Originally I had them in the house in a hutch but I didn’t like it as it was big, bulky and a nuisance to clean. They went outside in summer last year as my mum looked after them while we went away on holiday. Since then they have lived in the garage in a wooden hutch. I would like to have them living in the house again but struggling to find a suitable solution to living space and don’t really want to cage them.
The photo attached shows they’re layout now but it’s not working as they kicking the litter out and all over kitchen floor (even though they don’t move from carpeted area. This morning I woke up to find they had weed on a corner of the carpet and pooed on the kitchen floor next to their food bowl. They are litter trained but still poo/wee in other places too.
I like the house to be clean and presentable but struggling when the bunnies make such a mess. My husband is close to banishing them from the house completely.
I have spoken to a few people now that say they have no problem with their rabbits in the house; they don’t cage them, their free to move round; they don’t make a mess on carpets etc.
Does anyone have any tips to help me?!