in his cage.
No dont let him out quite yet.
Bunnys often do NOT know their limits and if he binkies or runs and rips any internal sutures he will be in trouble.
You need to keep him from running and jumping. You can shrink the pen if you need to but it is also your job to give him things to do so he isnt bored.
I was told to keep my male in a cage for 7 days after his neuter, and away from other animals for 2 weeks. For a major abdominal surgery, I’d definitely let him heal for at least a week, or maybe longer if his stitches were still healing. It would be a good idea to call the vet and see what they recommend.