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Yeah he doesn't spray or even go at all outside his house... He does poop all over his enclosure... And sometimes throws his poops outside lol I think he is trying to hit the dogs hehehe ;) but have yet to actually see him doing it... He also doesn't like being picked up but will tolerate it as long as I do it gently and as long as it's me... He wants no parts of my hubby picking him lol so we will prob just let him be, unless or until we decide to get him a Real bun wifey ;)
Hi! Just read your bun stories, they are soooo adorable!!!!:biggrin2:
And of course now I'm still singin' "I'm alright...." cuteness overload!

And i am so sorry about your son. How awful.:pray:
Ape337 wrote:
Hi! Just read your bun stories, they are soooo adorable!!!!:biggrin2:
And of course now I'm still singin' "I'm alright...." cuteness overload!

And i am so sorry about your son. How awful.:pray:
Thanks so much for stopping by. And truly thank you for your kind words regarding Henry.

I have to say I was totally lost and devastated when such a terrible disease caught hold of Henry. Many a days I blame myself thinking I gave it to him as he was going through all of it. I couldn't fix that booboo. But when Henry left us, he made sure we both knew he truly loved us and was grateful of how we raise him, how we made our life choices to give him the best we could. And it was m not gifts or money. It was our time, our love, and how we lived our lives. He also made sure we promised him we would find a way to stay together, to find something that would at least fill a bit of what was lost when Henry left us.

We found that little piece in our bunnies. I'm finding that these creatures are so much like Henry. They are an individual. They are intelligent, funny and will, as Henry test you in ways that will make them know you care. And definitely a good lesson in patience.

It's been 2 years since Henry left us. It's still hard and I truly miss him. But I promised. And we now have bunnies. It's not the same, but that little piece feels so good because I know Henry, through those sweet creatures, is still here.

I guess that song fits now. I'm Alright. Thanks to a Wise 13 year old. And Bunnies.

Sitting here, me and bunnies up this late. Hubby and Jake asleep.

I've come a long way since that shaky June day, all prepared to bring these two bundles home. All happy they were home, but in 24 hours Kreacher eyes start to spin and running in circles. Learned how fast bunnies can get sick. But after Ivermetin treatment, he was back to that tiny bundle I had no clue yet how to bond with. I knew the essential things of keeping them clean and fed. But truly no clue how to interact.

So I just was with them. I would just sit in the middle of their enclosure we made and just be. They explored and would come behind me and start to sniff or nudge and dart a way. It was like their game. Then I wanted more. So I bribed with treats.

Hey, it worked. Found out Dobby loves Cheerios. Would sit in the middle and shake that bag, and Dobby would run from anywhere he was and climb into my lap. Here's a bunny who I goofed up by handling, who would cringe every time I would reach in his crate, just bounding over and jumping in my lap and nudging my hand. Then I could pet him and check his ears and nails. Or just be.

Kreacher turned out to be my snuggle bunny. The one who would love to just sit in my lap and be stroked from the tip of his nose to the spot between his ears. Who though gives me attitude once it a while, will always love to snuggle.

Then in the picture comes Willard. I'm a little more knowledgable about rabbits thanks to Dobby and Kreacher, but I have no clue what this poor "dropped at the doorstep" bunny has been through. I don't even know his age. I know he looks like a Nether Dwarf. But I really don't know what Kreacher or Dobby is really either. All I know is that he looked at my Husband and my Husband and Willard connected. And though we left, we were searching the Yard Sales as we drove away and knowing we we were going back to get him. Willard has been very calm and quiet. He's shown no illness other than neglect. At first he would hide most of the day and would come out to eat and use his litter box. But after a while he would sit on his perch for a while longer, or stay in his litter box just a little bit longer. Now he spends more time out with us, he loves to fall asleep in his litter box, to actually you can watch him sleep without disturbing him. I keep wanting to take a picture but I'm just amazed and thrill at how relaxed he has become.

Now we have Neville. I'm more sure of myself having a baby again. Was nervous a bit the first 24 hours but Neville is just doing so good. We just laugh at him exploring. And have had him out too for his runs in the morning and seeing him practice his binkies. He got his first good look and smell of Jake. Jake, our dog has made friends with the rest of the crew. He just couldn't wait to meet Neville. The short visit went well.

I still have a lot to learn. I'll always be learning. It will be fun to watch the boys become 1 Year Old in April. I can't wait to see the maturity levels grow further.

