Some info I think all breeders should consider

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[align=left]We shall PIN this VIP info packet ASAP.
An incredible, heartwrenching tale of how a history of responsibility and organization can come through in even the darkest hours.

Words fail me... I am overjoyed.
[/align][align=left](Tell Art I also want to come play with the power washer... Nate just got one here, and it really is a blast!)
All I can say is I can't believe someone on this forum would do that, how sad, when it's obvious you really care about your rabbits in your blog posts, this is quite upsetting, now we will have to watch what we say on the forum, it bugs me there may be a rat on here.
Peg, Im so sorry you had to go through all this but, as always, Im impressed by your poise during a difficult situation. You handled this very well and it looks like things will work out ok. I was just posting how in difficult times you always remember how awesome this forum is. The support and help we can get from one another and give to eachother is priceless.

Keep us posted. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

I just want to say how much I agree with what everyone else here has posted.

I not only think that it was a waste of the inspectors time/resources, but, if the worst had really happened, all of your poor bunnies could have ended up anywhere. And that is definitely not the best for them, so the person responsible sould take a long, hard think over that :pssd:

Well done for handling it so well, Peg, and for the heads up for anyone that has multiple rabbits.

I would never had posted about this but since Peg just did I want to share that I recently went through a very similiar thing. I am not a breeder but I do have a multiple animal household (and all my pets live in the house not in the garage or a shed in the back yard)

I don't have it in writing and the humane society couldn't tell me who made the complaint but I already knew who did it as soon as I saw the notice on my front door! My soon to be husband's angry, jealous ex-wife called and reported that she was concerned for the numerous animals in my house and that they may not be being cared for properly (which makes me laugh because she could care less about my animals she just wanted to cause problems for us) she has never even been in my house!

I don't want to get into details but let me just say that I would be the last person who would ever abuse an animal. I'm always the one who wants to save them and protect them. I actually felt ill when I read the notice and had to call the humane officer. I had thoughts of possibly losing some or all of my babies which made me feel physically ill. After all was said and done the humane officer didn't feel it was necessary to come back to my house (she could see two of my dogs through the window when she was there and saw that they were in good condition and had rabies tags, dog tags, etc.) However, There is a complaint on record with my name and address on it which I think is totally unfair since the call was bogus.

I can't believe people will stoop so low as to make fake complaints just to cause others sorrow andpain :pssd::tears2:

You know, this makes me so angry. It seems that when a person truly is guilty of neglect, no one gives a crap but when a person has nothing but love for their animals and cares for them deeply...people have to call, complain, make false accusations. Ugh. Who do you call to find out what the laws are on the limits of animals allowed and such?

By the way, cudos on how you handled the situation Peg. Im very sorry you had to go through this.
For pet owners, municipalities are typically form animal bylaws in town/city here in Ontario... Counties for rural areas, I'd assume. These departments take care of zoning as well.

For instance, my portion of the city is zoned for a specific # of pet cats & dogs in my household. No more than that.

I'm not sure how it works in terms of rabbitries/rescues... Obviously, a breeder must meet the bylaws of the district/county in which they are located, but many issues have multiple laws at a number of levels of government.
[align=center]HUGS, Peg!!!

What an awful thing to go through. :( I'm sorry it happened. I'm glad you're viewing it as a way to help others here and even a fresh clean ...power-washed...start. :D

My PM box is open any time!
Thank you everyone for your support - you have no idea how much it means to me. It was very embarrassing to have this happen and it was a hard decision on whether or not to post it....for about 30 seconds.

The fact was though - I felt I needed to get the word out to breeders that are out there. I don't want y'all going through what I went through.
Peg, I have read this thread several times and I am just at a loss for words. I can't imagine being in your position and how scared you were. But you were strong and got everything taken care of. I really appreciate you posting this. I only have 2 buns but it made me realize that I don't even know how to look up laws like that. How did you find your laws? I am not even sure what I would search for.

I don't want to get into the person who reported you except that they should be ashamed of themselves. They put your bunny's lives in danger. What an awful person and how selfish. We are here for our bunny's and I know your bunny's are well taken care of. This will make me think twice about the things I post and also the people I trust. This is a really sad situation but YOU made it end with a happy ending. Good job.
Oh wow! That would shock me too!

