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I hope Luna21 got through to the SPCA and was able to help, I know she was in touch with Rosiland at the recuse. Luna's in Barrie, she said she might be able to take in one or two. :pray:

If I can bond a male Flemish or NZ and a female dwarf and someone is flying to Vancouver in the near future, I'm considering it.

I'll probably go for a white NZ with pink eyes, seeing as they're hard tofind homes for. Not sure where I'll put himif he doesn't bond with Pipp. (I also may endwith George's 10. It will be over his dead body, but I'm trying to arrange that).


Susan, the alfalfa is perfect for the babies. You are doing a great job.

Re: the momma with the bite on her ear, are the mommas in together? I would just keep an eye on them for now. You might want to put some neosporin on it if she'll let you.

You need Crystal and Nadia to come over and help you!
Hi Everyone!!

We are getting AMAZING SUPPORT from fellow Montrealers wanting to help. The bunnies will be arriving from Toronto this weekend, now we just need to know how many we can finally take! It is a work in progress. The more the merrier!

So many people have already taken these guys into their homes. We can't save every bunny in the world, but for the ones we do save, it is the world!!! The bunnies thank you!! It is very encouraging to see so many people come together to help these bunny families in need.

OMG these Bunnies are so darn adorable. We had them out this afternoon whe I was cleaning the carriers.

Haley they are in separate carriers, the bites are old she actually has a couple on her ears.

I have tons of pictures I will post later this evening.

I almost lost one baby NZ as it got through a crack in between the two carriers(of course Chris was suppose to be watching them). No really I got excited for nothing. LOL

Donna you better check the NZ carrier on Sunday, Chris is in LOVE with the Mommie Rabbit.He may want to keep her. LOL


SOOOSKA wrote:

Donna you better check the NZ carrier on Sunday, Chris is in LOVE with the Mommie Rabbit.He may want to keep her. LOL

Hi Susan,

It sounds like you and Chris need to adopt some more of your own!!! :bunnyheart !!! Seriously!!!


Is there any way to get any of them into the US? Or do they all have to stay in Canada?

Just wondering...

Hey Peg I'm not sure, I hope Donna will come on an answer your question.

Picture time.










Oh well - so much for my hopes and idea....I'd wanted to get 2-4 flemish giant does (preferably younger ones that might bond) and adopt them....

Art's first words were "I'm not driving to Canada to rescue bunnies...". (We're 3 miles from the Mexican border).

I said, "No. We'd drive to the airport to pick them up."

He still said, "NO".

I understand why ...... it just hurts to think of flemish giants being put to sleep....but we have enough here already and I am rehoming many of the lionheads so we can get our house back again....

Oh well....to fly them from Canada would have been around $299 - but to fly them from just inside the US border would have dropped it to $199......in case anyone from the states is thinking about it.

those guys are getting cuter by the second :bunnyheart

I'm getting attached to them, just by looking at those pictures!!!

It is very hard to comprehend, that anyone would raise those bunnies for meat!!!and Fur!!! yet, that anyone would put them "down", simply because there are so many, and there's no room!!! too sad for words...
I just joined to get pictures of some of the bunnies to make a video for youtube to help get donations. Please help me by watching the video, the more views, ratings & comments the video gets, the more exposure it will get, and hopefully more donations as well. Thank you.


Nice video.....too bad you didn't have space to post about the forum in the video since we've worked so hard to get them help...but hopefully the exposure on YouTube will help them out! :biggrin2:

I just edited the video to include the link-unfortunately the link takes people to the main page, so I included directions to this thread = )
thanks for doing this, babysophiecat!!!

together, we can make a difference!

Rabbit Rescue Canada IS IN DESPERATELY NEED OF A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!!

Anybody, who can help!,PLEASE go to their website:


I was just about to post. It was on the news. Berry OSPCA sezed 300 rabbits, many pregnant. I work for the OSPCA, none were ever going to be euthinised other than ones that neeeded to be and some of the pregnant ones as we just cant deal with that many and then all the babys (pupulation would ahve more than doubled to lik 700 which would be impossable to give all to good homes). About 12 have found homes and they are now being sent to OSPCA's all over ontario as well as select rescue groups. I understand some were sent to Rabbit Rescue (mainly ones that we would have euthinised because they need too much vet care and may not survive anyhow). remeber the OSPCA does not have cash to deal with this. We need to adopt the ones in the best conditiona dn the young ones to good people and the rest need to be handeled accordingly (foster ill ones who have a good chance to recover with a little tlc) We also need to remeber these rabbits wont likely be kid bunnies or bunnys for the unexperienced. They will neeed loads of care, and will have had no posative human contact therefore may be a bit...fisty??? The little ones should be ok but theses are not average bunnys, they are meat farm rabbits.

The SPCA Montreal Exotic Animal Team will be taking 10 rabbits from the seizure in Barrie. If you are in the Montreal region and would be interested in fostering these little darlings do not hesitate to contact me.

We have already found 1 great foster so only 9 more to go.


Honesty in the 2 days I have had these Beautiful Bunnies I can already see the progress in them. Yesterday they did not want me to touch them, today my husband held both of the mothers.

This evening when i went down to give them water and hay both mothers came to the door and let me pet them. I really don't think it will take that much to get any of those rabbits to trust you and show you the same amount of TLC that you are showing them. They truely are very lovely animals.

I found my rabbit running around my apartment complex... she had been out on her own for at least 3 weeks, I have no idea what her situation was before then. I have a feeling she was confined to a cage, as no one responded to the ad I placed in the Lost & Found section. She has been a challenge, but she's very much worth it. Each life is valuable & worth saving.
yes, thank you = ) I've had my rabbit for almost 2 years now she went from crazy wild to oh so very loving = ) its so worth it = )

this is her now = )

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