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OMG - she is gorgeous!! I love her so much!! What a lovely lady - but I guess I finally realized that the BUNNY would go to the butcher - ??!!! How can that be..? When I read something about it above, I thought someone was going to the butchery, I don't know, I completely misunderstood it 'cause I never thought someone would do that to a bunny.
I'm so happy to know that you saved her! And that she'll be in a good home where she'll be loved!
It must be so cool to have lots of big bunnies at home!
Tonight was our rabbit club meeting and I picked up Jenny our new e-lop addition to the herd. I wasn't planning on picking her up until Saturday after I had time to re-arrange the bunny room and set up a cage.

Well I got things rearranged and I will be spending the next couple of days finding new homes for the stuff I had to move quickly tonight. Oh well.

Since tonight was rabbit club meeting, she brought Jenny, and we picked her up after it was over. When we got home I put her in her new cage and gave her some food, hay, water and some toys.

In a couple of minutes she will get her first introduction to banana chips.

OH...MY...GOODNESS!!!! She is beautiful! Another great addition to wabbitdad/wabbitmom's herd. :biggrin2:

I love that you rescued her...one positive story for a great bunny. I know that around here it's rare to hear of an English lop being sent to the butcher, or winding up in shelters; they're so hard to find! (However, there was a bonded pair of e-lops in the Toronto Humane Society several months ago, so it does happen.) Dave, she's a gorgeous girl who has found a wonderful home. And I love her name...it reminds me of Forrest Gump's girl, Jenny (or as Forrest would say it, "Jennnayyy").

Congrats on the new addition!

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I finally got a email back from the lady with the elop that would go to a butcher if she doesn't find a home.  The bunny has a abnormal chest cavity and with that trait being genetic, that is why she is not breedable.

Here are a couple of pictures of Jenny.  I like her name so I think she will keep her name.


Thursday night when I brought Jenny into the rabbit room, Nibbles the matron of the herd and my first bunny, was not amused and made the loudest thump I have ever heard her do. I made up with her tonight and we watched some tv together while I dozed in and out of consciousness.

Well Jenny's first couple of days have gone well. When I walk into the room she wants to be let out of her cage now! She is a really sweet girl, who loves to get petted. Thursday night I introduced her to banana chips. She never had them before. She wasn't sure at first, but she took a little taste and devoured it. Tonight she is getting introduced to craisins.

This morning she, um tried to mount my leg, when I was feeding everyone. I let her out while I was filling food dishes and she would come over for pets. She did a dead bunny flop behind me against my feet and another while I was petting her in-front of Sweeties cage. I have never had a bunny do that before, they have done it in their cages but not while I was petting them.

There are positives and negatives to having chronic insomnia. The plus side is I can get a lot done, negative side by the end of the day I am pooped. This morning I woke up at 3 am and thought about cleaning the kitchen. Luckily common sense kicked in and I had a snack and laid down again and fell asleep. When I woke up at 6 I decided to slice up some bananas and try again at making banana chips.

Soooska, aka Susan, gave me some tips, so I sliced up three banana's, soaked them in lemon juice for 20 minutes and fired up the dehydrator. Eight and a half hours later I checked them and they turned out great. Several of the buns ate them but I had two critics (Tiny and Carmel)who turned their noses up at them. So I took a banana chip and split it and offered it to them. They both ate the pieces right up so I have succeeded!

A little update on the lady who "gave" me Jenny. No mention of money was made at all during phone conversations or emails. When I picked Jenny up after the rabbit club meeting, she said rather timidly that her husband said we would have gotten at least $5 at the butcher for her, so would I give her $5 for Jenny. I was somewhat taken aback . I wasn't going to let such a sweet bun go the butchers for a mere five dollars so I said yes.

I thought that asking money for a rabbit that you were trying to find a good home for was rather rude and gutsy. Oh well I got a heck of a bargain. Although having two e-lops in the house does make me wonder what I might be in for.

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Although having two e-lops in the house does make me wonder what I might be in for.

