BOOMER... The little bunny with a huge personality.

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Haha don't get me started on Merlin. When he does his Bunny 500's he crashes into walls, cupboards, everything and just KEEPS GOING, like a little Roomba on steroids. I'm always just standing there, frozen, expecting to see blood splatters on the things he collides with. Then he stops, has a calm little scritch behind the ear, and looks at me like I'm the weird one.

Trix runs into walls, my shins, and doors when she gets into playing kill the doo rag!!! She is still a spaz!!!!!
Well Boomer is at it again...
My boyfriend brought me these plastic vines that look like live plants, to hang in my room. Boomer was on the lounge when i was looking at them. He climbed all over them and tried to eat them. Boomer didn't realise where the end of the lounge was under all the vines a fell off landing HEAD first on the tiles ! My poor baby. 2 seconds later i was cuddling him and he leapt off my shoulder trying to get on the back of the lounge, missed, and fell sliding down the back of the lounge...UH ! just cant keep this bunny away from dangerous moves.

Boomer has had lots of cuddles today. my niece came to visit and she adores Boomer so he got lots of time and attention with her.

He has a wonderful habit of biting now... only thing is i am the only one he bites ! sometimes he does it out of annoyance when i dont let him go or am putting him back in his cage. but sometimes it is for no reason at all. he will be licking and kissing my hand one minute and the next he will be biting my arms and fingers! he has never bitten anyone else... i guess he saves it all for me...
lucky it doesn't hurt too bad only little bites... but still enough to make me jump sometimes.

My boyfriend got me a few small gifts today. i have been telling him about not having a real hobby or not collecting anything (he is the total opposite and is a hoarder collecting heaps of stuff mainly anime, swords and figurines) anyways he gave my a rabbit schleich thing... it is really cute. i looked at them a few weeks ago in the store but couldn't believe the price of some of them for a little plastic toy, so i didn't buy anything... but my boyfriend surprised me with one today! might be the start of a mini collection i think. i think i will collect all my favourite animals... they are pretty cute. I'l' attach a picture of it in this post. You can even buy mini hutches for the rabbits... they are really cute animal figures though, so if he keeps paying for them then i am happy to collect them....hahahahaha. there are none with floppy ears that look like Boomer though. oh well....

Boomer is 13 weeks and a day now. He is going great and cheeky and mischievous as ever.
I'm waiting for the day for his testicles to drop to get him desexed. i don't ever plan on putting him with another rabbit. i plan on getting more rabbits in the future but i want a flemish giant and didn't plan on putting Boomer anywhere near it.
But just incase and to avoid any behavioural issues that come with hormones, and unwanted pregnancies and whatever else comes with not desexing rabbits, Boomer is going to get the snip as soon as possible. I'm dreading the day because i don't want to see my baby in pain or worry about him while it is happening. but i know it is the right thing to do. I wonder if our vet has even desexed a rabbit before... maybe I should ask hey.... if not there is a rabbit specialist only 15 mins from here. I know they do it ALL the time.

Boomer is in bed now (10:33pm) so i guess i better head to bed soon too... Work stinks!
the weather is getting colder here. Boomer has defiantly got his winter coat on already. but i found a lady on gumtree who makes felt snuggle bags. basically it is a bag made of felt where small animals climb inside and snuggle up to sleep. i think i will order a rainbow one for Boomer this winter. if he doesnt use it then it is only $8 bucks gone. I'm hoping he does though. he likes boxes and being in small spaces so i have a feeling he will use it.

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It is FREEZING here tonight.... it is a cold 12'c ... BRRRRRRRRRRR...
I thought Boomer would even be cold out in the sunroom... but when i went to give him a good night cuddle he was sleeping on top of the fleece blanket and was really warm. lucky he has HEAPS of THICK fur on him.

It is my 2 sisters birthdays tomorrow so my son made cards for them tonight. Boomer gave him a helping hand... well i said it was helping but i think it was more of being annoying. he kept trying to bite the pencil and the paper etc.... i'll attach some photos...hehehe. it was cute even if he wasn't much help.
I'm staying up late baking cakes for them. Lucky i am a good sister.

