Please Keep Sebastian's Little Girl In Your Prayers

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How are you doing today? Daytona, Buster, Tucker, and I were thinking of you today, and thought we'd come and say HELLO!

We are getting a new Monkey to add to the Jungle VERY soon, and it's agirl! GIRL POWER! Her name is Emma. When she comes home i'll send you apicture of her....

Here are some funny pics I thought you'd enjoy for now,







Hope you like them...

We are ALWAYS thinking of you,


Lyndsy, Daytona, Buster, and Tucks


Hi Ladies! :wave:

Are the meds working? Would we know by now? Any side effects in taking them?

Praying very hard for Our Little Girl.

:pray: :heart: :pray:

We really don'tknow anything yet. There isn't much of a change and it takes weekssometimes on these meds before you know if they are going to do theirthing. She still has swelling in all the same places.

Thanks for thinking of us. ;)
Hi SLG!:wave:

I hope you are feeling better today! Snuggy, Baby, Toby, my mom, and I say:

You remain in our prayers.:pray:

Your friend,


To RaspberrySwirl and SLG:

I said a prayer for you today

And know God must have heard~

I felt the answer in my heart

Although He spoke no word.

I didn't ask for wealth or fame,

I knew you wouldn't mind,

I asked Him to send treasures

Of a far more lasting kind.

I asked that He'd be near you

At the start of each new day

To grant you health and blessings

And friends to share your way.

I asked for happiness for you

In all things great and small~

But it was His loving care

I prayed for most of all.

Carolyn wrote:
To RaspberrySwirl and SLG:

I said a prayer for you today

And know God must have heard~

I felt the answer in my heart

Although He spoke no word.

I didn't ask for wealth or fame,

I knew you wouldn't mind,

I asked Him to send treasures

Of a far more lasting kind.

I asked that He'd be near you

At the start of each new day

To grant you health and blessings

And friends to share your way.

I asked for happiness for you

In all things great and small~

But it was His loving care

I prayed for most of all.

That is a beautiful prayer poem.

I do not know how on earth I missed all this, SLG I am wishing you good fun days without being sore.

I am a real believer in positive thoughts and I will send you lots andlots, you may not always hear them because while you are sleeping I amawake because of where I live, but that's ok because my thoughts canhelp you while you sleep and other peoples can help you while you areawake, that way you have good thoughts and prayers all day and night!

The flowers the Missus sent you are beautiful, and I liked the vase with the big smile too!!

Keep wearing your smile, it looks good on you!!

((((BIG HUGS))))

Hi everyone, Ijust wanted to update you a little bit. First let me say, I tell SLGabout all your wonderful messages on our other two threads and she getssuch a kick out of them. She tells everyone about all of you!

We went to the Jesse MCartneyconcertand pretty soon I overhear her talking to these peoplethat were sitting next to us... She's just chatting away about "her"bunny forum! :shock:Telling them all about her friends andhow much they love and pray for her to get better... and that theythink she has the cutest bunny... I guess I have to teach her somehumility...

I will try to have her sit still longenough tonight to reply to all of your messages. That's tough, but I'lltry!

She has been doing pretty well. I can'treally tell much of a difference in her joints, but at least shedoesn't complain that she'sworse, so that'sprogress! She goes back to the Rheumatologist on Sept. 14th.We should know more by then.

I have a cute story to tell you.

After I got my job a few months ago, Iwas able to start having my nails done again, and she really likes togo with me when I get my nails done and have a pedicure done to herfeet. I think all thehot water and rubbing on herfeetfeel really good to her. And she really likes the cutelittle designs the girls paint on her toenails afterward too!

I don't let her do it very oftenthough,it's a budget thing, and last time I said no.Butshe pulled $10.00 out of her purse andpleadedwith me and said she had her own money from her "paycheck" with Daddyand she would pay for it herself. Well, it's supposed to cost 25.00 butthe lady that owned the place melted andsaid "Today we have aspecial for little girl pedicures, they are only $10.00. So you haveenough!" I thought that was sokind!;)

AWwwwwwwwwhow sweet of the Lady !!!!!!See she is a Special LittleGirl .( he he get it )When she checks her Threadtonight tell her theres a special surprise inthere for her . She is goingto SO love this face !!!!!!
:tears2:OH how sweet of that woman. GodBless her, she probably doesn't even know how she madeSLG's day.

SLG is an amazing little girl. Her strength and zest for life is an inspiration for us all.

Cannot say better than what Tina has already said

Big hugs cuddles from me and the girls


dajeti2 wrote:
:tears2:OH howsweet of that woman. God Bless her, she probably doesn't even know howshe made SLG's day.

SLG is an amazing little girl. Her strength and zest for life is an inspiration for us all.

How nice of that lady - that's the kind of thing that restores your faith in human nature.

Had to laugh about SLG telling everyone about the Forum. I do that too,and people say "There is a forum for rabbits????" and I tell them allabout it. They usually just smile, and leave thinking "poor, crazylady".

LuvaBun wrote:
How nice of that lady - that's the kind of thing thatrestores your faith in human nature.

Had to laugh about SLG telling everyone about the Forum. I do that too,and people say "There is a forum for rabbits????" and I tell them allabout it. They usually just smile, and leave thinking "poor, crazylady".


You're lucky I have been told I am the crazy bunny lady withthat huge rabbit. At least they know and remember me.

Tina, yes they do remember, don't they. I havehad some of the people I have told bring their kids in to where I workand say "This is the lady with rabbits that live in her house - andthey have a cat flap and sand pit etcetc" :embarrassed:.

Wow that was really nice of her.. I bet she felt good payin for it herself.

What a cute story! It's nice to hear there are people like that still out there!:)

And yes, I too am one of those crazy bunny ladies! I talk atwork about my three like they're my kids and I'm sure all my co-workersthink I'm nuts. But I work in the garment center, so it'sokay.:p

LuvaBun wrote:
Tina, yes they do remember, don't they.
LOL I went to the feed store last week. I've onlybeen to that one once before and the lady asked me how the rabbitswere. Then she specifically asked about the "bigone". I felt like a nut! I must have talked to herfor the longest time about them. I have customers who talk tome all the time and call their animals by name, I never have any ideawhat they are talking about. It's so embarrassing.

Raspberry: I'm so glad SLG is feeling better. What a greatlady at the nail place! It makes you feel good that there arestill good people out there.


Thank you everyone for all the prayersand all the thoughts you have sent and all of the love you have senttoo. Sebastian and I pray for you too. I feel realley great.I couldn't feel better. Those meds are relley helpful. I like takingthe swollow kind becoase I dont like taking the chewing kind flavers. Icouldnt love you any more.

SLG with Sebastians Lovetoo
Hey SLG!!!

Good to hear your medicine is helping you feel better. And what agrown-up girl you are, paying for your own pedicure! How is school? Istart again in two weeks and I am going to be super busy, I bet you aretoo! How is Sebastian, I heard that he stole your grapes a few days ago... silly rabbit!!


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