Kali's rule book

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[align=center]Rule #28[/align]
[align=center]"Thou shall let us dig up all thys plants for our own amusment "
-Quoted form the Great Prince[/align]
[align=center]Rule #28 1/2[/align]
[align=center]"Thou shalt not clean up the mess after we have dug up thys plants"[/align]
[align=center]-Quoted form the Great Prince[/align]
[align=center]Rule #29[/align]
[align=center]"Thou shall give us full access to thy's hay , even the hay thy has set aside for the rest of the month"[/align]
[align=center]-Quoted from Rudy the Great[/align]
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Only royalty and their slaves are allowed on the couch, all lower life forms i.e. dogs, cats etc. shall stay on the floor.

Oreo The Beautiful
Yes, that quiet good! :cool:
[align=center]Rule #30[/align]

[align=center]Only royalty and their slaves are allowed on the couch, all lower life forms i.e. dogs, cats etc. shall stay on the floor.

-Quoted Oreo The Beautiful[/align]
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I hate to say this your highness, but it is possible however slight, that you made two Rule 29's. I mean it could happen to anyone as busy as you are.
Hmmmmmmmm.............. you seem to be right...... I'll change it to rule #30. Thank you very much.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I think when the slaves give treats they should have a selection availble so we can choose the one we want.

Your very right!!!! I totally agree. I think that I'll make it into a rule.
[align=center]Rule #34[/align]
[align=center]When the slaves give me treats they should have a selection availble so we can choose the oneI want.[/align]
[align=center]-Idea taken from The Might Oynx[/align]
[align=center]Rule #35

You must get any rabbit with the name Vinagan neutered!!!

There is an example of a rabbit that needs to be "fixed" on MY blog.
I can't beliveI missed them!!! Wait I didn't!! It was the computer... yeah the computer did it!!! The queen NEVER makes mistakes!!!!!

You really ought to put them on her desk, rabbits have to raise the awareness of these rules!!

[align=center]Rule #32[/align]
[align=center]Tho shalt not cover up a consturction site!!! I mean, who cares about a little chewed up carpet!!! If I said to do it, it's okay!![/align]
[align=center]Rule #33[/align]
[align=center]Next to the water blow a leaf of romain lettuce must be placed every day and 10 of the clock.[/align]
TK Bunnies wrote:
[align=center]Rule #32[/align]
[align=center]Tho shalt not cover up a consturction site!!! I mean, who cares about a little chewed up carpet!!! If I said to do it, it's okay!![/align]
[align=center]Rule #33[/align]
[align=center]Next to the water blow a leaf of romain lettuce must be placed every day and 10 of the clock.[/align]
lol!!:biggrin2::shock: " 10 of the clock"
[align=center]Rule 34[/align]
[align=center]Each visitors must pay a fee of 3 yogurt chips per visit[/align]
Thou shalt not wrap us in a towel. It demeans us both.

Thou shalt not refer to anything related to us in a food way. No burritos or loafs or anything else like it.
This is Ruby. I have a rule that just must be added, quickly, before slave mother takes all my work AGAIN and I have to start over AGAIN.

Such rule should read:

'Thou must not take my paper shreddies, ever. As in Ever, Ever. or else. (You may however adjust their position only so long as the purpose of such adjustment is to clear a space for my food.)'

And also added to the schedule, I request:

'1 new, non previously chewed telephone book, no less than 2" thick to be placed inside a new non previously chewedchewie box each second Saturday promptly by noon.' Upon fulfillment of such demand, IMAY at my sole discresion then allow you to remove the paper shreddies I am through with. Maybe.

:biggrin2:Kali your rule book should be required reading for all humans!

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