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  1. mhockin78

    Convincing parents to let bunny live inside?

    Tell them that the chances of your bun being sick or injured and having a very expensive vet bill is very great for an outside bunny...indoor bunnies live longer and are more apt at being healthier with less expensive vet bills. Very good of you to want your pet inside with you, they have such...
  2. mhockin78

    My LIL MAN waited for me before passing... :(

    Sounds like he had a lot of love to give you and he knew how much you loved him. Sorry to hear your lil man passed :( What a special bond you two had, I hope you can take comfort in all his wonderful memories and the last 4 years you spent with him...
  3. mhockin78

    Bunny salad?

    This is a simple article with info on what items are high in calcium. Bladder sludge, kidney issues to name a couple are real problems related to a high calcium diet. For your peace of mind and for the health of your rabbit, please limit high calcium fruits n veggies! Plus why risk it when there...
  4. mhockin78

    Input on most effective butt bathing method?

    I cradle my bun in my left arm, face up towards my armpit and hind end supported by my hands and fingers. I place a towel underneath his chin tucked in between my body (to give him something to do while bathing him) and his. I have a kitchen sink that has an adjustable nozzle and I use my right...
  5. mhockin78

    Bunny salad?

    I would say... -Romaine Lettuce -Basil -Cilantro -Parsley -Dandelion Greens -Chard -Beet and Carrot Tops (limit carrots as they are high in sugar) -Herbs <----fresh not dried Please limit items like broccoli and brussel sprouts as these items cause gas and bunnies have no ability to release...
  6. mhockin78

    My bunny smells

    I know this isn't what your concern was, however you might want to place something more "grippy" in the indoor area, the floors are slippery and may cause issues, if not now, in the future for his mobility. Rabbits don't have pads on their paws to help grip surfaces they walk on, so their feet...
  7. mhockin78

    Please help!!!

    I had the same problem with two of my girl buns. Took me 3 years, but I eventually bonded them, I don't think people normally take that much time to try and bond their buns, but mine was out of necessity. What finally worked was building an entirely new habitat for all the buns to live that was...
  8. mhockin78

    Attention outdoor bunny owners!!

    Now that's what I'm talking about! This post actually made me feel bad I have indoor buns, and that has never happened before lol! Sounds like your buns have an amazing life, I just hope that there are others who are as attentive and caring and on top of schedules like you are. This was the most...
  9. mhockin78

    Bathe your bunny?

    Yes, thank you...he is severely disabled and very ill indeed. Got him a bigger size diaper, and he is still just mobile enough to kick out of it. Anyone have any luck diapering succesfully?
  10. mhockin78

    Bathe your bunny?

    I'm not sure if this can go on this thread, but I have tried to diaper Toby to min the stress impact of baths, but I can't seem to figure out how to keep it on him. I may be using one that is too small, or maybe he is still too active, I don't know. I am also causing his considerable stress just...
  11. mhockin78

    Sweet dreams, Rosey.

    Omgoodness, so sorry for your loss. I actually drew in an audible breath when I read how he, so so very tragic. I agree with the others about placing him in a box and in the freezer, no bun deserves the bin. I had my Ernie Bun you have options like that where you...
  12. mhockin78

    Bathe your bunny?

    Toby, my disabled, incontinent bun needs butt baths to prevent scald and infections. I do not bathe him farther than his rear area tho. I use nothing but lukewarm water, no shampoo, bc I have read that even baby shampoo is too harsh for their skin, especially on red inflamed and irritated skin...
  13. mhockin78

    Attention outdoor bunny owners!!

    You brought up a lot of points that I never inquired about nor insinuated in my previous posts (such as being lazy or buns are all fixed), so it seems that this is highly touchy subject. I am asking questions and putting my two cents in bc I am trying to understand...If asked why I...
  14. mhockin78

    Attention outdoor bunny owners!!

    Yeah I know how dangerous it can be to bond a pair, I spent the better part of 3 years bonding two of my buns, it was really tough and I thought I would never get there, but fortunately one is so submissive that all she wanted was love and finally bonding prevailed. But the lesson I learned here...
  15. mhockin78

    Black Lab Attack, RIP to four lovely bun buns

    Did Whinnie ever make it home?