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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
So, I used to have my bedroom in the basement, then we found mouse poops and I moved to the bedroom upstairs.

Then I was sleeping, and Sparky was going crazy, walking in my room and out and back like 45463423 times.

I opened one eye, and saw something jump from the window ledge (above my bed) onto my bed.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, my mom got up thinking there was someone in the house.

Under my protest, theres traps around the house.
But my moms friend knows someone, who if they concentrate on someones name, and their address, the mice will run away.

..So far we haven't seen any more poops, and all the traps are bare.
Pray it worked? lol
I'm having similar problems and on the weekend I freaked out. My room is in the basement and last year I started to hear mice in my ceiling(drop ceiling) at night and in the pantry(also in my room). We tried everything and eventually got them all by using poison and traps, all spring/summer I didn't hear anything or see anything. Then last weekend I heard them in the roof again at night. They were RUNNING around causing enough noise to wake me up, so gross. Then just as I was falling back asleep I am woken up by screeching in my closet, right next to my bed. I freaked out and shot out of bed. I got up the nerve to open my closet door and heard a mouse shrieking and saw the trap move. A poor mouse had gotten stuck in the trap but it didn't kill him. I ran upstairs and got my dad(thank god I still live at home!). He came down but by that time the mouse had gotten out of the trap. So i'm freaking out thinking there is a mouse with a broken leg or something somewhere in my room. But its 3:30am and my mom convinces me to go back to bed upstairs in the guest room and we'd deal with it in the morning. It was so freaky :(

So now all this week we put traps everywhere in my room, in the laundry room, pantry and in the ceiling. We also put poison all around again too(in the ceiling, away from where the other animals can get it). I guess since its fall that the mice are trying to move back into the house for the winter. So far we caught 2 and my ada has to go back into the crawl space and see if there are cracks that the mice are coming in from.

So gross!!! I don't blame you for being creeped out.
ha ha ha I feel for you, i am surrounded by farm land and open space so mice are a part of my life. I find evidence ALL the time unfortunately, when i start seeing it i set the traps out. I put the traps near and by the dog and cat food. I dont like too but i HAVE to , cause i cant have them running around my house pooping all over the place.

Give that person my name and address,lol, it will keep them busy lol
Brandy456 wrote:
If you use the poision, dont they like, die.. then smell?
We've never had a dead mouse smell problem. I think some poisons are designed to make the mouse seek out water and that usually means they go back outside to find a source. I'm sure sometimes they make it back into the house before dying but we've never had a smell issue.

Mice are also pretty small so if they die somewhere(like in a roof or wall) they might just dry out before really decomposing and smelling too bad.
Aha, my mom wants to get the poison pellets, but im scared the house will stink lol.
We had to lock the doors to the basement and upstairs bedroom because Sparky.
We put some traps with peanut butter, and the other with cheese, which he loves both.
Oh, I forgot to mention.
They ate my comforter.
Thank god I had just put a old one on, because all my good ones were at the cottage ( we were there all summer, and only came back for laundry).
But it was all shredded.
AND, I had a tank top on the side of my bed, which was pulled onto the floor and peed on.
(I threw both out, btw)
Brandy456 wrote:
Oh, I forgot to mention.
They ate my comforter.
Thank god I had just put a old one on, because all my good ones were at the cottage ( we were there all summer, and only came back for laundry).
But it was all shredded.
AND, I had a tank top on the side of my bed, which was pulled onto the floor and peed on.
(I threw both out, btw)
Yikes, sounds like your infestation is a bit worse then mine. I haven't seen to many mice actually in my room. Only in my closet, the pantry closet and once I heard one chewing something inside my fish tank stand that is next to my bed. But I put traps along each wall and all around the areas where there is holes in the closets(holes for pipes) where they can get into my room from. I also removed most of the food out of the pantry except canned goods they can't chew. My rabbit lives in my room so I also have to make sure that his food and hay are stored in plastic containers. IN my closet I put all the stuff that was on the floor into bins.

I don't want mice touching my things!

