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Hi...I's just a baby...but somehow I'm bigger than other bunnies...I don't get it...

Mama told me about the site, and made me my own yoosurnaym...so I's can come here and say hi to all da bunnies!

So...hi!! :D

I's not home YET...but Mama let me go on da ladys compooter and say hi.

The names Zakura the Killer Rabbit, but you can call me Zakura, even though its a bit of an embarrasing name, I've gotten used to it.
I'm nicking mom's account, since she was mean enough to use my name without asking for permission first:X
I'm the oldest of all the rabbits at this place, yet for some reason both of mom's other rabbits are bigger than me! They're almost as big as my mom. But then again, I do remember my mom being quite a lot larger than my dad too so it might be something in that:/

I am 3 years old, neutered (keep trying to tell Sasuke that but he just won't listen!)
I share my hutch with a white rabbit mom calls "Roger", but he doesn't talk much....or eat...I think he might be sick:shock: But still mom won't take him to the vet! Yet she'd instantly take of with Sasuke when his FEET got sore. Stupid rex-rabbits and their sensitive feet:grumpy: Mom says its normal for Roger not to eat...or move around... he's a "plush-rabbit" she claims, I have no idea what she means by that.
I also have a neigbour, the super-annoying little youngster Aroma, I've tried to chase her of several times but she won't take the hint. At least mom put in a wall between us so I want have to look at her stuck-up face. She thinks she's so great because she's a "pedigree sable rex". Pft! So what? I've got a pedigree too! At least I know who my parents are... But since they aren't the same "breed" mom says I can't be shown. Bloody unfair:grumpy:

Well enough about me, mom says I have to share some space for the rexes too. I don't see why...I mean the account has MY name on it... I could introduce both of them just fine! There's Sasuke, the annoying lazy coward, and Aroma the stuck-up little brat! There!

Hello everyone. I'm Sasuke the Legendary Black Beast. I am two years old, rex is the breed and I've got a big family back at my mom's school:biggrin2:
I live inside with my mom, in the big pen she made me. It was a bit scary coming in at first, and lonely, so mom put two new rabbits and a dog into my run. Like Zakura's friend they don't talk and move around much, only when mom holds them, but at least they don't try to steal my food.
I used to be living outside but suddenly one day my feet started hurting a lot and my mom took me to a person she called a "vet". She gave her some paper thing and then the day after mom came home with "medication".
She moved me inside to protect me from humidity, then she started smearing that nasty stuff on my feet:shock: But it must have helped. My feet are a lot better now. But I'd rahter not move out yet since it's too cold.
I wished she'd move the girls in too though, I like them, but Zakura doesn't seem to like me much anymore. We used to be friends when I was younger, but now I think she finds me a bit too pushy, but hey! I'm a male rabbit! What did she expect!
Mom hasn't even let me meet Aroma without there being a wall between us. She says I might get to meet her later though:D I'm so exited!

My turn! My name is Aroma, actually my full name is Vestkystens Romance told by Aroma. Fancy huh?:biggrin2: I'm a pedigree rex rabbit. 9 Months old and more than old enough to be a mommy! However my mom won't let me have any babies yet since she says my cage isn't fit for it. Not that I mind, it's too cold for baby rabbits now anyway, for now I don't feel like sharing my cage with anyone. Particularly not the nasty girl next door.
I met her first when I was 3 months old, only just gotten to this place. Mom put a harness on me and took me down to the lawn where she had Sasuke and Zakura in runs. I decided to go greet them, but Zakura just kept trying to bite me:? I don't know what her problem is. I was just trying to be nice. Sasuke was nice to me though:) And kind of cute too! I'm sure him and could have lots of wonderful babies together.
Hello this is Belle hereI am using moms account, I would have posted long ago but mom is always on the computer so I never get a chance to get on. Well I am here to say I like my mom, she is a little crazy at times, like when i do the dead bunny flop and she starts saying my name then blows air on me to startle me awake. She then has the audacity to say that I gave her a heart attack, "uh hello mom I was in the middle of a dream?" She is so silly, but I love her, heck i have to she brings some great food to me every morning. I use to live with these other people who were nice to me but i couldnt stay because of allergies????? dont know what they are but that is how mom got me. She said she drove 2 hours to get me in the cold, and then we had a long ride home. When i got to my new home they put my little cage on the table and all these little people were looking at me, and something called a cat? They were nice but the human kids have big heads so i was a little scared at first, now they arent as scary as they are loud and obnoxious.Then mom took me to something called a Vet???? and left me :(, they were nice to meat first then i woke up and was in pain, uuggghh that wasnt fun.Mom was so scared and constantly watched over me when i came home, to the point i was going to get a restraining order against her, but then again she kept bringing me all this great food so i decided notto get one. Then to make matters worse she put some stupid cone on myhead and a SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!! an human baby shirt????? I was not happy, i was going to turn her in for abuse, wouldnt you??? I was a single gal until Aug of 07 when the man of my dreams:inlove:came to moms house. At first we lived in seperate cages, then he moved in next to me, at first i didnt like him but after a while he grew on me, you know like a wart :nosir:. He is sometimes to dang needy, he follows me around like a lost puppy dog wanting for me to lick him and hump him, then when i hump him to long he runs away like a little girl:headsmack, so then i go after him, is that wrong? Mom makes no sense at all she will come into our pen sometimes and lay down and talk to us and kiss us and she will be kissing my man and she will tell him how much she loves him,and how cute he is, and she can seewhyI hump him but yet she squirts me when i do :whatever. Yeah my big human mom gets her big but in ourpen and we dont have any room to run around, but that is ok because she covers me with kisses and i love it. Well i am done talking about me


