Tony Montana

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Nevermind, I'll just rename them on the server... will take a few minutes then you should be able to see them again!
Tony is so cute, I really glad he's feeling better and that his eye is healing.

I can't remember did you say what breed of rabbit he is (beside beingcute). I love his ears they are so big, he reminds me of "TheFlying Nun". LOL

Susan and the Gang :bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
I guess he is a scrub. :)

He came from a garden center originally so who knows what he is. Heonly weighs 1.8 pounds and the doctor GUESSed his age at 4 months. So Iam hoping he is a dwarf style mixed-breed.SOOOSKA wrote:
Tony is so cute, Ireally glad he's feeling better and that his eye is healing.

I can't remember did you say what breed of rabbit he is (beside beingcute). I love his ears they are so big, he reminds me of "TheFlying Nun". LOL

Susan and the Gang :bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
Here is his "bad" eye, looking a lot better... and still a week to go on his antibiotics.


More pictures soon!

I am so glad he is doing this well... we are spoiling rotten!
Wow, it's looking really good.

You guys are doing such a great job with him. He's one very LUCKY bunny to have you guys as parents.

The doctor seemed really pleased with how thngsare progressing and he said we shouldn't have to go back. Soprobably the next time he sees the vet it will to beneutered.

When should a boy bunny get fixed? His testicles aren't showing yet, does that mean he isn't old enough?
Close up of his eye, as bad as it looks it was SO much worse when we first got him.


He may turn out to be not much of a Scarface after all!
Tony's litterbox training is going prettywell... he mostly pees in his box already! When he is out ofhis cage in his pen area, he eats up the straw mat we got him, thengoes back into the cage to the box to poop. Sometimes he getstoo busy eating pellets and forgets and just poops on the cage floor,but hey, he's a baby!
Tony who's laughing at your ears? Maybe I will come Bunny Nap you if they don't stop laughing at your ears.

You tell everybody that those ears are what makes you special and withthose ears you can hear much better when your Mommie or Daddy aregetting treats for you, I'm sure you can hear them open the Craisinpackage from far away.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
We don't really laugh at his ears but that's what the picture looked like he was thinking!

His ears make him special. LOL

And we forgot to buy craisins when we were at the grocery yesterday. I'll pick some up tomorrow.

So far Tony's favorite munchy is cilantro. :bunnydance::clover::rabbithop
Just catching up with this thread now, and Igotta say, Tony is CUTE!!! His eye is looking much better than it wasin the first pics - obviously the 5am treatment worked ;). Hereally is a lucky boy to have found such good bunny parents :)



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