The Bun From The Valley of The Sun

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Yeah I feed Purina Show as well :)

I don't know where you are in the Valley, but there is a feed store in East Mesa (Mesa Feed Barn) that sells it.

There is The Stock Shop in Glendale that sells it.

There is a feed store in Tempe that feed Mana Pro Show, which is very similar to Purina.

Hopefully that helps.

For a box of NIC panels it is $20. Then you pay for the zip ties (Sold at hardware stores, and at wal mart). Make sure you use the panels that have the small squares, as I am sure Munch is small enough to squeeze through the bigger panels. I would actually return your cage, maybe keep munch in the bathroom for a day, then go buy the NIC. It is way more cost effective, and so simple you can build it in a day. Mine for 2 bunnies is 4 panels long, and 2 panels high with no roof. It is like a pen. So simple and cheap! In the end, pens are going to be the best. In reality, there is no "cage" big enough for a rabbit. My lionhead is 1 lb, and I have looked at $200 Super Giant Super Pet, and it isn't big enough in reality. You can get NIC panels at target her in AZ or at Wal Mart online.

The place is North Phoenix Spay and Nueter. It is $80 for females. It is by far the cheapest place I have found for rabbits, but they do a great job! So friendly!

Myia09 wrote:
Yeah I feed Purina Show as well :)

I don't know where you are in the Valley, but there is a feed store in East Mesa (Mesa Feed Barn) that sells it.

There is The Stock Shop in Glendale that sells it.

There is a feed store in Tempe that feed Mana Pro Show, which is very similar to Purina.

Hopefully that helps.

For a box of NIC panels it is $20. Then you pay for the zip ties (Sold at hardware stores, and at wal mart). Make sure you use the panels that have the small squares, as I am sure Munch is small enough to squeeze through the bigger panels. I would actually return your cage, maybe keep munch in the bathroom for a day, then go buy the NIC. It is way more cost effective, and so simple you can build it in a day. Mine for 2 bunnies is 4 panels long, and 2 panels high with no roof. It is like a pen. So simple and cheap! In the end, pens are going to be the best. In reality, there is no "cage" big enough for a rabbit. My lionhead is 1 lb, and I have looked at $200 Super Giant Super Pet, and it isn't big enough in reality. You can get NIC panels at target her in AZ or at Wal Mart online.

The place is North Phoenix Spay and Nueter. It is $80 for females. It is by far the cheapest place I have found for rabbits, but they do a great job! So friendly!


I live in peoria :) hope that helps some with where I'm at in the valley ^_^

As for the food, I checked the stock shop here in glendale and they dont sell it sadly. I was going to call them tomorrow and see if they'd order it for me. Because like you I live in a condo and well.. I know for a fact that they'd have a fit knowing I had a rabbit. Even tho I already paid a lovely 800 pet deposit for my cat. So as you can see I'd have an issue ordering feed only for it to arrive at the office. As it is they do yearly inspections where they enter each condo or apartment and see if your keeping the place decent and seeing if your abiding by the rules.. Which all I have to do is put my kitty in my bedroom with a note saying "Do not open, kitty inside who has heart issues, strangers make her scared and can agitate her condition" which is true and they wont enter, in fear of killing my cat.

As for returning my current cage, I cant sadly.. My husband is one of those clean people who watched me assemble my cage and then threw away the box.. So no box means no return so I'm stuck with it and I cant sell it on craigslist for nearly what I paid for it sadly. So for now it will have to do for Munch. I make sure to let munch out tho and let her run around and explore, getting tons of exercise.

Do you happen to have the phone number for the clinic? If so could you send it to me in a private message please? That is a great price since everywhere else is asking 180-300 on up to spay her O__o

I'm also reading your blog Myia.. All of it lol. I love you chins! I had one when I was 16, she was a beige and so pretty! Her name was Havoc which as you know chins have a kind of naughty nature.. fit her so perfectly. Sadly when I moved out of the house, I moved during the summer and well the heat got to her :( it was very hard loosing her and since then I've always wanted another once but they are a very expensive pet! Then I looked into rescuing one or purchasing one from a breeder ( but well.. I dont really care for that breeder. I can respect what she does but not how she does it, and how she treats customers. Thats all I'll say about that.