Today was pretty uneventful for Boomer. He spent most of his day running around the sun room. he did get a whole cage clean today. he right away proceeded to tear up all the paper on the floor since i threw away his last efforts. i think he likes it all torn up and messy better.

My boyfriend gave him a pokemon ball to play with. Boomer loves rolling it around. it is his new favourite toy!

After lots of snuggles on the lounge Boomer is now in bed... lucky it doesn't snow around here. It is going to be a cold winter... At least we don't need to worry about Boomer too much, unlike in the hot summers here in Australia. now those we need to worry about!

well off to finish these cakes.


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Aw he is just so sweet, what a lovely little face he has. I love him playing with the brush and he's loving grooming your hand. What a cute little guy he is.
Happy Monday !!!

Well Boomer thinks it is since he got the biggest thistle weed ever known to man kind.... he loves those weeds ! i found a MASSIVE one up the side of the house... Boomer was in weed heaven today.

*****-rant warning-*****
I'm a little sad today... Today my "friend" from work asked me if i wanted Coconut. Now for those of you who don.t know or need reminding. Coconut is the black and white sibling of Boomer whom my work colleague got on the same night that i got Boomer. I had to say no as I am not allowed more than one rabbit according to my lease agreement.
I asked why she didn't want the bunny anymore... her reasoning... i don't have time for him...
UH ! I had to just walk away....... our bunnies are only just over 14 weeks old! that was fast of her to loose interest. I really thought she loved that bunny. I guess not as much as i though. i'm pretty mad about it. but hey what can I do... Even if i could have more than one rabbit i wouldn't take it just because she wanted the rabbit so she has to be responsible for it for the rest of it's LONGGGGGG life. would be a lesson for her. i just hope now she has "lost interest" in the rabbit that she still takes care of it or finds it a great home. she has HEAPS of time and i know she does. nothing stops her bringing it to work with her and she has no children. she is at home all the time apart from when she is working, so i dont know what her deal is. but all i know is i'm almost glad she is leaving in just over a week. that poor rabbit.
i always thought from the start she could do a better job of caring for it but i guess now it is lucky if she is even caring for it since she is making excuses to rid of it.
-end rant-

Boomer is a eating machine. it is like he is going through a big growth spurt. but he doesn't stop growing. his food intake is huge now and his poops out the other end are also i'm wondering if i should limit his pellets already, but he is still a baby and everything i read says unlimited pellets and hays for now. so i just keep filling up the bowl. he is pretty fussy with his hay too... he only likes OATEN hay for the last few weeks. he leaves the meadow and lucerne hay in the hay rack and eats around it to get to the OATEN hay. I hope oaten is really good stuff since thats all the hay he is eating at the moment. I really want to buy timothy hay but it isn't readily available around here and ordering online just seams heaps dodgy if it is bad quality i wouldn't know until it arrives. so i just stick to the easily accessible hays that i know i can get everywhere around here.

Well that is it for now.
Boomer is fast asleep, i'm off to do work before the clock hits midnight (1 hour to go!) and then bed time... yay my favourite time of the day. only to wakeup at 7am and do it all over again!
Poor Coconut! Such a shame you couldn't take him, it makes me worry for the poor little thing. I hope she finds him a good home.

If Boomer is eating a lot of pellets, he could probably stand to have it limited somewhat. 70% of a rabbit's diet should be hay, and if he's filling up on tasty pellets instead, like many many buns are wont to do, he could start getting overweight. Let him have a few hours of an empty pellet bowl each day before refilling it, so he'll turn to his hay more. :)
ok i will do that then. i'll fill it in the mornings and not bother filling it again at night.
he is getting almost a metric cup full a day ... and eating them all during the day. then i usually put some more in before bed and if there is none left in the morning i will fill it again.... he loves pellets. He still eats hay but defiantly not as much as he use to. and now that he is being picky only eating oaten hay well that's even less hay now.
I cant tell if he is fat or it is just fluffy... I can still feel every bone in his body but his belly is always round and full and feels all squishy..hehe. he is a growing boy still.... :happybunny: I'll have to tell everyone else to stop feeding him more pellets too because we all just automatically fill his bowl if we notice it is empty. this bunny will never go hungry!

