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  1. diannemc1957

    I have a problem!

    I don't don't know if ya'll remember me...about a year ago I found a hurt rabbit someone had thrown out.. she has been doing great..well today I found a worm in her poop...once in a while the poop is runny...this has happened since I started feeding her clover and grass from the outside....I...
  2. diannemc1957

    Need help again?

    Ok now what is going on..yesterday I woke up and Panda had not eaten much and she was taking all the hay and tearing up the paper in bottom on box building a nest...she worked like crazing all day not stopping to eat...I kept hearing her last night so got up about 2:30 am and she had pulled up...
  3. diannemc1957

    Ok now what???

    Ok The bunny I found(Panda) is in a dog kennel cage...It is very slippery when nothing it out down...I have been putting down towels and sheet.. but yesterday I noticed she has started eating it!! Now what? what can I put down so she won't slip and won't eat it!!!??? Thanks again...
  4. diannemc1957

    This poor bunny.. Help

    The bunny I found outside hurt 2 weeks ago is doing better.. She has started hopping on the hurt leg.. She loves to be rubbed and is so funny...When I put pellets in the bowl she picks it up and dumps it out.. One thing I am worried about is she is so skinny...You can feel all her bones.. I Know...
  5. diannemc1957

    Am I doing it right?

    As many may have read my post..I found a hurt black and white bunny a week ago her leg looked to be broken cause it hung out to the side and she couldn't hop on it at all..I couldn't stand to leave her out on side of the road in the heat hurt and not able to move..I moved her to some bushes but...
  6. diannemc1957

    Clover question

    I have tons of clover with white flowers in my yard..Can I feed this to my bunny I found...she has been use to eating things outside.. will this an a little grass be ok??
  7. diannemc1957

    Can a Bunny eat this??

    I am new to being a bunny mama and not sure about what a bunny needs to have to eat?? I have a bowl of pellets in the cage and timothy hay all the time...I give her some romaine and carrots twice a day...and plenty of water...Can you also put tomato peelings and squash in there...??? I have a...
  8. diannemc1957

    Question?????? Please help??

    Ok I posted the other day in the infirmary where I found a black and white hurt bunny on side on the road...I am new the this bunny stuff...The bunny only wants to eat romaine and herbs from my garden...she hasn't touched the pellets much..I also have hay in there but hard to tell if much of...
  9. diannemc1957

    Need some help with Bunny I found..

    I posted the other day that i found a bunny and took it in. well it was in a small cardboard box the first 2 days that is all I had...He was in my closet where it was quite and dark.. He or she was eating, pooping and urinating fine.. My sister in law brought me her kennel to put him in so he...
  10. diannemc1957

    Help needed for bunny

    I am new here and have a problem..I love animals and have a big heart for those who are hurt..Here is my story...I move here over a year ago and during my walks in the morning have seen some bunnies running loose..I have talked to them as I pass by them.They are wild and could not get close to...