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  1. helena

    What is the best place to buy hay?

    Hello everyone! So right now I've been searching for a place to buy Orchard Hay without it being really expensive for a little hay. I get that animals cost money and I'm not against spending it, I just want to get the best deals on good quality hay. Orchard Hay Does anyone buy this hay and how...
  2. helena

    Swaying Head?

    Hello! I recently got a pair of Lionhead/Holland lop bunnies. Both are female. The one I'm concerned about is white and is a double maned lionhead/lop so she is really fluffy. The problem is, I've noticed that whenever she is in the loaf position, her head sways side to side. Not too...
  3. helena

    Rabbit Proofing

    After I got my rabbit I had no knowledge on bunnies what-so-ever. So, I free roamed the first few days without proofing. I've had her in single rooms, but I decided to cover all the cords in our basement. There are quite a, i was wondering what cord casing you used. I don't have...
  4. helena

    From Jasminebunny

    *Jasminebunny asked me to post this on her behalf* I'm sorry for lying! I'm actually 12 and my pets aren't spayed/neutered but I was too scared to say so for fear of getting in trouble. I'm sorry for lying and will tell the truth! I will tell you whatever you want to know. Please forgive me...
  5. helena

    Can Bunny Go Out?

    So, about two weeks ago my dad sprayed our yard (only about three acres of it) with stuff to kill weeds only. (not sure what he used......) I had been taking my Bunster outside daily but had to stop then. I am not sure when I can start taking her out again. It has rained probably three times...
  6. helena

    Trouble Eating

    Last Sunday Bunster injured herself. I'm assuming it was her mouth or nose. I've been trying to figure out what she can and cannot eat. So far she can eat hay, grass, plantain, ect. But, what's weird is that she can only eat hard foods that are in tiny pieces like the size of two balls at the...
  7. helena


    Today at 2:22 AM Yesterday Bunster was playing and she bit and pulled her cage door (she does that if she wants to go somewhere and she needs to move it.). Then, she jumped back and I immediately made sure she was ok. She had some blood in her nose. My mother (whose a health expert) told me to...
  8. helena

    Wet around eyes

    Yesterday Bunster was playing and she bit and pulled her cage door (she does that if she wants to go somewhere and she needs to move it.). Then, she jumped back and I immediately made sure she was ok. She had some blood in her nose. My mother (whose a health expert) told me to put some iodine on...
  9. helena

    Pros and Cons of Breeding

    I've done lots of research with breeding bunnies and have also had lots of experience with breeding (or taking care of baby) animals in general. I'm thinking about breeding but still undecided. I just have a few questions for all those with bunny-breeding experience ;) . 1. If I only breed a...
  10. helena

    Litterbox for a fluffy bun

    I want to get Bunster a bigger litter box, but I don't want her to get messy. I was going to use a cat litter box and put my litter box pellets in the bottom with timothy hay on top. I was wonder if since shes a woolly jersy (and super fluffy) if she would either get poo or hay stuck in her...
  11. helena

    Overweight or health problems?

    So, I started noticing a little while ago that Bunster's belly is getting, well, round. No, I don't have any male rabbits. She doesn't seem over weight, but i don't know whats happening. I started giving her more exercise just in case. Is it GI stasis? I have a vague idea that GI stasis has...
  12. helena

    Homemade Rabbit Food

    I need a substitute for rabbit pellets. I was wondering if y’all knew any good recipes. I am not leaving my bun on this forever. I just need a substitute for pellets for a few days. I was on one website and there was a homemade pellet recipe on it but then she started listing stuff that was okay...
  13. helena

    Meet Bunster

    Bunster is a female woolly jersey. She loves chew toys, getting her face rubbed, and bananas, apples and carrots. She has a wonderful temperment and loves people (so long as they aren't my little sibs :D) (I would put pics but they wouldnt work:()
  14. helena

    Please Help! Cage and Free Range trouble

    So im a teen and totally in love with bunster my woolly jersey. But i feel so guilty! My bunny has a cage 3 feet by 2 feet and is in there most of the time. I will NOT put her outside even though my dad has gone very close to ordering to do so. I cant let her have free roam due to cord chewing...
  15. helena

    Bunny litter box trouble

    For my liter box I've always had to use the wire topped kind but they are so small. I want to have a cat litter box for my woolly jersey bunny (not with cat litter!). But she had problems cleaning her bum and poop would get caught in her long fur so i had to use the wire topped kind. Any...
  16. helena

    Cage Flooring

    So this is my first bunny though ive had lots of other pets. I never knew bunnies had such personality's! I've had Bunster for about a year and a half. I cant figure out what to use for the bottom of her cage though. Ive tried cardboard and blankets but she will poop outside her litter box...