i have a story to tell you all..... i think back on it and think it is funny now, but this morning i was as mad as can be and late for work because of it!

anyways i filled Boomers dishes before bed last night (about midnight) and i must have forgotten to close the TOP opening of his cage. anyways the boyfriend got home from work at 1am and seen the top part of the cage and didnt bother to take 1 second to reach down and close it. he has to walk right past the cage to get inside the house so it isnt like it was any effort or anything.
anyways this morning when i was still in bed i heard my son going out in to the sunroom as he does every morning to say good morning to Boomer and give him a pat.... he notices the cage top open and does nothing too.
I go to walk out the door (ALREADY RUNNING LATE FOR WORK) notice Boomer sitting inside his cage, and i shout back to my son why he left the cage open for . he said he didnt and my boyfriend said it was open last night. so i knew it was me who left it open right away. so i give Boomer a pat and close the top. took 2 steps and notice poop and i mean HEAPS of poop on the tiles. i again shout out to ask who let Boomer out and didnt clean up his mess... everyone said no. so ok i let it go until i looked on the lounge and see LOTS and LOTs and LOTS of poops... now Boomer is forbidden to be on the lounge and everyone knows it too. and i know if anyone secretly let him up there they wouldnt leave lots of poop on it to give it away because obviously i'd find out....
so putting the pieces of the puzzle together... Boomer has been out partying ALL night and morning in the sun room unsupervised. has made himself comfy on the couch and spent all night running around and playing in the sun room. but then puts himself back inside the cage sometime during the morning to try and make it out that he has been there the WHOLE time.
Boomer has to jump a metre high to get ONTOP of his wire cage to get back inside. there is a small opening door way which lifts up and i'd left it open so he has just jumped up and jumped back in all before anyone got up. but going by the amount of poop he was out all night/morning before returning to the cage. oh i wish i had a video camera ! i'm just glad the sunroom is COMPLETELY enclosed to the outside world and also to the inside of the house. so he couldnt do any damage. he only is in the sunroom when we are AWAKE and HOME. this does not include when we are sleeping....etc. incase he decides to eat something, ruin something, fall off something, or wee on expensive furniture out there. I had to vacuum and clean up out there and check for damages or chew marks on any paint, shoes, clothes, furniture or anything out there and then leave for work....
LUCKY i seen no damage or no spots where he peed and nothing ruined including the lounge he is banned from being on!!! what a cheeky bunny!!!!! i bet he had the time of his life!
i'll be making sure that i ALWAYS put the lid down from now on.
The innocence on his face when i was patting him goodbye was priceless. I bet he knew what was going to happen next and he was just acting sweet to not get in trouble....
p.s. he didn't get in trouble. the boyfriend did for being a lazy bum and not closing the cage when he clearly seen it open and walked right by it!

I'm trying not to think about coconut. It kills me inside thinking of his future and how he isnt wanted anymore.
I'm going to give the girl a list of close small animal rescues around here. maybe she will call one and they will take coconut and find him a new home.
I'm being very spoilt by my 11 yr old son....
Yesterday we went shopping with my boyfriend and he got me a few things....

i'll attach photos so you can see my new bunny family... Boomer loves them. but he keeps biting the other bunnies, especially the little brown one... too rough Boomer !!!

So Boomer is one big 15 week old bunny.( i should stop counting in weeks soon and just say he is 3 and a bit months) He is a monster in size compared to when we first got him as a tiny fluff ball that fit in the palm of my hand !

His favourite foods at the moment are thistle weeds and dandelion flowers, carrots and pellets. he is on limited pellets now and doesn't like that idea. he acts like a starving bunny when the pellets go in his cage. As soon as he hears that box rattle he comes running for pellets and eats like they are the most delicious thing in the world. at least he is eating a little bit more hay now. not as much as i would like him to still, but definitely more than before.

