Turning over a new leaf...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I don't know...I just feel like posting this.

Moving here to Edmonton has really been a wonderful experience for us. We had the most awesome drive we could ask for, experienced really wonderful things on our trek here, really enjoyed the whole thing. I have people tell me, "Wow...that was a big move! What a tough decision to have to make!" And I really don't understand it!

You have to understand...I first heard about Canada from my mother when I was fourteen, so about fifteen years ago, and have wanted to live here ever since. Then I met Danny, Mr. Canadian, and got all excited that I might move here eventually...only to discover that he didn't WANT to move here, really. LOL!

Then things got more and more difficult for us in California, and we sat down and realized that at about the same moment, we both decided we needed to leave the state, possibly even the country. The two tough things about the decision to move here: leaving an easy, three-hour drive to see my dad, and going against a decision to move me to someone I consider my best friend. Other than that, it really wasn't tough at all! It was more exciting than scary!

And now we're here...and although things can be tough at times (we're living in close quarters, and at times you wind up too close for comfort, lol), it's still a THOUSAND times better than the life we'd been leading.

I can't quite put into words how difficult that time period was for us. We were living almost moment to moment, broke with no food, not even a microwave in the room, so we had to eat expensive fast food all the time. We were constantly worried about running out of money and having to live in the car (which would've facilitated an immediate need to rehome the animals, just because we wouldn't have all fit in the 4Runner). It was really this constant worry about surviving. I can't describe the stress level we had.

We did what we could to keep things happier than they could be. We got out of the "house" as often as possible so we didn't go stir crazy. I was spending four hours a day walking about two miles to and from a bus stop to go pick Em up from school. Part of that time, I was riding a bike instead of walking...which meant I had to lift my bike (and half the time both of our bikes) onto the bus bike rack. Anyone that's done this, knows how difficult it can be.

At any rate, we were having a REALLY hard time...and it was a serious test of our relationship as a family as a whole. BUT...we just forged ahead because we could feel that better days were ahead, and that eventually we would look back on the time, and would forever relish not having to live that way anymore. It's caused in us the ability to appreciate life more than probably most people.

So, here I am...and it's about 63F outside, and I'm cold. And I'm LOVING IT!! I wake up, and look outside to see pine trees and green grass, and open the window to smell fresh air. I go outside to see a vast array of birds and general wildlife (saw a wild bun last night right in our apartment complex!). It's truly wonderful.

I feel like all my dreams finally came true.

And now, to continue our quest for having another child...

And to continue building our family...because you guys know that four's just not enough for me, lol!! (I still plan on flying our Elvis home from Jesse's...and I plan on trying to adopt from the shelter nearby, or continue on with rescuing. Gotta get our babies back into their beautiful palaces first, and get good income going...but I have plans! :D)

It's really wonderful...finally being able to relax after YEARS of stress...and months of immense stress.

Hugs to everyone,

Dang it, Ali!! *sigh*

Thank you, Polly...it's wonderful!! :D
maherwoman wrote:
Dang it, Ali!! *sigh*

Thank you, Polly...it's wonderful!! :D
They always have plenty of bunnies! :p
Rosie, I'm so glad things are better for you guys! It sounds wonderful. Having real happiness is something everyone should have, but it seems to be rather hard to come by, which makes it even more special. So congratulations!
Thank you, you guys. :)

Went by the Edmonton Humane Society, which I'll say more about in the other thread in Rescue Me...

And promptly upon seeing a Trixie bunny, realized that I'm nowhere near ready to adopt another. I think it'll be several months before I am. I broke down in tears, right there in the middle of the shelter, seeing two bunnies that looked stunningly like my girl. It was just too much.

I did get to see Canada bunny, though...and what a gorgeous boy! I hope he's there by the time we're ready to adopt!! :D
Oh my goodness...what a great night in Bunnyland.

Stan was so sweet, and brought us a few bunches of bananas (along with hay and some bean sprouts), and tonight, I cut up a banana so that they each got two slices (this is the second time I've given them banana in some time, so slow and steady wins the race). I took each food bowl, put their food in, put the slices so they were leaning against the inside of the bowl, and sprinkled oats on the bananas.

OH MY GOODNESS!! I just about got mauled by each of them as I handed them their bowls. All but Maisie, who won't eat such things until we're asleep. She looked at the bowl disappointed...because, you see, Maisie doesn't have a problem eating her regular FOOD in front of people. It's just the TREATS she has issues with. LOL!!