Hello all it is Sooty. I am new here I was living with people who didnt want me and put me out with the trash until some nice person came along and got me out and took me somewhere where they cleaned me up and got me on the right track. After being there for a while they had to take me to a shelter, where i spent quite a few months until my new mom came into visit. They sent a man in who didnt know how to hold me right to get me i was SSSCCAARRREEDD then he took me into a room where mom was with some people. They were saying "oohhhhh" and " he so cute" and "look at his sad face" and she was petting me and i was in heaven, then she left:scared:and that crazy man came and put me back in my cage. Two days later my mom came back and put me in a box?????? we were in the car for a little while then we got to my new home, on the way home i peed in the box and it leaked out all over someone called NANA, she wasnt mad. They brought me in and put me in a new cage that was a gajillion times bigger then my other cage, and there were toys, and silly mom had something called a litter box that i was suppose to go in. She tricked me into using the litter box by puttin my hay and water there , she is sneaky my mom. She always tells me how much she loves me and how my other family has no idea what they threw away, i am just happy to have all the food that mom brings me, i eat like a king. I am a slob with my hay so mom just puts it in my litter box which is fine with me. After i got nutered mom put me with my new woman Belle, or as mom likes to call her Humperella. She is always telling her to get off me, but when she sits in our run with us she tells me that i am so cute and she knows why Belle humps me :craziness. Someone should tell mom she is too big to sit in our pen and takes up too much room,lol, but we like it because she covers us in kisses, and when she is in my way i just jump on her to get where i have to go. Every so often mom takes me to get my teeth cut and as much as i dont like it mom gives me craisins when i am done, and kisses me and loves me till the people come in to do it so it is all worth it. Then when i come home i go right to Belle and she kisses me and makes it all better, i love her. Belle bites a little too hard when she is showing me she is the boss, if she would just "get it " that i know she is the boss , she has pulled out my hair but now it is all grown back. The human kids are alright but nosey little buggers, they are always looking in to the pen or the cage,but i always stand up on my back legs like a dog to see then when they go by, who knows they might have CRAISINS. I LOVE CRAISINS, my mom just started to give them to us and whenever she comes into the pen i think it is craisin time and i climb her like mount everest to see if she has any. Mom laughs at me when i binky because she said i look so "oafy" when i do it, i like to make her laugh. I love the food mom has it is great, me an Belle act like we have never eaten when she brings us the food in the morning, as soon as we see mom we start pulling at the bars and shaking them, and when she opens them up we run right to our hay box because we know mom is going toput our bowl in there for us to eat. Mom says i am funny when i push the vacum hose away. Mom comes over to the cage EVERYDAY with this loud vacum:vacuum: and puts the hose in my cage, the whole time telling us what slobs we are, so i take my paws and push at it, and she laughs. I love her and am glad that i am here with mom and Humperella. Well i have to go Belle is telling me to get off the compter :whatever she sure is bossy for a little rabbit.