My partner and i were talking last night and we both think his sleep cage is getting too cramped now, because he is so big now. we have big plans to buy piping (harp PVC large pipes) and a 2nd cage for Boomer to live in when it is sleep time or when we are not home. we are going to join the two large cages by a tunnel and have the one he has now as his food / litter / water and sleep cage and the other as just a big empty spacey cage to run and stretch and do whatever, just have a couple small toys in there. We like the security of a cage to keep him safe and also to keep all furniture and house safe from him. but we think he deserves even more room to move. i like his cage now but it is just a little full of all the things he has in there. so will just get another exactly the same and thats my plan...
cant wait for next year or the year after (depending how life goes) when we buy a house. We are looking for a BIG house and i want to dedicate a whole area just for Boomer. And because it will be my home i wont have to worry about him ruining someone else's house like here (I rent now). he will be let out 24/7 in his room. will bunny proof it so no more cages are needed. i cant wait !

Boomers nails are really sharp and i am dreading having to cut them again. it seams only the front ones get heaps sharp. the back ones seam to take care of themselves. i know running around on the terracotta tiles helps Boomer wear them down but they still get heaps pointy and sharp sometimes. so they need cutting today. that's my mission today to get that done on my own.
I hope Boomer is in a good mood for me to do that today.

Well i'm off to spend some time with my son. we are going to find a nice place to have a special mothers day lunch. have a great day to all the Mummies of precious children and also the Mummies of the Fuzzy Bunny Kind! hope you all get spoilt and have a great day full of love and good memories. x

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Haha I thought they were real bunnies, the black one does look real at a glance, really cute they are.

Boomer is a very lucky little boy. The new cage sounds great. I would love to have a bunny room for mine but don't have enough space. He is going to love his new space.
he has a whole room now but he has to be supervised in there since we are renting and i dont want him chewing the paint off the skirting or anything like that. so he is in a cage when we at work or sleeping and out during the morning/arvos in the sunroom. he gets LOTS of out of cage time, but ideally i'd like to not even use a cage when we have our own place. no need for the cages then. just bunny proofing instead.

Tonight i let Boomer out for a long time... man he is a poop machine! i picked him a HUGE bunch of weeds today and he sure is pooping to make up for eating all those weeds !!! after an hour on the lounge sitting with Boomer I felt my leg get suddenly warm... Boomer peed on the lounge and it ran on to me!!! EWWWW !!! i hate bunny pee on me! i can handle the poops because they are not messy, just little balls... but the pee is messy and hot and wet ! Boomer is gross sometimes !!! then he was being naughty when i pulled the cover off to wash it.. he then was biting the leather lounge and making holes in it! so he had to go back to his is an expensive lounge... *tisk*tisk*tisk*. i was giving him a lecture about not eating the lounge and my phone case too. and while i was lecturing him he was chewing on it already... he ruined my last one! so got a tougher one this time... no more chewed up phone cases i hope!
I know this is not exciting for many people but it is for me....

BOOMER HAS BALLS !!! hahaha, well testicles to be exact and correct.
Tonight i told my partner to hold him while i look and i found 2 small pink bits. kind of gross but exciting at the same time... my baby is now a man.... haha

I also messaged my vet tonight to find out how old they need to be to be desexed. Their response was 5-6 months is best. So i guess we will wait a couple more months for that since Boomer is only 3 1/2 months old or 15 weeks and 1 day to be exact ! It was also heaps cheaper than I thought to get desexed. I was expecting a bigger sum when i quoted the cost.

We weighed Boomer again tonight. He is a whole 1311 grams! his growth isn't slowing down yet! getting bigger by the day

He also had his first slice of watermelon today.... He loved it and ate the whole little slice, skin and all.

Boomer is so so so cute! i know i say it all the time.... but he is !!!
here he is cuddling my boyfriend tonight. awwwwww.... I love this photo. my boyfriend loves it too he thinks he looks young in it.
And balls!!! hahaha.
they were hard to find with all that hair!

the boyfriend and the bunny.jpg


Congratulations Boomer, you're a man now!

