From cupcake to Gracie

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I got those baskets at my baby shower. That pic is in Liam's room. I love his room. I love the green. Im trying to do my last bit of organizing in there. My husband is going to take the christmas decorations down outside so I can get those 2 huge rubbermaid bins out. After that all I need to do is a good sweeping in there from all the styrofoam from where Nick put my glider together. Then it will be all done! Im gonna post pics when its all finished and clean. It really is pretty. But it would be even more pretty with A BABY IN IT!!!! I am beyond loco prego today... at least thats what Nick said hahaha. For those that dont know, my husband called me "El Loco Prego" one day. I told Morgan about it, so thats where its coming from lol. I guess I am living up to that name. Everything is aggravating me today. I just want to dig a hold and crawl into it in the fetal position lol. Only, I cant get into the fetal position because my stomach is so low and HUGE! I really shouldn't say that because I have technically not gained any weight this pregnancy. I lost 13 pounds in the first trimester and have gained 10 of it back. Havent gained any weight in weeks. So im still 3 pounds under pre-pregnancy weight. So let me stop complaining about that...
Now I need to go pee for the 10th time in the past hour. I would really like control of my bladder back!!!!
I eat tums like they are going out of style. They're like candy to me right now because I have had terrible heartburn this pregnancy. I probably go through 3 bottles a month. Its ridiculous! I am just going to put my husband to work when he gets home from work (wink wink ;))
if you mean what I think you mean, I *have* heard that that can help induce labor, lol... plus, you know, it's fun.
Ok, so I put my hubby to work the other night. I went to my doctor appt today and I was hooked up to the monitors. I am having contractions every 3 minutes but they are not quite strong enough to make any cervical change. I am still sitting at 3cm dilated. My best friend works in labor and delivery, so tonight I am going to put my husband to work again, then go walk around the mall for an hour (hope I dont get kicked out again), then go to labor and delivery. My best friend will then stretch my cervix, walk for another hour and hope that will put me in labor. I am very nauseated today. I took a nap and my contractions are a little more painful. So its a waiting game but at the same time, an intervention is on its way! The doctor said he is very surprised that the frequency of my contractions isn't progressing me anymore. But legally, they can't induce me or give me pitocin until 39 weeks unless there is a medical reason for it. So we are just going to try other methods to get this boy out!
lol... after all that work to encourage him to come out, I really hope you get to meet Liam tonight!
I hope so too...i dont know what the word is for BEYOND MISERABLE but that is me right now. I just want this to be over. Im tired of the pain. It's all worth it in the end, but getting to the end is so HARD!
So sorry I haven't been on in awhile. Adjusting to 2 children has been quite the task. Audrina is having a lot of jealousy issues with Liam. So we have been dealing with that too. Breast feeding has also been a challenge but we have mastered it now. I also had to have surgery to remove a piece of leftover placenta from my uterus. Other than that, all is well lol. Liam is 8lbs now and doing very well. The pediatrician is very happy with his weight progress as a breasted baby. He was 7lbs 10oz at birth. Two days after we came home he had his first doctor appt. he was 7lbs 3oz. 4 days after that we went back for another recheck and he was back to birth weight. We went to his 2 week check up this past Tuesday and he was 8lbs even. The doctor said it usually takes breasted babies weeks to gain their birth weight back. He has surpassed that in 2 weeks. Makes me feel great knowing that he is a growing boy and doing well with breast feeding.
Audrina has her days where she loves him. She wants to hold him and help with diaper changes. Those days are great because she is a huge help to me. Other days she tells me she doesn't like him. Breaks my heart when she says it :( but I know it is all part of her adjusting to not having all my attention and sharing me with Liam. We have special time for her where we play games, read, watch movies and stuff like that. But she just doesn't understand.
So that's what's going on around here.
So great to hear he´s doing so well and I´m sure you´ve had your hands full the past few weeks. It´s difficult sometimes for kids to get used to not being the only one any more but I´m sure that as time goes on, she´ll be loving him more than not liking him and will eventually be his biggest protector. And I´m sure she´ll be loving that special time with just you doing things together.

Hope Gracie´s doing OK as well as I´m sure she´s been missing all the attention as well.

Would love to see a little pic of Liam
Gracie is doing great! Surprisingly it has been pretty easy to keep up with her schedule. She gets plenty of free time, if not more than usual because sometimes I forget she is out haha. But she doesn't mind. I kinda gave her a spa day the other day. Nails trimmed, fur brushed, etc. she seemed to enjoy it. I wish I could take her outside since she loves it so much, but its too cold!
At your request, here are some pics of mister Liam



He is so adorable, what a lovely little boy, he looks so peaceful and it´s actually quite nice to see you to put a face to the name.