Also see what will occur when Neville matures as an intact buck, and Willard who is. And what will happen when a doe comes to live here. Or should I say two. It will be interesting to learn how a doe is. I've got all boys so can't wait to experience a girl.

Lots of new experiences coming. Looking forward to seeing what happens.

K :)

Very touching post! Thank you!
Your second doe if it's an angora it should be called Bellatrix. The best actor for the movies played her!
JjGoesBounce wrote:
Very touching post! Thank you!
Your second doe if it's an angora it should be called Bellatrix. The best actor for the movies played her!

Well my second doe won't be an angora but a Lion Head. And excellent name since I've already got the name for my first doe, (Luna Lovegood).

Definitely agree the best actor played that part. All the the actors did a fabulous job with that Series of Movies. So glad because I absolutely LOVE the Book Series. Loved Helena as the Queen in Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland". And absolutely adored her part in the "King's Speech". Love that movie.

K :)
ZRabbits wrote:
Well my second doe won't be an angora but a Lion Head. And excellent name since I've already got the name for my first doe, (Luna Lovegood).

Definitely agree the best actor played that part. All the the actors did a fabulous job with that Series of Movies. So glad because I absolutely LOVE the Book Series. Loved Helena as the Queen in Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland". And absolutely adored her part in the "King's Speech". Love that movie.

K :)

A lionhead?! How many rabbits are you going to get?

Loved her in that too! If you Google up pictures of her you'll see one of her with two different shoes and socks! LOL!

JjGoesBounce wrote:
ZRabbits wrote:
Well my second doe won't be an angora but a Lion Head. And excellent name since I've already got the name for my first doe, (Luna Lovegood).

Definitely agree the best actor played that part. All the the actors did a fabulous job with that Series of Movies. So glad because I absolutely LOVE the Book Series. Loved Helena as the Queen in Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland". And absolutely adored her part in the "King's Speech". Love that movie.

K :)

A lionhead?! How many rabbits are you going to get?

Loved her in that too! If you Google up pictures of her you'll see one of her with two different shoes and socks! LOL!


I'm starting my breeding program with Lion Heads that I will eventually show because I want the Lion Head to be an APPROVED sanctioned breed. So Neville is my Foundation Buck. Luna will be my First Doe. She will be either Broken Chocolate or Solid Chocolate. She will compliment Neville's Soft Blue Coloring. And I'm looking for another doe. It's good to start with two does and a buck. Since I'm sticking strictly to 4 generation Double Mane Lion heads, its been a search. That's why I drove 12 hours round trip for Neville, who is completely worth it.

So basically after I get going, I'll have:


And then see what I get from babies. Since a COD needs adults and jr's shown at the same time, I'll be keeping one of the kits. As we are empty nesters now, our rabbits are our children. It's such a nice feeling seeing all their faces when I come home from work.

It's a lot of work, but it's so rewarding. Though some might think my showing and breeding is a hobby, it's a saving grace for me and my husband.

I loved her on the Red Carpet with that outfit. Helena is her own person and she doesn't care. Some might think she's wacky, but hats off to her.

Forgot to update:

Today Neville is 8 weeks old. Doing well using the litter box inside and outside his crate. I'm so proud. Eating, drinking, pooping and peeing...all good. Loves his morning runs (still put a blanket down in the kitchen). Learning to binky. Exploring and now, running away when it's time to go back in his crate. lol. He's getting to know the routine. Also saw his first chin marking this morning. Yep, he's vying for my Husband's slippers too with Dobby, Kreacher and Willard. lol

The Flip and Grooming.. he's feisty but we are working it out. Never had to groom this much and know how important grooming is for health reason.

I'm finding out, since the move to the living room, he's fascinated by the TV. He's used to the sound of the TV from being in the kitchen, but he's experiencing watching the movement on the screen. Always lays toward the TV. Hope it doesn't rot his brain. lol.

He loves to stare at you from his crate. It's like he's studying you. Sat real nice with my Husband as I cleaned his crate.

Neville has done his "Baby Flop". So funny to watch. The soft hair kind of cushions it. So funny.

Also, Neville has gotten the taste of Wheat Grass. You actually have to put it in his mouth, he gets a taste and then it's gone. One little blade each day. We like the fact that it's rich in minerals. Really helped Kreacher after his illness. No ill affects. We know to watch so his system is liking the Wheat Grass.