But anyhoooos I need to read the rest of your blog lol! I'm only on page 5 and I know I have more to go! I hope you dont mind me adding me to my friends! I see that you and I have a lot in common :)
hi Azrabbit! in Peoria also (75th ave & Cactus)..i get my supplies at the stock shop too..and i had them special order purina fibre3 for me and it was no problem..their pretty nice there...
im taking my Flemish into the spay and neuter clinic this tuesday for her spay...the other spay and neuter clinic in scottsdale is actually 10 dollars cheaper for male and female then this location ..not sure why ..but bell rd is sooo much closer..anyways welcome to the forum and i know that Myia already offered any advice on where to get stuff but im here too if u need me:)

the spay and neuters # 602-787-4240 (didnt mean to jump in on the convo but i already had the phone number right in front of me cuz i just made an appt.:)
Flash Gordon wrote:
hi Azrabbit! in Peoria also (75th ave & Cactus)..i get my supplies at the stock shop too..and i had them special order purina fibre3 for me and it was no problem..their pretty nice there...
im taking my Flemish into the spay and neuter clinic this tuesday for her spay...the other spay and neuter clinic in scottsdale is actually 10 dollars cheaper for male and female then this location ..not sure why ..but bell rd is sooo much closer..anyways welcome to the forum and i know that Myia already offered any advice on where to get stuff but im here too if u need me:)

the spay and neuters # 602-787-4240 (didnt mean to jump in on the convo but i already had the phone number right in front of me cuz i just made an appt.:)

Hello! Yay another AZ rabbit Slave!
I have a question, Have you ever purchased a rabbit from the Stock Shop because the other day when I was actually in there, they had what looked like a black lionhead mix and he had such a cute looking mane. However looking at him on closer inspection his nose had green snot coming from it and one of his cage mates (which the cage was sooo small to be keeping four or five rabbits in) had a real bad watery eye. I think that bun was a rex. I couldnt help but feel bad for them. I just dont think I'd buy a rabbit from there if I was looking. Just feed.

Dont feel bad for jumping into the conversation :) I dont mind meeting new people and thanks for the number! I'll have to give it a call when Munch is old enough to get spayed. She's only 8 weeks now :) I appreciate the heads up and saving me 10.00 ^^
Azwabbit it looks like your actually reading my old blog! lol I have my 2011 blog up now. :)

I didn't know the scottsdale one is cheaper! Thanks for letting me know!

AZwabbit, why don't you adopt from the SPCA? They have tons of "lonely heart" rabbits for $20 that are spayed and nuetered already and are in danger to be euthenized.

And I have also had problems with AZchins..we are no longer on speaking terms. It is a long story. She is a rescue/breeder but often has "Suspicious" activities.

I go to Peoria often (99th and Pinnacle peak)! I swore the stock shop sold it..I once bought a bag from them!
Myia09 wrote:
Azwabbit it looks like your actually reading my old blog! lol I have my 2011 blog up now. :)

I didn't know the scottsdale one is cheaper! Thanks for letting me know!

AZwabbit, why don't you adopt from the SPCA? They have tons of "lonely heart" rabbits for $20 that are spayed and nuetered already and are in danger to be euthenized.

And I have also had problems with AZchins..we are no longer on speaking terms. It is a long story. She is a rescue/breeder but often has "Suspicious" activities.

I go to Peoria often (99th and Pinnacle peak)! I swore the stock shop sold it..I once bought a bag from them!

Yep I realized it was your older blog but I still had a fun time reading it. I did however stopped reading after page 23 due to it being late and I was up since 6am with horrific tooth pain yesterday morning, so I couldnt read it all.

As for adopting at the humane society, was because I'm currently not looking for another rabbit :) I'm happy with my sweet girl now. I did however look at rabbits at the humane society but I had my heart set on a lionhead which the humane society did not have at the time, I also wanted a young baby too. The only reason I asked if she had purchased a rabbit from the Stock Shop was because I was wondering if it was a "thing" for them to have their buns in not the greatest of conditions.

I will call the stock shop on Monday.. Maybe I missed seeing it? If not I'll ask if they could order it for me :)

Myia if you have msn messenger we could chat if you want ^_^

As for a little life update:

Munch is doing great as always and I'm actually a little worried that I'm over feeding her. I seem to be giving her 2 servings (1/4 cup) of food each day and I mean she's eating all of it! She's also eating a lot of her hay and alfalfa which I believe is good :) I just want to make sure I'm not over feeding my little girl.