I love seeing them asleep but I also love that way when they open their eyes and stare straight at the camera as though they have no idea what you´re doing and you´re oohhing and aaahhing at how gorgeous he looks lol.
Omg I look terrible in that pic! But he's too stinking cute to not post it :)
Thank you, I think he's pretty adorable too ;) bit I'm his mom so I'm biased lol
He's starting to coo when you talk to him and I love it. I forgot how cute it is when they do that! And he's such a cuddler. I keep saying I don't want anymore kids (my husband wants more) and my husband keeps saying when Liam is walking and becomes more independent, I will...sometimes I wonder if he's right lol
OMG that´s absolutely fantastic, you´ve done so well. And yes, he´s just beautiful, I so love cooing over baby piccies....
He's such a cute little guy! That's so funny that Gracie didn't like the crying. Good thing she just got used to it or there would have been a lot of thumping for the next several months :)
So funny Gracie thumping at the crying....I can imagine her looking aand saying...hey, I¨m over here who´s making all that noise lol.
Hey everyone!!! It has gotten more hectic around here than before. My surgery did not work!!! I ended up back at the doctor with severe stomach pain again and they did another ultrasound and come to find out my D&C failed. So, they didn't want to repeat the D&C if they dont have to, so they dilated my cervix and put me on a medicine that makes my uterus contract to get all the junk out. Pretty much labor all over again. While on this medicine I couldn't breastfeed, so Liam had to be put on formula. Poor little guy got constipated and was throwing up everywhere. I took the meds for 5 days and stopped them myself because for 2 days of that 5 Liam was beyond miserable and I couldn't watch him like that. So we went back to breastfeeding. Good thing I stopped the meds because when I went back to the doctor for a re-check, my blood levels were very low and he told me to stop the meds (I hadnt told him I already had lol). So I go back on the 20th to do another ultrasound to see if the medicine worked.

Liam is doing great now that we are back to breastfeeding. He is a smiling, happy little boy. He is definitely a momma's boy haha. I have somehow managed to keep him from getting sick or getting the flu, thank goodness. I do think he got a small 24 hour stomach bug, but nothing serious. I rarely venture out with him being that it is flu season. I definitely dont need the kids getting it.

Audrina is definitely testing the waters. She is in this "I dont have to listen to mommy" phase and it is plucking my nerves. It doesn't make for an easy day. It's amazing to me how well she listens to my husband compared to me. She is also in the interrupting stage. AHH!!! The other night we were driving home from dinner and me and my husband were trying to talk about something. She was in the back whining about nothing and "DADDY DADDY DADDY". We usually say "Audrina, mommy and daddy are talking, you need to wait" If that doesn't work we just ignore her. Well neither was working so finally my husband turned around and said very sternly "Audrina do not open your mouth again until we get home, i asked you to wait and you didnt listen"...well about 5 mins later my husband realized she hadn't spoke and he said "What are you doing audrina?" and she responded "Daddy you told me not to open my mouth!"...I BUSTED OUT LAUGHING!!!!! He said that was the best parenting moment ever if she would listen to me like that we would be getting somewhere haha She is doing much better with Liam and is helping out all the time. She tells me how much she loves him. She does not say she doesnt like him anymore. She is definitely a big help with him :)

Gracie is a mess!!!! I put another bin in her hutch for her hay. So she has a litter bin and a hay bin. They are both the same hay bin. She will not get into the hay bin. She will put her front feet in the bin and eat like that. So since she does that, she poops outside of it. She will only pee in the litter bin now. She wont poop in either of them. Its so frustrating because I have to clean it out like 3 times a day. But she isn't throwing the hay around anymore. I just cant win lol
She is getting more and more used to the fact that when he is awake I cant give her all of my attention. When he is napping, we play games and she helps me with the chores. She has my total attention then. So there is a balance there. But sometimes she pushes it. She is having to learn that he is not big like her and she has to be easy. I caught her the other night hitting him in the head with a rattle. It was a soft rattle, not plastic, but it was enough to make him cry. Not from pain, he just didnt like it. I had to get on her about it and she got a time out because she has been told not to touch his head or face (im a germaphobe and her hands are constantly in her mouth because she is a thumb sucker). I dont want him catching anything from her being that she goes out to do stuff with my husband. I keep her hands sanitized lol. Im such a weirdo.