The Bun From The Valley of The Sun

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The images your about to view are full of cuteness, if you had no plans of having a "awe" moment or "OMG I WANT IT!" I suggest you advert your eyes. You have been warned :)

Now onto the cuteness:


My fuzzball


omg she is absoulutely in a trance how cute hows potty training going heard u had the trouble the first day lol sorry curious :p
ps. thats a perfect oppurtunity in the future to cut her nails
Perez28 wrote:
omg she is absoulutely in a trance how cute hows potty training going heard u had the trouble the first day lol sorry curious :p
ps. thats a perfect oppurtunity in the future to cut her nails

Yep! It was just to cute not to take a picture of. My husband couldnt believe how she was laying there, he'd never seen something like it. Potty training is slowly going. I noticed she picked out a corner so today when I cleaned her cage and exchange her bedding I moved her litter box in the corner she was urinating in, hopefully that will do the trick. However I am still picking up tons of little "presents" in the morning and putting them in her litter box.
I was thinking that too! However I'm not to sure how to trim rabbit nails. I mean I've trimmed kitty nails and have clippers but I'm nervous to cut Munch's nails. So Flash has been so kind enough to offer to show me how tomorrow! Which is good cause I could use the advice :)
Also you dont have to apologize for questions ^___^ I dont mind them and I'll always try and answer them to the best of my abilities plus I know your curious about lionheads :)
Lol thanx saw some today at a pet store dont know just wasnt impressed with the pet stores knowledge of rabbits still looking for a place well id imagine munch is still pretty young and not spayed yet from what i heard that plays a big role in it all
Perez28 wrote:
Lol thanx saw some today at a pet store dont know just wasnt impressed with the pet stores knowledge of rabbits still looking for a place well id imagine munch is still pretty young and not spayed yet from what i heard that plays a big role in it all

Yep, munch is only 8 weeks old no where near ready to be spayed. But once she reach of age you better believe I'll be making that phone call to get her spayed. I'm sorry to hear that the petstore was lacking on bunny knowledge that seems more common now sadly. Have you looked at any rescue groups? I know when I was looking none had any lionhead buns so thats when I started looking at breeders. But if you go through a rescue you get a bun who is already fixed so you end up saving some money that way :)
i know i have but just like you none have lionheads and though i wish i could have every bunny in there im really set on a lionhead you know i dont know i still have time not gunna rush thanx for your help really
[align=center]Happy Valentines Day!
I hope you all are having a super awesome valentines day just like I am!
So today my husband is taking me out, he takes me out to a mall so he can get some clear plastic.. forgive me "Armor" on his phone to prevent it ever getting scratched. From there he tells me that I must sit in back with my daughter and that I'm not allowed to watch where we are going. (he's gotten a little wise since I know az pretty well)The drive was long and since I wasnt allowed to look I pretty much used this opportunity to lay back and take a cat nap. I was soon woken up by him only to see we were at "Pratts Feed Store". I asked why I we were there and he told me that they have some new lionhead rabbits in and he wanted me to take a look at them. I told him pratts doesnt have the greatest track record when it comes to rabbits or any animal and he told me well since we were here there's no harm in looking and maybe save a bunny. I pretty much rolled my eyes and followed him inside. As to be expected there were two horse trofts full with rabbits, rexs, lionheads, mix breeds, etc. I know my husbands heart was in the right place but still it was hard to look at these poor babies. I mean they had no hay, barely any water and they were pretty much walking over one another. It broke my heart to see and I wish I could scoop them all up and take them home. So I looked at their rabbits and I narrowed it down to a white lionhead and a black lionhead. Both were sweet and all but the black lionhead was way smaller than the rest of the rabbits in the pen and I had this feeling that she was way to young to be away from her mom and that she would most likely end up in someone else's hands that really had no idea about rabbits (I know I'm still learning). So I picked her. I paid for her and told the clerk that the rabbits need some hay and some more water, he just shrugged his shoulders and told me okay. I doubt he'll do anything but at least I said something. I was worried about how Munch would react to the new addition and thought it best to introduce them in my living room away from Munch's cage. Munch slowly moved towards the new baby and started to sniff her, I kept a very close eye on her and then Munch started doing what I never thought she would do, she started to groom the new baby! Licking and grooming her ears! I couldnt believe it! Here I was looking at munch who looks like a monster size wise in comparison to the new baby and here she is mothering and grooming her! From there I watched the two explore my living room and Munch did some Binkies! It was so cute! Its like Munch needed a bun friend or at least wanted one. So yeah my valentines day couldnt be more perfect.

So I'm sure your dying to see the new addition

Name: Soot Gremlin (we named her after the little soot balls in spirited away/Totoro )
Gender: Female
Color: Black
Age: I want to say maybe 6weeks? She's obviously younger than Munch just by judging by size, and should of never been sold as a pet for she still needed time to be with her mom.
Breed: Lionhead.

