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  1. maxysmummy

    Max has a big crusty lump under his chin

    Hi everyone, i havent posted here in a really long time but i have a bit of a dilemma, last night when giving maxxy some cuddles i noticed he has this crusty lump under his chin... kind of to the left. eating, drinking, pooing, playing all normal. his last vet visit the vet said his teeth were...
  2. maxysmummy

    How can anyone look at this and not smile?

    found this photo somewhere on the internet and i thought maybe some of you would appreciate it!!!!!!!
  3. maxysmummy

    Housesitters from Hell and the stinky house

    I haven't posted in a long time for various reasons. aside from that I went on a trip away to thailand, and got some house sitters i found on a website who assured us they would be able to do the right thing by the rabbits. i came home to complete and utter carnage. their food and water was...
  4. maxysmummy

    So proud of my little brother

    so my little brother has been obsessed with the idea of getting a dog. (when i say little, i actually mean he's nearly 19...) first he wanted to buy a sharpei. i slowly turned him round to the idea of adopting. then he wanted to adopt a puppy, because he said it would be eaiser than...
  5. maxysmummy

    Public Health Care

    I was just wondering what everyone thought about a public health care scheme. Coming from australia I can't imagine what life would be like WITHOUT having public health! I figured it's probably a very topical issue at the moment and would be good to hear peoples opinions
  6. maxysmummy


    so today we just noticed that jemima has a really wet chin/dewlap and it looks like she has abscesses in there... its also green which could be from the alfalfa but we arent too sure. please help someone this is urgent!
  7. maxysmummy

    Sexing Kits

    so at the moment my kits are about a month old. iw ant to sex them so we can properly name them/find their forever homes etc. how do i do it? ive had a peek at their penis/vagina area but i can't REALLY tell...
  8. maxysmummy


    so we have a mumma with her 4 babies in a little NIC pen. the babies occasionally crawl out through the holes so we put cardboard over it so they couldnt get out. unfortunately last night a bit of cardboard fell out and one of the babies (about 4 weeks old) tried to get out and GOT HIS HEAD...
  9. maxysmummy

    Can rabbits "swim" found this vid and it looks quite concerning to me... if you cant bathe a rabbit surely you shouldnt put one in the pool? is this ok? if it is i live close to the beach and maybe my rabs would like swimming? my instinct says no but...
  10. maxysmummy

    Nursing mother with weird poo

    Jemima is currently nursing a litter of 4 who are around 3 weeks old... ever since we got her we have had this problem and it's beggining to worry me. at first we put it down to a change in diet and coming back to actual rabbit food from being a stray etc, but the problem hasnt gone away. shes...
  11. maxysmummy

    2 different breeds in one litter

    So as some of you may or may not have seen, we adopted a stray rabbit (looks to be for the most part, a mini lop [not purebred]). She gave birth to a litter of four, and for some reason one of the rabbits is completely different to the others. The others are nice and fuzzy with ears that are...
  12. maxysmummy

    Help stop abusive treatment of Rabbits in pet shops

    Hi bunny fans! Hope you all don't mind getting this email, but it's more direct than Facebook. We have a little 'project' for you all to do in your day to day goings on. Walk into any of your local 'pet stores' that you know sell rabbits, and inquire about purchasing one. Tell them...
  13. maxysmummy

    adventurous kits

    my kits are exactly 14 days old and there are four of them. some of them are starting to get adventurous and i want to know when i can get rid of the nest box? i dont have a proper one (unexpected birth) and its just a cardboard box with a tshirt in it...
  14. maxysmummy

    EARTHLINGS (warning, graphic) hey guys, i thought we should just get some healthy discussion going on! watching this video has completely changed my outlook on the animal industry and has urged me to become a lot more conscious of where my food/clothes/entertainment comes from. What do you guys...
  15. maxysmummy

    Please help Australia in our time of need

    Hey guys, i'm not sure if you've seen on the news lately but QLD is in the epicentre of a huge natural disaster. There is an extreme amount of flooding and when I last checked, 10 were dead and 70 were missing. They say the worst is yet to come. Although the death count remains (relatively)...
  16. maxysmummy

    Fur Mites in Newborns?

    Hi guys, I'm worried my newborns have fur mites. They are 5 days old and all seem to have dandruff like flakes on them. I'm thinking its fur mites and am quite worried. I've looked in the library and read a few threads, but nothing seems to cover newborns and mites. I've treated the mama with...
  17. maxysmummy

    Nursing doe having occasional runny poops

    as some of you know, my mini lop that was a stray just gave birth. She is doing quite well, eating fine pooping fine weeing fine, alert, feeding babies ok etc. but once a day she will do about 2 or 3 runny poos... not cecals - they are the size of the big poos but are just sloppy? it's not...
  18. maxysmummy

    Runt of the litter not being fed

    this is runty, he's not being fed. (or doesnt look like it to me...) can i feed him myself? should i? if so, what do i do? (p.s his body looks really short in this pic, his back is just curled over, he looks physically normal except smaller and wrinkly)
  19. maxysmummy

    Alternative therapies for animals

    Has anyone dabbled in it? I'm reading a fantastic book that deals with traditional approaches to rabbit medicine and then goes into alternative therapies. a lot of them are quite expensive so i want to look into other peoples experiences before i start doing it. some of them look really...
  20. maxysmummy

    Holly and Llew's house of insanity

    So i decided it is time for me to make a blog. I think my rabbit related life is probably interesting enough now, haha. Let me start from the beginning. hi, my name is Holly. I am a 20 year old student, studying Law and Psychology. I used to hate animals... I mean, really hate. they used to...