I hav used my fave colour blue to type this message my hoomin is watching brit awards now. the cat that comes in our garden can sing better than most of the ppl on it. dont u agree my bunny buddies.
love and bunny cuddles
Dippy :
I am called Dippy and I am a toffee coloured Lionhead,
And I am called Fluffball and I am white with brown and black splodges - I am also a lionhead.
Dippy :
We would just like to say hello to everybody and their bunnies!
Yes but now we have to go and get settled down to bed!
Night Night

Hi! This is Henri here. . . . I'm only the coolest fluffy bunny around! Mom says so all the time anyways. She's gone right now but she told me I could use her name to talk to all the bunnies on here.

Hey, it'sAcorn. . . Henri onlythinks he is the coolest bunny around, I KNOW I am! I just had tokick him off the 'puter so I could let you guys know.
Hello my name is Winston, I hacked on into my moms user name while she's away. Shhh don't tell! She went out of town and left me with her daddy. He takes great care of me but I still am missing my mom. I'm a Netherland dwarf and I'm black with a few stray white hairs just to make it interesting. She told me that she fell in love with me when she saw me and bought me right away, that made me feel special. My mom also tells me that she's going to get me a wife, I hope I can pick her out, but I'm pretty sure mom is going for the arranged marriage kind of thing. Still I think it will be nice because no matter how much time I spend with mom I still miss haning out with my friends.

I look forward to talking to you guys and remember DON'T TELL MOM I WAS HERE!
I posted on the wrong thing my mommy said.

I am chevy. I have lived with my mom for 3 months now. My old mom lives across the sidewalk from me and my new mommy. I am a netherland darf. I love to chew on phone books now and love letuce.

My mom said I am getting fixed real soon what does that mean. I have a friend that is a dog. She is bigger than me but when mom lets us we play together.

My mom spoils me rotten I am the king in this house my moms world revolves arounds me. My sisters and bothers think it is not fare but hey what do I care.

My mom said she is trying to find me a girlfriend but I have to be fixed first.

I love my mom and family I sleep in bed with her.

This is me


Soo...iz'b new here...uhmmm, my name is Raine....uhnd I seend my mawm in deh pet shop back wenz I was REALY itty bitty (Back in augustes) and I sayd to her "look at meeh, iz'b cute...hehe (for now) soo youz be taken me home, mmkay latie?" Soo dehn she taked me home....and builded me my mansions....like I sayd her tooo, bhuts, I find it'bein' all small 'nd stuvf cuz it'beez only twoo storiez.....r ur guieses biggerd?? Anywayz, Nowe mawm knowsd I did gooh and'grew up hand nowse I'ma mahn!!! I be 8 und a halve munts owed!! Ahnd I stild a mahnd...if yooz knowd whut I meen...Sew mawm sayd I bead a littel $#!&...(bahd words)...Anywayaz....I hop we cuhn beez friends!!!!
Hi Raine!

I'm Zeush. How'sh ya doin? Ish ur bunnymama gunna take you to dah vet shoon? Boy oh boy. It wash a long time before my bunnymama taked me. Man, wash I a mesh! I didn't look forward to dah owie'sh, but boy oh boy, do I feel better!!

Yeah, shure, let's be friendsh!

High 5!


p.sh. Bob shaysh hi too!
Oh yeahh? Thanx!! iz lub tah be ur frient...mahm'z goina take mee inn a monnth 'er twoo, she'z gawsta giit sum extraz moola ferst (Whut evr moola is) So iz be eatenz mah brekfaast nowh, Shay hey to bob!!
Julie Bunny here. I so happy to use puter. I tried a long time ago and fried it. How was I to know that it wasn't a chew toy. Anyways........ I the boss here not that bird Raul who lives here too now. I don't like him. He steals my toys.
Now that my mommy fixed my avatar. ..........I want to tell you all bunnies that I am a pool shark. Anyone want to play for carrots. Humans all cheat.

Hai. Iis Sugar and I is da boss rounds thisaplace. I may luk teeeny buts I pack a punch (or a kick).

I is been wid my mama 1 day and so far not bad but i like makeing hell fer mama.

I is kinda a sickly bunny sez my mama. I sink its mussel but mama sez I is two skinny for my age. I is mussel man thow. Silly mama! Luks at my pikcha! I is so musselllie!

I is liking to






*Kisses Mama




Biy Biy I wuv ewerybody! i wuv you i wuv you kisses smewch xxxxxx
Hellooo underlings >=D

hehe I'mma just joshin :tongue

My name is Nomaru, and you all shall call me Lord Bunomaru as a rule you all! Thats what momma says though. She's awesome, and I WUV the special foodz she make for me. They only fit for a king like mahself though =P

My momma saved me from the awful cages at the fiar where they put hundred of my friends in tiny cages so little horid hooman childens could poke us!!!!!