I'm glad that you are going to be able to keep your rabbits though :) And I'm glad the supervisor was so understanding.

I think that the packet of info you gained from this awful situation is great for others who might need it. I know I will definitely take that into account ;)

I'd like to know what is wrong with people? You love and care for those bunnies and your dogs and I can't imagine someone turning you in! There are so many people who don't care like that and someone thinks you need checked out???

I'm sorry, but I'm totally ..... I can't say the word on here...... I'll say livid.

Peg, I am so sorry that this happened to you. I am glad that it will be a blessing in disguise tho.... now you can actually be a source to help the Animal Control with rabbit situations, as you've mentioned.

The love and care of animals won out over the negativity yet again! KARMA!

On a personal belief, I think we sometimes have to fight that negative force to get through sometimes. I also believe that it will give you more strength and ability to help being justified and all through the officials.
I do just want to say that it's not just breeders who are vulnerable to this, it is anyone who gets on the wrong side of such a sad person (especially those with multi animal-rabbit households-of which breeders are of course one).

This can happen to anyone and whilst it may be sorted in a different way, the person who did this could strike again.

On the other forum I'm on it seems to strike regular owners, or those who rescue a lot.

It's not just breeders, it is all of us who need to be aware and are vulnerable.
Oh MY! Peg, I've just read this through and I'm sick to my stomach over what you went through. I watched what my neighbor went through with the local Animal Control people and her chickens... she had over 200 complaints against her in 20 months. between AC, Police, Code Enforcement and the EPA... and they never found a problem with how she was keeping them... the ACO an the Police finally refused to come back out... they knew it was a vendetta issue... but our laws require them to invesigate EVERY complaint regardless of past findings. (The Police were great about advising her how to file harassment charges against the person doing it!)

A lot of breeders do guard their words or refuse to interact with anyone outside their circle. It's reallytough... a fine line we walk... some people just don't like the idea that we do breed... and that is enough to raise their ire... I appreciate how different this forum is. And I remember when it wasn't so accepting... but it's the rabbits that benefit when we all work together.

I sincerely thank you for posting this ordeal. And now that you have "friends in high places" you are a resource for them too!

:hug: :hug:

I am so sorry you had to go thru this but so glad it is a positive outcome. I hope everything works out well and all your buns get to stay with you.

It is so sad when a person goes out of their way to inflict hurt and pain on someone let alone someone who doesn't deserve it. I truly believe in Karma and I'm sure the person responsible will get "theirs".

thank you for all the info.

I know many breeders are cautious about letting people into their rabbitrys and many don't anymore. I just have a few rabbits and are very well cleaned after and taken care of but I have one that loves to knock his water crock over sometimes and spill out all his water and if someone came in and saw he had no water at that point could call it sad.

I know animal abuse is real and I hope the officers are able to spend more time getting the "real" situations taken care of than wasting time following up on bogus complaints
I'm so sorry, Peg. Big hugs to you! :hug2:

I cannot believe someone on here would do such a thing, that's very scary. I'm glad to hear they wont be taking your bun's away. That would be such an awful situation for everyone involved, especially the rabbit's! Whoever has this vendetta towards you really needs to take a long hard look at their actions.
Happi Bun wrote:
I cannot believe someone on here would do such a thing, that's very scary.
I think that was what hurt the most....that someone from HERE would do this to me.

But there was information that the officers shared and were looking for that I'd only shared on the forum.

It really hurts a lot to think that someone from the forum would do this to me...would risk me losing all my rabbits.

Oh least it is working out for the best.....
I forgot to say this - but a big THANK YOU to all the people who have flooded my pm box with notes of support and words of comfort.

I promise you I will get back to every PM sent once the stress goes down a bit.

I think I slept 14 hours since last night - because I'd lost so much sleep over this....
"I think I slept 14 hours since last night - because I'd lost so much sleep over this...."

:cry2 I'm so sorry again that something like this had to happen to you, Peg. You obviously love and care for your bunnies...I cannot imagine how I would be feeling if I would've been in your place (terribly scared and thinking I had wandered into some horrible nightmare).

I'm a true believer in 'what comes around goes around'.

I'm going to stop posting now...getting too worked up about it.

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