Personal update.
Well sadly I found out my sister-in-law has cancer. My heart really goes out to this girl. She moved away from her family, her country (germany), learned how to speak english, had a baby, moved away with my family to be in new mexico where my brother was stationed to work only for him to go into schooling out of state so leaving her with a five month old alone. My brother is coming back early from schooling on the 18th and my sister-in-law will be scheduling her surgery to have the cancer removed (fingers crossed!) from her cervix. So any prayers and thoughts out to her are greatly appreciated!

My mouth has still been throbbing especially at night so I took some medication and some antibiotics to prevent any infection, thats the last thing I need right now. I dont know if I mentioned this but I'm pregnant and well as you can imagine a nasty infection in my mouth is the last thing I need.

Other than that, tomorrow I'm gonna go to petco and check out that adoption event and show off Munch and ask the staff a few questions as well as buy Munch a new water bottle since the one she has leaks.
stock shop doesnt sell Purina Show. not too happy about the green nose on the bunny u saw...ill go in and see today or tomorrow and talk to the owner Bill..hes a really nice guy and ive told him in the past if hes ever had a sick or injured bun come in to call me (he has my number for ordering Fibr3 for me).they go thru so many baby bunnies there .i never see the same ones and im in their every week..shoot if i did id prob grab everyone of em...breaks my heart to see an animal that doesnt find a for the small cages im glad their small cuz im sure that building gets wayyy cold at night and i would want them to huddle..they arent in there for long like i said they go thru baby bunnies..i wish i could take them all..or people would stop over breeding sure more then half of them dont live to see a year old..

the spay and neuter place thats cheaper has a slightly dif name ,i dont think they are the same as the bell rd. ..cuz they have their own website and their not on the north phx spay website..,.this place is where i got most of my surgeries done at..prob like 17 bunnies altogether and have had no probs...took my heart bunny to the most rabbit savvy and most expensive place in town and she died on the operating table..go figure .
the link az spay and neuter

they are 65.00 for females
48.00 for males
did u go to the Petco adoption event???.if its still goin on after my customer picks up her truck ill head up there to meet you and MUnch:)
Aw I wish I didn't have to work, otherwise I would have come to your guys petco to say hello. Thanks for that link Flash, I will use it for information. It didn't say rabbits on their site though! That is too bad. How much is it for pain meds?

I just bought a bag from the Stock Shop literally (I checked my recipients, lol) 9 months ago! lol

Have you checked Tranquility Trail's store? It is in scottsdale, but they have Oxbow (a better pellet that PANR) and tons of toys and supplies. Thier website is

I am really sorry to hear about your sister in law :( I hope she can get through it. That is so tragic!
I don't have MSN messenger either :( although I have a hotmail account. I don't use IM because I find it slows my computer down. Email?
[align=center]Okay so I'm pretty disappointed with the Petco adoption rabbit event.
I was the only one there with a rabbit! No one seemed to care and then when I asked an employee if people where going to be coming out to the event, she told me she doubted it. She said only one person brought in their rabbit yesterday too! I thought this would of been a great opportunity for rabbit rescues to educate the public and possibly find a good home for some of the rabbits they are caring for. I guess that wasnt the case.

So I got Munch her new water bottle and noticed my husband and daughter eyeballing the hamsters. So I took a look and there was this cute little hamster who was running in and out of its wheel and being well cute. So my husband convinced me to pick her up as a "valentines" gift to my daughter (lets face it folks, I'm going to be the one taking care of this hamster and making sure its doing well etc). Once we got home I went to reach in and grab the hamster so I can put her in the cage I just purchased for her... Yeah, thats when it all started. This hamster not only bit me, but bit my husband and then lunged at me when I was placing her food dish in her new cage. So I tried something else I put her in the new hamster ball I got her and let her run off some of that energy she has while I finished up her cage. Okay all done and dandy, I got to get her again. This time she hissed and made noises at me and then bit me again. My husband tries, same thing. So my husband shook his head and said "Yeah, we need to return her, she's not going to do well with Emily (my daughter)" I had to agree with him. So since my daughter is sleeping I let the hamster stay in the ball and run around. My husband told me I should go up to petsmart and see what kind of hamsters they have. I told him sure why not and went down there. I looked a few hamsters and decided to pick up a little uber sweet Russian Drawft female hamster. I bring her home and my husband asked if we could touch this one and so I reached my hand in picked her up and showed him the new little hamster. The hamster sat in the palm of my hand and started to clean herself not minding my husband lightly touching her.