I had Felix neutered when he was around Boomer's age! I wanted to make sure I got him done as early as possible to avoid any hormonal behaviour.

It's so cute to see a cuddly bun. Mine aren't like that at all. :p
Boomer is very cuddly. he has his moments though. He hasn't bitten me in a few days so that is a bonus !
He likes to climb all over people too... that can get painful too when he surfs along your back or slides down your arms and legs. sharp claws.... ouch !

He is sweet most of the time and has cuddles everyday... so i guess he is use to it!

i'd get boomer neutered now if they would let me. but they said 5-6 months. so i guess i will just have to wait.
How do you know when a rabbit wants to play and when it doesnt
if you are talking specifically about my Boomer. he just runs away if he has had enough and doesn't want human company. but usually he is all over me and wants to cuddle, get head scratches and jump around and all over me. his bites are not aggressive. sometimes he is licking my hand and then tries to eat it. other times i am harassing him and trying to look in his mouth at his pearly white teeth and other times it is because i wont let him last my arm or i am blocking something he isn't allowed to have and he bites me to try and get me to move my arm or hand. but other than that he doesn't bite. he is definitely a cuddly people bunny. he loves human company and thinks he is one of us.
Shirley tries to eat my hand sometimes, too! That's really cute. Sometimes, she's housekeeping and she tries to move my arm or my fingers with her mouth. None of my other rabbits do that, though.
I would not feel myself if i wasn't sporting a large (or several) long scratch along some part of my body from sharp Boomer nails.
Man that bunny can scratch !

Boomer has this wonderful thing he does now where whenever you are snuggling with him on your lap or chest he is trying to dig to china through your clothes and skin! it's crazy! he does not do it from fear,fright or annoyance he just likes to dig ! but he fails to realise he will not make much progress trying to dig a hole straight through my chest! he has ruined...well... countless shirts, pyjamas and cami tops of mine from his digging and chewing when being held.
His cage is never neat and tidy, he loves to rip up all the paper and push it all to one side until there is none left to tear. And he is now sleeping in his litter box, sprawled out over all the poop and wee.... nice one Boomer ! so now it is a daily clean instead of once every 2-3 days... Cant have a bunny smelling like pee now can we.

crazy bunny.

Yet despite all of that he is still my snuggly sweet baby bunny who loves a cuddle and scratch on the head/body.

This weekend Boomer has spent all his time out in the sunroom running around. He is determined to get through my bedroom window though. there is a lounge in the sun room that sits right under my bedroom window and i have the window open so i can hear and see Boomer while he is out of the cage in the sunroom, but Boomer keeps jumping on the lounge (which he is not suppose to be allowed on) climbing up the back of it and peeking through the window. sometimes walking along the window ledge until he realises there is no where to jump down to except a cold hard wood floor and it is too far of a drop for Boomer to try! so he keeps just going back in to the sun room and reappearing every now and again. i know he just wants to get to me but i'm "working" (well really suppose to be) on my computer doing stuff for work and can't play with him right now. besides he will only try to chew everything including my computer and then pee on my bed. so he can wait a while longer.

Boomer is 4 months old tomorrow... It feels like i have had Boomer forever but i really haven't had him that long. He is just part of the family now.
1 more month before he gets the snip snip!
my boyfriend doesn't want me to neuter Boomer. he thinks he wont feel like a boy anymore and that i am taking his manhood from him. Also he doesn't see the point since we only have 1 bunny. I have to keep reminding my boyfriend he is a bunny and i'm pretty sure he wont feel any less of a man without bunny balls, and since he is young he wont know any different anyways. Boomer will live for a long time and who's to say that we will never get another bunny. I am really liking the idea of a flemish some day. A Giant house bunny would be awesome!

nothing exciting is happening here at the moment. not even for Boomer. so i don't have a whole lot to write about these days. maybe i should take Boomer on a holiday or an adventure or something..... just so he can live an exciting life ! mines boring and that's sort of how I like it.

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