Back den my momma was sooo big but i think something might be wrong wit her because soon after i moved in wit her she got much smaller den I member.

Anywaiz, u may all bow down now. Momma even made a piccie so everyone will know i am king!!!!


See how godly I am???

hehe nice to meet you all, see you around!

My name is Black Knight, I came from a place that bred Buns like me, (I'm told I'm a Jersey Wool and I'm Loppeared.) Then I went to this place that put me in a dirty house with a white bun like me that they said would be my girlfriend:?. Well being in that dirty house all the time with Dirty boxes and Poopy food!:shock: and NO hay :grumpy:. Well My girlfriend was a Boy and the Hoomins never noticed, But I wanted a girl not a Boyfriend:grumpy:. My food was always nasty tasting because it always had Poopies in it, and all the other animals were mean and sick, so I got a nasty cough and it was hard to breathe, My fur was all matted and pulled my skin.
After being in that bad place for soo long I met this hoomin that came in and liked my cage mate and Me and talked to the people and left. I thought that was the last I saw of her, because while she was there she actually petted us and gave us a fresh carrot that she carried in her pocket.

What seemed like forever passed and the Lady and her man friend came back, loaded us in a big moving box (I think it was called a van but I don't know), and brought us to her big house, where we were taken from our house, Bathed, trimmed and given LOTS of yummy foods with OUT the poopies in it! We got fresh water and everything! We thoughts we had died and gone to heaven!

Well the Lady took us to this Vet person who poked and proded us and gave the hoomin something for our coughs and breathing. My friend didn't make it though because he was just waay too sick:bigtears:

Well So Here I am in my own Digs, healthy and Happy *living it good with Good Food, Clean water every day! and lots of Hay and Chewies!!
My fur is always so soft and fluffy and not pulling at me from those nasty Mats.
I had my own Hooomin but he left the lady and didn't want to take me with, when he moved so I am Hoominless right now. I might stay with this lady if she lets me and wants to be my new hoomin but I dunno.

Here's som pictures of me now ^_^
My Face is dirty because I was just out playing in stuff, and my fur is dirty because right after the lady put me in my clean cage I was digging around in it having fun!

No this isn't my normal house, I am usually in a great big one, but it's got to be modified, because it's not very good in the Lady's opinion*



Here's a Close up of the eye I was born with :( The lady Cleans it all the time



This me Allowing a good picture of me ^_^ I was just in to some stuff that was sooo good.

helloooo buns!

me and my human (aka, mom) are new to to RO, though we have been on bunspace for about 9 months now. i love meeting new bun friends!

i'm from delaware's house rabbit society, and flew here wif my mom to phoenix. planes = poo, and not the cool kind that we make! i now live her with mom and dad. i love to destroy dad's shirts, they are much better looking with a few teeth holes in them! oh, and i love his shoes, too:

i've had some tummy issues (mom calls it GI stasis, so does the vet man), with some new tummy problems just a week ago. i'm older, gonna be 6 this year, so i guess that comes with the territory!

craisins, bananas and other sweetnesses are my weakness, but i love cheek rubs and hours of petting. i'm a shedding, pooing and peeing machine, as i 'm sure most of you can relate to!

have a great night, and remember... if a day is spent without chewing something mom and dad love, then that's not a day at ALL!
Hello! My name is Tobias L. Bunny (Toby, for short), and my Mama said that I could share her screen name for this area of the forum!

I am a 3 1/2 year old Netherland Dwarf boy. I will be turning 4 on March 16 of next year! :shock: Where did the time go!? I remember the days when I would fit in Mama's coat pocket and she would let me chum around with her! Now, at a little over 4 pounds, I don't exactly fit the bill of the "standard nethie". I am almost all gray with little snippets of white on me. Mama says I'm just the prettiest! :D I have pretty much free-roam of Mama and her boyfriend's bedroom. Hrmph! It's my bedroom and Mama's! Not his! Anyways, I live in a cage at night, but come out in the mornings to harass Mama into giving me my breakfast! I stay out all day (most of the time) and then go back in my cage at night. It's nice! :)

Here I am!

My Mama is also fostering another bun named Berry-Boo. She's a broken lilac (we think) mini-rex. She's nice, when we're separated, but when we were introduced a few times, she chased me too much. Mama says she's too spunky for me. She is only about 4-5 months old, so it's understandable. :( I still think I want a friend. Anyways, here's Berry-Boo!


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