We've had some issues in the past few months as well. Lots of screaming all around. But worse was when a chipmunk came in with the bunny hay. Yes, chipmunks are cute. When they are OUTSIDE. Inside they are creepy. They move way faster than a mouse.
Nancy McClelland wrote:
There are always no-kill traps.
We were actually going to get some, but every place we went were not in stock (or they just didn't have any) or they'd have like, mega box's and were like 50$.
.. My mom looked at me like I was insane lol
Just an FYI about mouse/rat poison: it doesn't just poison the mice & rats. We get in hawks and owls all the time that ingested poisoned mice; it's called "going up the food chain", or secondary poisoning.
Very sad, as most of the hawks & owls are usually only 1-2 years old (inexperienced hunters). They usually don't make it. The poison causes them to bleed out from the inside, as their blood does not coagulate.
It can also affect other wildlife, as well as outdoor cats. So, your cats, your neighbor's cats, dogs..any of them that get hold of the poisoned rodent will be poisoned themself.
It is a very sad way for the mice/rats to die; I have often had people bring me in rats toeuthanizeafter they put down poison, and they find the rat struggling. You don't just get to wake up and find them sleeping peacefully.

Here is a link to it:

I am certainly not advocating not doing anything, but there are more humane - and safe - ways to get mice out of your house. I work in a calf barn, and we manage the mice that want to take up residence in our barn without the use of poison. We use humane traps baited with peanut butter and other good and smelly stuff, and usually catch our culprit.

Mice are a weekly event... It's exceedingly rare for them to cause any illness. Even then it nearly always involves many mice over time before someone gets sick. A few mouse droppings or pee does no harm and is probably better than having the chemicals from rat poison around. Also we've had animals nearly die after eating the poisoned mice and it's a very horrible way to die. Even if they occasionally don't work properly traps are more humane. You can get live traps but mice can return from a mile away so unless you put them near someone else's building they will likely find their way back inside eventually. We use live traps and then feed them to something. Dog, cat, chicken... they all benefit from some whole live prey and the mice die really quick. The chickens just swallow them whole.
akane wrote:
Mice are a weekly event... It's exceedingly rare for them to cause any illness. Even then it nearly always involves many mice over time before someone gets sick. A few mouse droppings or pee does no harm and is probably better than having the chemicals from rat poison around. Also we've had animals nearly die after eating the poisoned mice and it's a very horrible way to die. Even if they occasionally don't work properly traps are more humane. You can get live traps but mice can return from a mile away so unless you put them near someone else's building they will likely find their way back inside eventually. We use live traps and then feed them to something. Dog, cat, chicken... they all benefit from some whole live prey and the mice die really quick. The chickens just swallow them whole.

.. are you serious?
I'm not going to do nothing about these things.. they're eating my stuff, peeing on expensive clothing, no.
Plus, Mice bite, and I can't let Sparky get bit by something, he's so little so if they have any disease or something, he'll be affected worse.
OK; at least if your mom wants to use it, you have some information to impart upon her.

And, I can tell you firsthand..when a mouse dies inside your building/house, it does indeed STINK. For at least a few days.
slavetoabunny wrote:
Brandy456 wrote:
If you use the poision, dont they like, die.. then smell?
An office that I worked at in California put out rat poison (these were big cat-size rats, not mice).  They crawled into the ceiling and died.  Talk about STINK!!!  It was a horrible, sickly-sweet odor that clung to your clothes.
Ah, thank you! :)
(I'll show her thiss, hehe)
*shifts eyes*

We used to have a family of rats living outside. My mum and I used to feed them, lol. I suspect my dad may have poisoned them, though. :( And I always try rescue the mice our cats bring in;(bare hands, hehe) usually they're fine to let go outside.

Poison is a horrid way to die; very painful. Humane traps are best.

EileenH gave great advice about the poison, too. Traps aren't a great idea, for the reason degrassi gave; often they don't kill, unless they're really good quality ones. Can just leave them injured. Another horrid death.
Which is exactly why I threw a fit when she wanted the glue traps. Full on stomping my feet lol.
I have no control over what she bought, other then the fact we need a way to get them out, since they are ruining our stuff.
(We think one..or a few got into a new futon we got last year.. but we are to scared to check and my brother is on vacation)

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