[align=left]Brady Hawkes says that when you come to steal the flemish - bring Jenny along and she can take an extended vacation - he'll even get a litter box built for two!

Oh and he says give him a heads up and he'll have the flemish in kennels and unlock the doors for you.....
TinysMom wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Although having two e-lops in the house does make me wonder what I might be in for.


[align=left]Brady Hawkes says that when you come to steal the flemish - bring Jenny along and she can take an extended vacation - he'll even get a litter box built for two!

Oh and he says give him a heads up and he'll have the flemish in kennels and unlock the doors for you.....



Jenny says it is tempting, she said Brady Hawkes is very handsome.
Not since my Lilly, a light gray flemmie doe (RIP), have I seen a rabbit make a transition to a new home so quickly.

Just a few mintues ago, I went in to the bunny room to fill water bottles and food dishes. I let Jenny out, I sat on the floor while she circled me a couple of times and then came up to get some pets. I petted her a little and then she went and did a whole bunch of binkies and a dead bunny flop in the communal litter box I have in the bunny room.

I filled all the water bottles and knelt down to pet her and she did two more. I went over to check Mr. Handsome's food and she hopped up next to me and I started to pet her and all of a sudden she kicked her hind legs off to the side while I continued to give her some more pets.

It just amazes me!
What really amazes me about the elops is that they don't so much flick you off as do some sort of this huge kick with their back legs....

This was the photo I got today of Jar Jar as he was coming back down.

It wasn't a binky though - it was a kicking of the back legs....very different than even the flemmies do when they flick me off.

Saturday I bought a baby gate for the hallway atWally world for $10. First I thought it might slow down Daisy in the morning when she jumps the bunny room gate and second, it would allow the buns more room to play, by allowing them access to the hallway.

You can see that engineering mind of her e-lop brain (Bassetluv says the "e" in e-lop stands for engineer) performing all the calculations necessary to get over this minor inconvenience.

Hmm what is this?


Lets take a quick measurement.


I wonder if I can use these clothes to get over this thing.


It doesn't look any taller then this and I can jump this.


Does he seriously think this is going to stop me?


Gratuitous bunny butt shot


Miss Jenny


A little groomin for my hoomin


Jenny binkie


This is mine now!


This is Jenny's dead bunny flop, I think she is happy here. (if you look close you can see big bunny teeth)


Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Saturday I bought a baby gate for the hallway atWally world for $10. First I thought it might slow down Daisy in the morning when she jumps the bunny room gate and second, it would allow the buns more room to play, by allowing them access to the hallway.

You can see that engineering mind of her e-lop brain (Bassetluv says the "e" in e-lop stands for engineer) performing all the calculations necessary to get over this minor inconvenience.
Oh Dave - I hate to burst your bubble (ok....not really)....BUT...

My lionheads already figured out how to get around this....didn't even take a lop's intelligence to figure it out.

They CHEWED THROUGH the gate....and created a hole.

Art thought he'd outsmart them....he flipped it over so the holes were on top.

THEY CHEWED THROUGH IT AGAIN.....and now have TWO holes - one on top and one on bottom...

I suspect that Puckina is already sending the instructions to Daisy and Jenny - I've noticed her deep in thought with her ears at attention as if she was sending out a signal....

Wabbitdad12 wrote:

This is Jenny's dead bunny flop, I think she is happy here.[/b] (if you look close you can see big bunny teeth)


I think this is my most favorite pic of all! :biggrin:
Awe... Dave, I love Jenny's coloring. She kind of has a Cinnamon-ish type of coloring... my favorite! She is officially on my bunny-nabbing list!! :ph34r2
TinysMom wrote:
Have Daisy and Jenny met at all?

How is Daisy handling it?

They have only met through the cages. When Daisy is over at Jenny's, Jenny doesn't fight with her through the wires. Daisy on the other hand, doesn't like when Jenny comes over.

Overall Daisy is doing ok with Jenny, Nibbles on the other is not handling it well.

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