And then there were Four

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This is new. For the first time since I gotthem, Sunrise asked to come out of his cage by chewing on the cagebars. I hope this means that he's gotten more comfortable here and ismore settled.

He's out right now making his rounds visiting the girls. Poor guy has no clue what's to come in about a month.

I was playing around with my camera and took these shots. There will be more of these kind later, I promise.






I'm afraid I still have my morning scrub and hair so bear with it and enjoy! hehe

Aww how sweet.
LuvaBun wrote:
Yay - 'Man with Bun' pics :D! Good ones too!

Glad to hear your mom is doing OK - now you just need to get rid of your cold!

Yeah, this cold's been kicking my butt but it seems to be going away slowly. I'm glad that you liked the pics. :)

Mucho pictures coming! hehe

Me and Smokey:






Me and Sunrise:





Me and Sunset:




Sunrise and Sunset weren't too thrilled with having their pics takenlike this but they suffered through it. I think it's dawning on themthat there's a price to be paid for living as spoiled

Anyway, enjoy the new pics! :D

There hasn't been much going on in the lives of my babies so I didn't feel the need to post any new entries until now.

For a few days, I put Sunrise and Sunset back in the same cage togetherand they got along fine until I started noticing urine spots on thewall behind their shared cage and Sunset's fur feeling a little ummfunny as if something had been poured or, dare I say it? sprayed onit.

Suffice it to say that Sunrise was moved back to his old cage untilafter he's neutered and I can provide them both with a large enoughcage to accomodate them. It's kind of funny that as soon as Sunrise wasin his own cage, Sunset started demanding pets from me. I guess thelittle boy was bugging the big girl a little too much...hehe.

Silly bunnies.

How is you mom?
Today I've come to the conclusion that I reallyneed to move Sunrise and Sunset into bigger cages for their owncomfort. Sunrise's cage is sized enough to give him the basics but notall the stuff my buns are used to getting. Sunset's 30" dog crate isworking okay but there isn't enough room to put a sleeping house inthere for her and that bugs me.

Sunrise has been playing with Speedy in her cage and so far therehasn't been a problem. The only person he hasn't been introduced to yetis Smokey for obvious reasons. I also can't help but think how I'd loveto have two more bunnies to be friends for Sunset and Smokey but Idon't know if I could really handle having 6 bunnies.

Smokey's been a little brat of late but I'm chalking her behavior up tohormones. She and Sunrise are going in for their procedures on the 26th.

Speedy's battle wounds appear to have healed up nicely which relievesme to no end. I don't like to see blood on any of my bunnies especiallymy heart bunny. Right now she's dealing withSunrise wantingto hump her...hehe. There's been no fighting thus far so I haven't hada problem letting him spend the day with her.

I tried to get some pictures of the babies today but the batteries diedin my camera and I have to wait until next Friday to replace them. Ialso really need a camera with a faster shutter speed so I can catchbinkies. Can someone recommend a decently priced digital camera thatwould fit the bill?


After much thought and some creative help fromSpring (thank you!!), I have decided that Sunrise and Sunset willhenceforth be known as Chipper and Nipper after the RCA doggies. Ithink these names better fit their personalities. :)


Wow...what a journey you've been through!

I'm so horrible at keeping up with everyone's please excusemy not having said anything thus far...though I did read about Chipperand Nipper's story before. I thought I'd sent you a reply ortwo, but I didn't see them...or maybe I'm just tired. Hehe!!

Anyway, your babies are so adorable, and clearly so happy! :D

I never really send you hello's, so I thought I'd send you a great big one, hehe!

Hello! :):wave2

Givethose babies kisses from me and the girls here! :D


Who is Chipper? Who is Nipper?
Tonight's play time turned into an impromptubonding session between Speedy and Chipper and it went great. Theyplayed and played as well as using me as a jungle gym...hehe.

Chipper just gets along with all the other bunnies. It's probablybecause he's the only boy surrounded by girls but who cares so long asthere's no fighting, eh? I just wish the girls could get along witheach other.


SOOOSKA wrote:
We need pictures of the HappyBunnies.:jumpforjoy::tantrum::party0002::bunnydance:


It's somewhat premature to say that they are exactly "happy" with eachother. More like peaceful coexistence intermingled with moments ofintense chaos but I hear you. I need to buy a new camera because theone I have has a very slow shutter speed.

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Blyre-Gotta love men with bunnies! They are socute. Great pics too!:D

Aww tanks :) I love my babies even if they don't love each other all the time...hehe

This is a late entry tonight because I was just awoken by the sound ofbunnies fighting. When I looked in on Speedy and Smokey, they weredoing laps in their shared cage and Speedy was going crazy withnipping. Suffice it to say that I checked out Smokey and found a bite.I'm not sure how serious it is but there's no blood and Smokey doesn'tseem distressed other than rather scared.

So, after changing around the cages once again, Speedy and Smokey arein separate cages and I'll be keeping the housing arrangements exactlythat for a long while.

For some reason, they just don't like each other right now and I'mgoing to respect that. I'm going to call my Vet tomorrow to see whatthey want to do.

Ugh, what a night.



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