Bunnies Drowned at Ohio Petland

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Saudade wrote:
Petland as a corporation should not be held responsible for the actions of individuals in it's employment.

I strongly disagree with this. I have heard numerous reports of the poorly treated animals in Petland stores across the country for many years. This indicates a low standard of animal care, company-wide, or a complete disregardto the actions of employees. If the drowning case was an isolated incident, and I had never seen a sick animal at a Petland store, or heard accounts from friends about how poorly animals are treated there, I might be with you on this. Unfornately, that is not the case, and the entire company must be held responsible for raising it's standards and cracking down on poor treatment of the animals in stores bearing the Petland name.

OMG that is horrible!
Sadly, incidents like these aren't linked to a specific franchise. The employees at the Petsmart store in Thunder Bay used to drown hamsters in the fish tanks after hours for fun. It can happen in any pet store or pet franchise where they employ immature, children who are easily amused.

I prefer to shop in pet stores that do not sells animals of any kind.
What I wonder is why was there a manager who was working and who obviously knew what was going on and let it happen? I do believe the article said the manager is the one who took the photo. How does someone like that get a management position? :?:pssd::cry2

I wonder how many other animals this girl has abused or killed in her life? I am willing to bet it doesn't stop here. It's just not the actions of a normal person.
BethM wrote:
Saudade wrote:
Petland as a corporation should not be held responsible for the actions of individuals in it's employment.

I strongly disagree with this. I have heard numerous reports of the poorly treated animals in Petland stores across the country for many years. This indicates a low standard of animal care, company-wide, or a complete disregardto the actions of employees. If the drowning case was an isolated incident, and I had never seen a sick animal at a Petland store, or heard accounts from friends about how poorly animals are treated there, I might be with you on this. Unfornately, that is not the case, and the entire company must be held responsible for raising it's standards and cracking down on poor treatment of the animals in stores bearing the Petland name.

thats like a woman saying that cause her last two bfs beat her and treated her bad then every bf is going to. when i worked there, yes, we had sick animals. when precautions arnt taken there are accidents, animals dropped, reptiles who dont eat because thier sick. it happens. when you have a 100+ animals in a store not everything can always be perfect.

not trying to be snappy, but i can say for a fact that my store NEVER mistreated animals while i was there. we would take hamsters to the vet to be pts humanely if a kid dropped them and they were going to die. i dont speak for all, but not everyone is bad.
I don't think anyone labeled each and every Petland as bad or that all horribly mistreat their animals but that there have been many cases where this has happened in stores bearing the Petland name.
What I am seeing is this: If only one store (in the history of Petland) had done this then it was an irregular incident but Petland has had a history of neglected animals (which is also abuse in my book). I would not condemn every store for one stores actions but if many stores have neglected/not properly cared for pets.. what does this say?
No, one cannot label every Petland as bad but neither can one label the rest as good because one store was good.
There is also the sale of pets which in and of itself doesn't sound bad but think about it. What happens when informed new pet owners take home a pet and know nothing about its care? What happens when irresponsible people buy pets on a whim? Yes, this is their own fault and if something happens to that animal- their fault again. BUT also that pet stores as they may not have gotten a pet had it not been there and been cute and irresistible.
Most pet store purchases (I'd be willing to bet) are impulse purchases, no research or background done to see if this type of pet is ideal for them.
This is my problem with pet stores in general. Do I think they are all bad necessarily? No, not all of them. But a good majority of those who sell animals aren't great either.

That made me feel a bit better. Still, I know that these things happen all the time, not just at infamous Petland, but others. I don't take my chances with pet stores that sell animals. I have one nearby that does not, so that's where I go. I don't want to put money in the pockets of anyone that thinks a living, feeling creature is a commodity.
fuzz16 wrote
thats like a woman saying that cause her last two bfs beat her and treated her bad then every bf is going to. when i worked there, yes, we had sick animals. when precautions arnt taken there are accidents, animals dropped, reptiles who dont eat because thier sick. it happens. when you have a 100+ animals in a store not everything can always be perfect.
This is nothing like boyfriends.

The problem here is that the corporation HAS to be held accountable for the actions of employees of stores bearing their name. Otherwise, nothing will be done to curtail actions like this in the future. As long as the cash keeps rolling up to the corporation, what do they care what individual employees do?

This is why I will never spend money in any Petland store. Yes, they are franchises. But the profits make their way up to the corporation. If the income streams of the individual stores are hurt by this incident, they might take a better look at how they are running their own business, and perhaps they will be taking their concerns to the corporation. All franchise stores are bound by contract to uphold certain standard and follow certain practices, they are not independent businesses who can do whatever they please. If the company truly cared about the treatment of the animals in the stores, they would enforce strict guidelines on this.

You keep defending ONE store for being good, but what about all the others that are not? Petland is a repeat offender in the mistreatment of animals. If they cannot keep the animals they sell healthy, they should have fewer animals (or none at all) in the store. It's quite simple.

BTW, I don't believe a kid should be allowed to hold a hamster, if there is a possibility of the hamster being dropped, resulting in injuries that require the hamster to be pts.

BethM wrote:
fuzz16 wrote
thats like a woman saying that cause her last two bfs beat her and treated her bad then every bf is going to. when i worked there, yes, we had sick animals. when precautions arnt taken there are accidents, animals dropped, reptiles who dont eat because thier sick. it happens. when you have a 100+ animals in a store not everything can always be perfect.
This is nothing like boyfriends.
Thank you... I wanted to add that the example was pretty tasteless. :\

I often see people defending something just because their one experience with it was good. That's just subjective... it has very little to do with the bigger picture of the issue.
BethM wrote:
The problem here is that the corporation HAS to be held accountable for the actions of employees of stores bearing their name. Otherwise, nothing will be done to curtail actions like this in the future. As long as the cash keeps rolling up to the corporation, what do they care what individual employees do?