Oh man...such spoiled bunnies!! I LOVE IT!!


Edited to add: I'm going to ask that this be turned into a Bunny Blog. I haven't had one in so long, and with all the new changes and wonderful things happening, I think it's perfect to have as a blog! :D
congratulations! I have been to Edmonton once and it is really nice; taking hikes there is absolutely breathtaking, I can assure you!
maherwoman wrote:
Edited to add: I'm going to ask that this be turned into a Bunny Blog. I haven't had one in so long, and with all the new changes and wonderful things happening, I think it's perfect to have as a blog! :D
Ok just let me know if you want the same title.
Thanks, Ali!

How about the subtitle saying "Maher Warren 2009"?

I like the main title, though. :)
Thank you, Minda! :)
What a great day! A wonderful friend brought us over some steaks and baked potatoes, as well as some yummy oranges and some soda. So we're going to cook them all (except for the oranges and pop, lol) for dinner tonight! :)

We're planning on attending the Josephburg Chicken Supper on the 10th, so that oughta be fun. I'll be calling them tomorrow to see if we can still get in. :)

Stan's going to be there, and there'll be some rabbits being shown, as well as rabbit hopping, etc. :D

Fun times!! :D
Been having a bit of a rough time lately.

It's really close quarters here, and one of the roommates is particularly difficult to get along with. He's a grumpy ol' guy that was a professional chef for some twenty years, and there are times that he and I really butt heads...both in and outside the kitchen.

We're now planning on moving into our own place as soon as we can afford it, as the roommate I like to call Mr. Grumpy Chef makes life just a bit more difficult than I'm willing to tolerate in my day-to-day life.

Being in the kitchen reminds me of the things I've lost, and now that we've been here a month, I find that I'm relaxing more and more, and gradually dealing with the great losses we've experienced in the past eight months. Right now, I find myself dealing with material loss...our things that were lost due to not being able to pay the storage bill. When I cook, I have to use others' tools and pots and pans and stove...the list just seems to go on. I really miss my kitchen. It was a place that I used to express myself creatively, and I'm one that greatly enjoys providing meals for my family...so the kitchen means a lot to me. I miss my beautiful purple dishes, my perfect cooking utensils, my stainless steel pots and pans (my FIL uses nonstick, which I'm REALLY not used to...it's a whole other world, both in cooking with them and cleaning them). We found my apron in our things...which is odd. I'm not sure why we had it with us in the motel room. But it was wonderful to be able to wear again. :)

I swear, living with Mr. Grumpy Chef is like living with a very grumpy, competitive, and territorial woman. It's very odd...he's very emotional and finicky. And I find that he's more than willing to talk to my FIL about something he's irked with me about, but won't TOUCH the idea of talking to me directly. Kinda frustrating...but I deal with it.

I just tell myself...it's better than that horrible motel room. We've got full tummies and a safe, stable place to live. We don't have to worry that we won't have the money to pay for the $250/week rent...and my FIL isn't going to kick us out.

I just...miss the life I had. I'd finally gotten my kitchen mostly stocked with the utensils and dishes and such that I loved, and my house had lavendar walls, with just the right drapes. Nothing was expensive...but it was mine, and it was just how I wanted it. That's tough to let go of.

Other than that, I do very much enjoy being able to go outside, and breathe nice, cool air into my lungs. I love seeing a beautiful blue sky, and experiencing the wonderful people around me. I love that people care about each other so much here, that if you accidentally park on the wrong side of a one-way street, they'll let you know. It's really wonderful here...and I don't regret one moment of living here. I feel like I'm finally where I belong.

I might miss having my own space, but here we'll actually be able to have it again...whereas I just didn't see it happening in LA. I miss my dad...but I do have family here. AND...I can call him anytime I like, and I write him emails at least once a week.

Things will improve...it's just a difficult road getting there.
Thank you so much, Cathy! :)

At least, at the end of the day, I can say I've got amazing friends and people that care about me. :) I take heart in every single friendship. :)
How bout I kick Mr. Grumpy Chef? :nasty:
JadeIcing wrote:
How bout I kick Mr. Grumpy Chef? :nasty:
LOL...I might take ya up on that one! :grumpy:

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