Neville is finding the parts of the hay he likes, which I'm thrilled he's eating because he needs that fiber. He's still on the pellets from the breeder and I'm planning on starting the gradual change next week. Breeder was very generous with her food and asked if it was enough. Being 6 weeks old, I wanted him to get at least to 9 weeks before changing to pellets. Now that's where I'm at a quandry. I know my boys did well with Timothy Hay pellets, but I'm thinking and leaning towards Alfalfa pellets for this one and giving Timothy Hay like the rest of my boys get. Though I'll be getting two different kind of pellets, I think it's wise for a growing boy. Until 7 months that is when I'll wean him.

All in all, Neville is doing Alright!

Also learning about life with an intact male this morning.

My husband found a phone book. Put it down on the kitchen floor. Dobby and Kreacher smelled it and tasted it. Willard smelled it, started digging and ripped and then marked it as his own. Nope not the chin mark either. Yep, intacted male making sure all knows the phone book is now fully his.

K :)
Willard did something to his ear last night. Watching him in his crate, all of a sudden he jumps up and starts shaking his head back and forth so hard his ears were hitting the cage, and then scratching at his right ear.

So paranoid me ran over to the crate and pulled him out to see if there was something in his ear. My husband checked inside and there was a slight redness, like a scratch in the lower ear, but no blood. Like a skin irritation. It seems like the straw mat that he chewed was sharp and when he 'bunny flop" we think it may have scratched his ear. Only lightly. Willard did give my Husband a stomach charge (rammed his stomach with his head) but my Husband got him to calm down and corrected him. Know it hurt but we have to look. My husband massaged his ears and calmed him down. After putting him back in the crate Willard did hold his ear down for a while and constantly cleaned it. But after 10 minutes, he was up eating and drinking. This morning both ears up, very alert, no redness.

The straw mat is gone. I took all of the pieces out because Willard loves to destroy them. Just one of those things that happens. Next time, Ill just be more careful with how much is torn apart and remove any sharp straw because he does love to tear up the straw mats. So a new one will go in this morning.

K :)
LakeCondo wrote:
I've gotten a straw splinter in my hand twice now.

I know about "wood" splinters but never thought about straw. Thanks Lake.

Willard is doing better today, like it never happened, but something amazing came out of the experience. The bond between Willard and my Husband really grew. Could see it this morning. Willard followed him all over the kitchen. Waited at the door when my Husband stepped out, and greeted him with circling and chin rubs of his slippers. I always told my Husband that he was Willard's touchstone. FINALLY he sees it. I laughed and told him that now we know he's an intacted male, when they like you they will spray to mark you. Be thankful it's just a lot of chin marking. lol

BTW, where can I find a pic your your Honey. I would love to see a pic of the bunny that grabbed your heart, like Willard has my Husband.

Sorry, I don't do pictures. Honey is a lion head, I guess, though her hair is short except for the mane & a ruff on each side of the rump. She's lion-colored, ie the color of clover honey. & weighs 2.5 kg. She's nearly 2 years old. I've had her 3 months today. Before she was spayed at the shelter, she'd had 2 litters, the first of which she lost.

I recently came across a poetry form called the cinquain, which basically is a 5-line non-rhyming poem. Here's mine about Honey, showing we're not 100% sold on each other.

Honey, name
timid, stubborn, 2 adjectives
digs, chews, sleeps. 3 verbs
But I love you anyway, feeling
Honey. name
LakeCondo wrote:
Sorry, I don't do pictures. Honey is a lion head, I guess, though her hair is short except for the mane & a ruff on each side of the rump. She's lion-colored, ie the color of clover honey. & weighs 2.5 kg. She's nearly 2 years old. I've had her 3 months today. Before she was spayed at the shelter, she'd had 2 litters, the first of which she lost.

I recently came across a poetry form called the cinquain, which basically is a 5-line non-rhyming poem. Here's mine about Honey, showing we're not 100% sold on each other.

Honey, name
timid, stubborn, 2 adjectives
digs, chews, sleeps. 3 verbs
But I love you anyway, feeling
Honey. name

No apologies needed. Understand completely regarding "don't do photos".

Thanks for the Cinquain about Honey. Glad to see the stubborn in there. Keeps you on your toes. lol She sounds beautiful and definitely already got your heart.

K :)
Monday Morning Blahs today.

