Snuggy's Family 2007

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:rip:Binkie free Toby.:rose:


:pink iris::rainbow::pink iris:


Lots of love from all of us

Nadia, Misty, Charlie
I took some pics of Toby and Baby the nightbeforeToby died. I wanted to show everyone just howsmall he was. Baby weighs 3.5 pounds and I always thoughtToby was bigger- until he was shaved. He was such alittle baby boy.

These pics were still in the camera until recently. It hurttoo much to look at them, but I'm glad I have them now. Iwant to keep them here in our blog.





How bittersweet, to have those taken so soon before he passed. He was such a special boy.

I have some on my camera of Pernod and Perry the weekend he died, but I still can't look at them, so I think you're very brave!

When Toby is all shaved down like that, hereminds me so much of Charlie - because I can see his little grumpy lopface and I'm not distracted by his fluffy mane. :D

He was a very special little guy.


Snuggy seems so lonely now and it's breaking my heart.

I don't know if she'd accept another companion. I don't know if I should even try, but if I do, how long should I wait? A month? Longer?

I have no experience with this, so I need advice, please.
Awww, Laura, I agree with slavetoabunny. Take Snuggy with you and see how she reacts. Try her with a couple of mellow males and mellow females. Or perhaps there is a rescue around that could bring some to you?

Hugs to you and Snuggy (and Penelope).
There is a rescue in Nashville (three and a half hours away) with a lot of single neuteredmales. I may try them.

There's also the Mini Lops that Doodle posted about.It's a male and female who aren't bonded, but I don't know if she'd bewilling toseparate them so I could have the male. I've got a message in to her.

Snuggy was Baby's care-taker, always grooming her and protecting her. I think she has an innate motherly quality about her and there's a big void there now.
Poor Snuggy. I think it might help her a lot to have a buddy right now. Ive known people who have waited months to bring another friend home after one passed, but I also know people who have done it within 1-2 days.You dont want to stress her more, but at the same time it helps for her to be with another bunny right now.

Any chance she and Penelope could be friends?

I'll be keeping you and Snuggy in my prayers.
Haley wrote:
Any chance she and Penelope could be friends?
No way. Penny hatesother rabbits, but loves the cat and dog. She plays with the cat every night. It's so funny. I don't think she knows she's a rabbit!

Thanks for the replies, everyone.


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