Picture with Soot and Munch

oh she is STINKIN CUTE!!..what a doll!..look at you jumpin right into the bunny world with both hoppers!..hows everything today with ur new babies?...r u housing them together?..thats ok for now but when hormones kickin will the fights...
i still gotta grab that bale of hay but it prob wont be for a day or two..u have enough to hold u up till then?.
I won't say much, but it probably wasn't a good idea to get the rabbit ( from pratts in the first place) and put it with munch. About six months ago they had a break out of pasterella. It is contagious and bad. I see what you mean about 'rescuing' but in the end it only hurts more and more rabbits. I don't see why it was any different than actually rescuing a rabbit from yhe humane society already spayed for twenty bucks. You would be actually making a difference then. I am not being mean, just trying to express my concerns. I would STRONGLY sugest you take them to the vet to be tested fir illness. Pratts has a horrible reputation.
[align=center]Day Two
Last night was the first night home with Soot, Munch is currently sharing her cage while I'm on the hunt for another. I've
already emailed a few people so I should have one soon hopefully.
Munch and Soot are doing really good right now. Munch is eating like a little champ, and Soot seems to follow by example. Which all this eating leads to one thing... poo :)


My camera on my phone takes such crappy pictures, so I do apologize for that. Soot's poo is on the left and Munch's is on the right. I think with the proper diet Soots should start to look like Munch's.


Diet: Munch and Soot only get their Purina Rabbit Chow and Timothy hay (as much as they want) and Alfalfa (as much as they want). I haven't given them any green's or fruits and for now trying to keep the diet simple. As you can see they dont seem to mind to much, and I know the cage looks like a mess >_< Munch is a pig and a messy one.

When I was picking up their cage and moving poo back into the liter box Munch kept nudging my hand and gave me sweet little bunny kisses, its so cute! Soot has also given me kisses last night licking my hand and just laying there enjoying her ears being scratched. It seems I have found Soot's "sweet spot" which seems to be under her chin. She loves getting her chin scratched, she stretches out her head just for you to do it.

I'm still good on hay and alfalfa :) so no rush. You wouldnt happen to have a spare cage that you'd sell would ya?
Myia09 wrote:
I won't say much, but it probably wasn't a good idea to get the rabbit ( from pratts in the first place) and put it with munch. About six months ago they had a break out of pasterella. It is contagious and bad. I see what you mean about 'rescuing' but in the end it only hurts more and more rabbits. I don't see why it was any different than actually rescuing a rabbit from yhe humane society already spayed for twenty bucks. You would be actually making a difference then. I am not being mean, just trying to express my concerns. I would STRONGLY sugest you take them to the vet to be tested fir illness. Pratts has a horrible reputation.

I can see your heart is in the good place. At the same time as I already said that it was my husband taking me. I had no idea I was going to get another rabbit yesterday or at all for that matter. I was happy with Munch. However since you have brought this up to my attention I am going to call a few vets and get them both in to get them checked out. I plan on getting them both spayed, thats not an issue and I understand you pressing the issue on adoption. It didnt happen that way, and I kind of feel like your trying to make me feel guilty. I am trying my best to get them all taken care of and I do plan on getting them fixed when they are of age and I do plan on getting them proper vet care.
I am sorry :(

It's just that I understand your husband took you, but that doesn't mean you had to buy one. The more they sell the more they bring in. pratts is always facing charges but somehow they stay open.

I know you have intentions of spaying...but at 65 plus 15 pain...that is a huge cost. Not saying you can't or won't do it, but it can be difficult (I know)

And if you have money for a second cage...why not buy the nic panels now?

I am honestly not trying to make you feel guilty..but I wish someone was there for me telling me this when I started out. There ARE lion heads for adoption at rescues...
Well Soot is here and she's not going anywhere.

As for the spay and pain meds. 160 is still cheaper than getting one rabbit spayed in some other places. I was actually expecting to spend around 200+ just for Munch's spay. So I'm still saving.

I have no idea how to build a NIC cage BUT! I just went looking in my garage and I noticed I have a large wired dog crate still! So I dont need a cage I'm going to use that and make shelves for it and have it for Munch, since Soot is so small, but to be honest I'm going to take some time as it seems Soot kind of needs Munch around. Soot seems to follow Munch's lead.
Some more photo's

Munch in binkie mode

Munch being Munch

Ball of Fluff

I have no idea what to say about this pic, it makes Soot look so mean XD

I have a video currently uploading of Munch and Soot, although its hard to see Soot on my bed cause my blanket is black o_O but you can see her.
aww ur babies are so sweet!! they dont get no cuter then that...

i do have an extra cage if u need it.
everybody means well on RO with advice and help,especially about rescues and adoptions,as long as u care for ur animals ,you dont have to feel guilty about anything....

i absolutely love getting advice on rabbit forums ..i take it all in cuz theres so much to learn about rabbits...but i wouldnt like it if somebody TOLD me what i should do.

i got Flashie and Angel from a breeder and i couldnt imagine my life without them..or if somebody else ended up with them and didnt treat them right...they deserve a loving home too.

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