Bunnies out and about doing their run. Not much energy in them as well. Must be feeling Mommy's mood. lol. Have to work today.

Oh well, weekend over. Back to the grind. Bunnies don't mind, though. They rest all day until I get home. Best thing too. Walk in the door after work and all their faces looking my way.

Everyone have a Good Monday!

K :)
Good Morning Karen

Great blog I just read through it. Wow you have beautiful bunnies.

Sorry to read about your son. I never had kids, lost my first Bunny Buttercup last August. I know nothing is as difficult as losing a child but losing my Buttercup who was like my child was difficult. So yes I kinda know how you felt and still feel.

Big Hugs to you and your Hubby.

SOOOSKA wrote:
Good Morning Karen

Great blog I just read through it. Wow you have beautiful bunnies.

Sorry to read about your son. I never had kids, lost my first Bunny Buttercup last August. I know nothing is as difficult as losing a child but losing my Buttercup who was like my child was difficult. So yes I kinda know how you felt and still feel.

Big Hugs to you and your Hubby.


Good Morning Susan,

Thanks so much for those kind words and hugs. My heartfelt condolences for your loss of your Sweet Buttercup. Whether children or animal, we make them our world and their loss is just a big tear in our heart. So yes, you do know how we are feeling and your words and hugs do mean a lot. Thank you.

Glad you enjoyed my blog as I have yours. lol

K :)
Update on ZRabbits:

Willard, our intact male, is starting to notice that there is another intact male in our home. It seems him and Neville are having a marking contest. Not chin marking but the other kind. Amazing that a 8 week old male knows what to do when confronting smells of another intact male. Hardwired genetics are amazing. We are now watching them both closely to make sure the marking contest stops. We don't need a kitchen carpet full of bunny urine stains. We do clean them up as best we can, and it seems to be working. But we still have to keep our eye open on both of them.

My concern now is when Luna, my only doe comes to live here. I wonder what Willard will do being intact. We shall see. I know the reaction Neville to have once he and she is of age. Should be interesting to see and observe.

Dobby and Kreacher are turning into such lovely sweet mature bunnies. I am so pleased and proud of what we did and what they have done accepting what we have done for them. Morning runs are so much easier on us and them. They now know when I say "It's time" to go to their litter boxes and wait for us to pick them up and go back to their crates. Dobby still gives me grief, but is totally cooperative. He knows it's only for a minute to be picked up and put back into his crate. I still the grunts though. As always, Dobby needs the last word. I let have the last word and always afterwards get a nudge and a command for a forehead rub, which I always oblige.

Luna is doing well. Got word and pics of the crew from the breeder yesterday. Really nice litter and it appears as though Luna will definitely be a good start with Neville. Really looking forward, not the drive, but looking forward to getting her home and settled.

Neville is doing well. Every night he gets groomed and he's getting the hang of it. Showing his own personality, I do get grunts and he loves to chew on the towel and attack the comb. He lets me know that this is not his favorite activity. But it has to be done. I'm getting so much better grooming and am vigilant of any tangles knowing that mats can be harmful. I've learned how to work out any knots without pulling skin. Lion heads, and most bunnies have very thin skin and you need to be very careful. Neville does love his morning runs. It's just a pleasure seeing him tear around the kitchen floor, learning, well trying his new moves and binkies. Still has a big surprise on his face every time he does a binkie. It's like "oh I just did that. Now how do I do that again."

My husband has done lots of rearranging and cleaning up the area where their crates are. Really now getting prepared for the crate delivery and Luna. That's where we are right now. We plan on getting Dobby the same crate as Willard, which is an extra large crate. Willard and Dobby are our two bigger bunnies and both are sweethearts. The crate or chicken coop Dobby is in, will be put in their outdoor run so they can go in and out of it and feel comfortable. Plus when babies are born, I will feel better putting them in there to get fresh air in the summer. They will have shade, security and lots of fresh air going through. And security, well Jake will be there too. And no outside contact is allowed in Jake's eyes.

Well today starts my husband favorite past time. The science of making an automobile handle at great speeds. Sunday is the Daytona 500. Today is the Twins and the rest of the weekend will be covering all auto sports. Can't wait to F1 starts as well.

So who do you think will win the Twins? Our bet on the finisher is Harvick.

Have a nice day! Can't wait until the weekend. Racing and playing with the bunnies.

K :)

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