This is why I will never spend money in any Petland store. Yes, they are franchises. But the profits make their way up to the corporation. If the income streams of the individual stores are hurt by this incident, they might take a better look at how they are running their own business, and perhaps they will be taking their concerns to the corporation. All franchise stores are bound by contract to uphold certain standard and follow certain practices, they are not independent businesses who can do whatever they please. If the company truly cared about the treatment of the animals in the stores, they would enforce strict guidelines on this.

You keep defending ONE store for being good, but what about all the others that are not? Petland is a repeat offender in the mistreatment of animals. If they cannot keep the animals they sell healthy, they should have fewer animals (or none at all) in the store. It's quite simple.
I agree. I use to shop at Petland once and a blue moon. Never again....ever!!!!
I am heart-sick...I really don't understand how anyone could think that this was funny or amusing. Truly, human behavior just stuns me at times. This is one very, very sick person.
Signed the petition - hopefully this psycho will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

God, I need to go read something more positive.
She is not a psycho. She is a socio-path. No empathy or feelings of remorse for any action. They also tend to be narcissistic--like to gratify themselves in any way they can and don't feel that there should or will be consequences as they are the center of their universe. Same personalities as John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy. Not all develop into full blown serial killers, but, one trait they all share in is the mutilation and murder of animals. Wonder if anyone has looked into here background and places where she has lived to check for statistical anomalies relating to that type of behavior. Nancy and I feel that she is a waste of protoplasm and that the world would have been a better place if her parents had used birth control. If you haven't yet, pleas click on the link above and sign the petition--we're #22146--and send the link to everyone you know that feels like we all do. Also, in one of my other posts, the is an E address for the mayor's community affairs aide and the phone number and address of the Summit County Prosecutor. Please urge that more than the aforementioned should be charged with a crime also and that Petland, which is in Ohio, should be slapped with fines and censured (would preferred shuttered). That is such a shame. We had one down the street from us and it was nice, clean, and the staff were all very friendly and all shared a love of animals. I think they were the exception rather than the rule. Keep up the good fight as we're the only voice that animals have!!
Serious wrote:
BethM wrote:
fuzz16 wrote
thats like a woman saying that cause her last two bfs beat her and treated her bad then every bf is going to. when i worked there, yes, we had sick animals. when precautions arnt taken there are accidents, animals dropped, reptiles who dont eat because thier sick. it happens. when you have a 100+ animals in a store not everything can always be perfect.
This is nothing like boyfriends.
Thank you... I wanted to add that the example was pretty tasteless. :

I often see people defending something just because their one experience with it was good. That's just subjective... it has very little to do with the bigger picture of the issue.

actually...there are good bfs and bad ones. there are good pet stores and bad ones. cant expect every petstore to abuse thier animals, its not true. i knew a couple who owned a mum and pop store and they have a few animals and have rescue dogs from shelters and on weekends thier closed and they take the animals home with them-exception being fish hamsters gerbils. they closed due to not making enough money.

so ya, your saying its safe to assume that they abuse and kill thier animals as well. even though they love them and just want to find loving homes for them where they will be loved as well.
"She is not a psycho. She is a socio-path"

I stand corrected - I'm aware of what she is, sorry I mis-categorized her.

Two weeks ago a 19yr.old here was arrested for killing/torturing a retriever with a chain-saw.
Having been in law enforcement for 10yrs. I'm well aware of the pre-disposition of serial killers to torture & kill animals as a 'warm-up' for human prey.

Regardless of what they are technically labeled, I am more comfortable with just calling these kinds of beings, 'evil'.
I don't think anyone is implying or assuming all Petland stores abuse and kill their animals. However, this is not an isolated incident. In fact, good Petland stores would appear to not be the norm for the company.

Therefore, they need to be held accountable. Let's not forget that Petland is the only remaining national pet retail (in the US) that is still selling rabbit's. So when blatant cruelty like this rears it's ugly head, people are going to want to see a change.

Does this mean I think people at the Petland store near me drown or abuse the adorable baby bunnies they sell in their store instead of seeking humane veterinary care? Nope. Does it make me think Petland needs to take a serious look at the way they are running things and make appropriate changes? You bet.
I, again, don't think anyone said ALL petstores are bad. I think what everyone has said is that events have occurred at a good many pet stores and they should be punished. I concur with this line of thinking.
There are pet stores whom open their stores to rescue animals and these are the pet shops I, myself, will patronize. I will NOT patronize pet stores who participate in the sale of animals for the majority of their profits.

No one has come down on EVERY petstore, nor the one you feel such a loyalty to. Taking it that way is accomplishing nothing but making yourself angry. I think you need to look at the posts above without feeling attacked. I don't think anyone here has done that.
Many people are upset about this outrageous act and have right to be. Why shouldn't pet stores be held accountable for acts that harm the very animals they are trying to make a profit off of?
I am appalled that this happened. I can almost visualize what these poor buns went through and it sickens me to my very core. There are humane and inhumane ways to end a life and this was in NO WAY humane.
The store was rightfully closed. She is getting charged- Great. But in the end if animal lovers don't stand their ground this sort of thing will continue. This one instance was documented with pictures.. How many go hidden from us because no one has physical documentation?
I hate to even fathom how many times cruel acts have happened to these pet store profits (animals).... None of us can guarantee that it won't happen again or hasn't happened many times before maybe not at the store you worked at but others...

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