So long story short.. We picked up this demon hamster:

Only to return the other hamster and get this one instead.

I seriously think something was wrong with demon hamster (thats what we called it) because in the petstore its eyes were open and she was active etc and when we got her home, her eyes were closed most of the time, she was hissing, peeping(noise making) and lunging to bite us. Just so odd.

That is really funny since Dwarfs are more aggressive than Syrians! You probably will still have problems with the dwarf. I really wish you would have let the Syrian sit for a couple days! It sounded like it was just scared. Your really not supposed to handle a hamster for a couple days. So the Syrian may of been friendly in the store (The dwarf as well) because it was settled in and felt safe. :/

Syrians are just scarier because they are bigger I think :p But they are by far the most friendliest. And dwarfs need to be tamed is a joke that once you tame a syrian, it will always be tame no matter what.

Also, you should have looked at the SPCA here in AZ. They have over 10 hamsters for adoption. They are only $10 adoption fee.

I would let the cute mottled dwarf sit for a day or two before you rummage with her :) Then she can feel safe. Also, no balls! lol! They are death traps!

I love hamsters. Syrians of course (as you prob can tell) are my favorite. I even have a hamster tattoo.

Congrats on your new addition! :)
I totally forgot to put down what type of hamster demon hamster is. That hamster was a teddy bear hamster, I dont know if that makes any difference?

Also if my husband says no dice I have to kind of respect that especially since my daughter is going to be touching/petting the hamster (under supervision of course!) I paid the same amount for the hamster 10.00 and I guess I never thought about the humane society. It was one of those things of I went into the petstore to get one thing and came out with more than I should of.

Thanks for the congrats. So far the little drawft hamster is doing well and is pretty sweet.

Never knew about the hamster balls being death traps o_O.. I had one when I was a kid when I had a hamster and never had an issue so its news to me O.O
Yeah "Teddy Bear" is the pet store name. Their real name is Syrians. Not as catchy ;) Well, I guess I can understand, just tell your husband to go easy on this dwarf as they tend to be more aggressive. Make sure you provide hides and bedding material (paper, toilet paper) and let her relax w/o being handled. Then you can work on taming her! :)

Well, the balls provide no ventilation (or little if you count the "cracks" so they get no fresh air. It gets too hot for them.

They pee/poop in the ball, then roll around in it, which obviously isn't good.

Even though the "Ventilation cracks" are small, hamsters feet can get caught and break/tear/ect in them.

This article says they are good when used in moderation and safely (Although I disagree) but it makes some good points.
Myia the pain meds are 14.00 ..i dont know why they dont have rabbits on their website..but every rabbit i take in to that clinic..i go home with .....unlike the other clinic that i took my Redrum to...i came home with an empty carrier..

i tried to look up info for that Rabbit event at Petco and i saw NOTHING on their website or anywhere about it..that really irks me cuz this is an opportunity to show and teach people how awesome bunnies are and if we dont know about it,what good is it..poor bunnies always get dissed.
Aw super cute!
I love having hamsters..anything cardboard I give to them. It is great recylce! It is a toy to hide, chew, ect. Does she have a hidey hut?

Usually with enough cardboard items (pudding, rice) I mean anything cardboard I have never needed an actually hidey hut. Then I put in hay and toilet paper. Hopefully you can add more to her cage :)

And your daughter is beautiful! So adorable!
Here is a pic of my set up:


I forgot to tell you that you can use non toxic hot clue and popsicle sticks to make hides and what not. It is a fun craft to do.
I have gerbils, not much of a hamster person but they are cute! I just have way too much bad luck getting bit by hamsters..I enjoy the gerbils much more but then again, some people really love there hamsters.. hope everything goes well with yours :)
Thanks on the complement on my daughter :) I appreciate it! Also I purchased a "hide away" but its to big (my husband picked out one that looks like a little house and well its not so little) so I just cut my egg carton in half and put it in there for now. I figured she'd like the cardboard better anyways. I'm gonna keep an eye out for a larger cage for her. The cage she has now is fine but eh it would be nice to find a bigger one for her.

Thank you :) I've never had a gerbil but they are pretty cute.

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