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slavetoabunny wrote:
It would be awful if I developed shellfish allergies. I don't eat meat, so seafood is all I eat.
How delicious!

You're lucky. My boyfriend won't eat fish often, if ever, so I don't get fish/seafood anymore. He can deal with fish, but no shellfish whatsoever.
Seafood is my favourite. I remember having a barbeque once in our street and my Dad had been diving the day before and caught a lobster. That was the first time I had it, its so tasty! I also love salmon, tuna... everything. I go up to the fish counter at the supermarket and just stare at it dribbling. I love holding fillets of fish too, like a big fillet of salmon. Its weird because lots of people are grossed out my fish (I just don't get why!) whereas I'm competley obsessed with it.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
It freaked Will out when he found out that I know how to clean fish and fillet them. I used to go fishing all the time! You would think I would have learned how somewhere along the line!
kherrmann3 wrote:
Anyone ever had a geoduck? It's pronounced "gooey-duck". They look... interesting? I don't think I'd try one lol

I've never had it, but would like to try it. I'm always willing to try something once. Doesn't this recipe sound yummy:

Printed from COOKS.COM

Geoduck siphon
Olive oil
Cerraro peppers
Grated Parmesan cheese

Boil fettucini "al dente." Saute lightly in olive oil geoduck siphon cut into strips 1 x 1/4 x 1/4 inch with 3 or 4 cloves garlic, chopped and 2 peppers, chopped. Toss cooked pasta with olive oil and 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese. Serve pasta topped with geoduck.
Seafood is the best and the tentacles are the best part. I too love the rubbery texture. I've heard though that if they are rubbery it's cause it's overcooked? Personally, I prefer it a bit overcooked, I don't like it mooshy. I mean the squeakiness is the best :biggrin2:

Now I've seen some pretty interesting sandwhich combos on here... I'll have to check some of them out. ;)Chips in sandwhiches are great. Hehe.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
So it's sort of a celiac thing but not fully the disease. That's weird.

Raspberry82 wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Does someone in your family have celiac disease?

Nope, no celiacs. Thank goodness! When my Mom was pregnant with me, she developed an intolerance to wheat gluten and dairy. So I guess I got a little bit of the wheat intolerance too. So I can eat it occasionally fine, but couldn't eat it every day with every meal or my stomach would hurt after doing that awhile.

All the other gluten grains are fine, though. I eat rye and oat bread constantly :p:biggrin2:.

Lol, yeah. It is weird :p. And weird that it is just with wheat gluten/protein whatever and not any other kind. For all I know it could magically dissapear one of these days *hopes!* :biggrin2:. I don't eat it much mainly because I want the intolerance to remain mild forever.. hah.
kherrmann3 wrote:
Raspberry82 wrote:
kherrmann3 wrote:
We used to go wading around in rivers to catch crayfish in little nets. You just put a net behind them, wiggle your fingers near their claws and they scoot back into the net. Then, you just grab them out of the net (pinch behind their arms) and throw 'em in a bucket. I've never eaten one, we just used them for bass fishing.
Crawfish are real yummy. I've fished for them too and it's fun! I've never been Bass fishing, but I want to someday! Crabbing is fun too, although someone else has to cook them, lol.
Yay! Someone else calls it "crabbing"! We always called catching crayfish "crabbing" because my older half-sisters were too stupid to listen to their little nerdy sister with the coke-bottle glasses (me!) that they weren't crabs, but were crustaceans, though. Not kidding, you could point out any fish/dinosaur and I could name it when I was a kid (marine fishes, too!). I even knew Latin names! I still know a few :D

Bass fishing isn't that exciting (minus when they jump out of the water). I've actually found that I get bored while fishing. I used to go EVERY weekend with my dad. Opening Day is actually a holiday in my house *rolls eyes* Want me to prove it? Two of my parent's vehicles have fishy license plates. The one on their Corolla is "IGOFISH" and the other one on my dad's new stupid truck is "F1SHMAN". My dad has two boats (which he wants to sell both and get one intermediate one) and a four-wheeler that is covered in fish stickers. I love fish, but am picky about commercial ones because I always got home-cooked fishies. My grandpa (dad's dad) even has a barrel to make his own smoked fish in. Yummy! I think it's funny when they leave the little fish heads on!

Oh my gosh, home smoked fish is the BEST EVER. My bf's grandpa smokes his own salmon and it is just to die for good. I could eat home smoked salmon for weeks and be in heaven :biggrin2:.
kherrmann3 wrote:
Anyone ever had a geoduck? It's pronounced "gooey-duck". They look... interesting? I don't think I'd try one lol

They sell these at the Asian market down the street from us! I love that store.. I just gawk at every weirdo thing in there which is basically everything, lol. They look like gigantic 1 foot long clams with 2 inch thick foot sticking out of their shells. I here they're yummy, just like clams, but haven't worked up the courage to try one yet.

Forgot to mention, the ones at the Asian market are all alive hanging out in big open water tanks that you can reach into.. pretty crazy :p. I always feel to weird about getting something alive and having to kill it for dinner, lol eep.

Why I can't clean fish either. Cook it, yes. Clean it and kill it, nopes.
I LOVE smoked salmon!! I could eat it all day..... YUM

I went out for my best friend's birthday last week and had it as a starter- just with rocket and lemon juice, but I swear there was pretty much a whole salmon there!:biggrin2:
When my dad gets a big salmon while fishing and wants to have it for a party, he'll have it smoked. Then, he serves the whole fish (skin, fins, head & all). The plate is like this: there is curly green lettuce under the fish, which is laying on its side. The belly is cut open, and there are cuts around the "neck". He takes the eyes out and puts cherry tomatoes in their place. So when people want to eat some of the fish, they pull back the top fillet (skin and all) and pull out the bit of meat that they want, then cover the fishy back up. It sounds gross, but it's very good.
So who knew that when I had pickles and bread for dinner...... we'd have a 7 page thread about this sort of thing LOL!

It's really interesting tho..... I keep seeing you all with a tenticle sucked to your front teeth! :p
kherrmann3 wrote:
If you have fried squid, it tastes just like deep-fried anything else does.
My father in law always wants to go to this one restaurant because they serve deep fried squid as an appetizer.


The squidis the dish with the lemons. It is quite tender and not that rubbery. And yes Bo, that is a fish, lobster, and crab ... they were alive just ten minutes before been served. :p
Stan, that fish is too awesome! I've had it Thai-style with the almost-salsa of tomato, chilies and lemongrass.
The squid is making my mouth water....
I wish we had a really top-notch asian place around here... There's one in the middle of town, but the prices are wild! I've got to start cooking more seriously!

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