The Three Musketeers

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What a cute video! I giggled because of how we're sometimes comparing Snowy with Doc, but if your mom was holding Doc instead, he'd probably be sprawled out from her tummy to her chin, he's so huge! :p
Lyndy, I know, I called Doc Snowy´s big brother. Snowy is really small, I forget sometimes how small he is in comparison to all of yours but he´s the ideal size for my mom to handle and he behaves himself so well....he´s my good little bunny with humans but not so good sometimes with his buddy buns hahaha, he is a little dominant bun at heart despite his size. I do laugh when he chases Bandy sometimes and Bandy jumps on top of the cage to get away, it is so funny.
Lisa, yes I imagine Aggie is a cool bunny like that, I can see her loving being stroked and made a fuss of and she has such a lovely coat to boot. I´d love to sit and stroke Bandy but he´s always off like a shot...he does not like having to sit on my knee for long.
Please get a video of Snowy chasing Bandy and Bandy escaping to the top of the cage! What a riot. It's funny how the littlest buns have the biggest personalities, it was definitely like that with Dora, who was 3 pounds.
Lyndy, I definitely will and yes it is so funny as Bandy is about twice his size but still runs...he is a big bun living in a very small bunny body haha.
Haha, yes, you should get a video of Snowy chasing Bandy. That would be too funny to see. :)

Snowy is such a sweet snugglebun, he kind of reminds me of Ash, Ash is really snuggly too.
Snowy would be happy to have snuggles with all of you and he loves nose licks.

Haven't managed to get the video of Snowy and Bandy yet, no chasing today but I did get one of those moments where you think...where´s that bunny. I´d done their enclosure this morning and had put them back and about half an hour later, I couldn´t see Bandy and I had that moment of panic...lo and behold, he´s hidden in the little house in the small cage under where their food bowl is...I didn´t even think he´d fit . Anyway, I took a couple of photos as it made me laugh as he kept then popping his head out...they are so funny at times.

I also laughed at the two boys in their own little houses...they did look very comfy.

They both look so cute in their tiny hideyplaces. He looks like he has a beard going on, like Gandolf. Lol, that's one if Buster's nickname bc my step brother thinks he looks like gandolf lol!!!!
Aww, Bandy peeping out of his hidey house! I totally know what you mean about "where's the bun" moments.. Once I actually had a real one with Dora. D&D were out with me and my roommate in the living room, then it was time for bed and for buns to go back. I went to get something from the hall closet first, and came back to put them away. No Dora, just Doc. I looked under the couch, behind the couch, behind the blinds, no Dora! There was no way she could have gotten out of the living room because I section it off. I was so confused. After several frantic minutes, I went back to the closet and opened it. There she was, staring right at me! "Mommm, why did you shut me in here??" She must have darted in during the split second it took me to get whatever I wanted. So quiet and sneaky! I miss her so much, she always made me laugh.

I can't really tell from your pictures, but I'm curious - what exactly is the boys' living situation? I feel like their enclosure has a few cages in it, just not sure which bun bunks with which!
Oh my goodness, they are so cute! I just Bandy! I was going to say that maybe I had a favorite of yours, but I don't think I can choose one! They all have different qualities that I really LOVE! haha. And they're not even my rabbits! hahaha
Katie, Bandy has like whiskers that men used to have in the 19th century, he´s got great whiskers, he´s grown into them. Snowy loves his little wooden house but that´s the first time I´ve seen Bandy in that little hidey hole, he´s obviously getting to like it.

Lyndy, there are two cages and an xpen round them. Bandy and Snowy live in the xpen/small cage where Bandy was hiding and Houdini lives in a larger cage on his own. They get as much time out of their cages as I can let them when I´m in the house which is usually more in the winter and less in the summer as I´m busier.

Lisa, yes Bandy has a brown ring and a black one, I´ve sort of got so used to them but they do suit him and when he looks straight at you, he´s got such a cute face.

Morgan, I don´t really have a favourite, some days it´s one and another day it´s another but I adore all three and couldn´t choose one above another. They are all so different and have definite personalities...who says bunnies are boring lol.

Left mom in on her own this afternoon with the buns loose. I was a bit nervous but when I got back they were all sleeping....I had to laugh, good job I didn´t let Houdini out or he might have caused havoc....all´s well that ends well lol.
It's so funny to see the two boys hiding in their houses. It does't even seem like Snowy should be able to fit through that little hole, even with how tiny he is.

I would have been a little nervous too, leaving my buns out with someone else, and me not around, but everyone survived :) I can't imagine that would have been the case with Houdini loose. Could you imagine the fun (and trouble) Houdini would manage to get into with just your mom there and you gone. That boy would take full advantage and think it's party time, haha.
Aww, they are so adorable! I love the picture of Snowy's cute little face peeping from the box. And yes, I agree, I didn't know Bandy's other eye had brown fur around it. I thought both were black. They are so cute! :)
When you say whiskers I automatically think of Frank Kennedy from Gone with the wind. Except Bandy's whiskers are white. I like to think Franks would be too as he got older. And maybe if his whiskers were longer they would look like twins

So cute your mom and the buns shared a nap! My mom is my bunny sitter. She loves them. She and Dad just met Rory the other day! She told me she refuses to sit for them until the are bonded because she will not deal with two litter boxes, hahaha, but I hope she changes her mind when I go out of town in a few weeks for my audition..
Katie, just love that picture, I loved North and South and had forgotten about Frank Kennedy and his whiskers....that was exactly what I meant, what a laugh.

I was nervous leaving her alone with the buns but Snowy and Bandy are really good and hardly ever get up to mischief. On the other hand, Houdini gets up to mischief even when he´s locked up, he is such a little chancer....whenever he gets a chance he´ll take it. Jenny, I was laughing at what you said, yes he would have started a real party and mom wouldn´t have even woken up haha.
I could just see you coming home, your mom's asleep, Snowy and Bandy are asleep, and you look around and there's stuff knocked over, and hay and shredded paper scattered everywhere, like a hurricane just blew through. And Houdini is in his cage sitting up, looking at you innocently, with this look like 'It wasn't me', hahaha! Some buns are just born troublemakers. Toby's mine. That boy is sooo busy :)

Yeah, I'm going to have to start eating healthy like all you guys. After I down this bag of pepperidge farm brussels cookies :) Two of my boys are getting neutered at this moment, so I'm stress eating.
I wish I could stress eat! haha. Steamed veggies only go so far, there is pudding in my fridge that has been taunting me for days! Every time I open my fridge there is it is, all mockingly, its like "oh it's just me, chocolate pudding. Just hanging out in the fridge. As it huffs on his fingernails and rubs them against its pudding cup shirt" LMAO Thats how I see it when I open the fridge.
I would either have to throw that pudding cup in the garbage so that it is unretrievable(has to be dumped out of the cup or I may go dumpster diving if really desperate), or I would have to make someone else eat it before I did.

When you decide to take Ellie in for her spay, I think you are allowed to stress eat. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's a requirement for having a spay or neuter done on your pet, to be able to eat any junk you want, guilt free :) Just two more hours and I pick them up. Poor Riley was so scared. I had to just sit there and snuggle with him to help him to feel better, before they took him and Toby into the back room.