Smokies(RIP) and D.C.; Saskatoon Sweethearts

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I think either tonight after work or tomorrow I will sit down with Smokies and let her know the bad news.

In 3 weeks we get our new Dressers so then my sister will be moved into her own room and maybe I will bring Snookiums in here if there's room even though that's not a wise idea with my allergies and asthma but I have a purifier to help with that. Now that she's a permanent house guest she needs a big cage to play in. Or maybe we can make room in the living room for her. Or just make Smokies & D.C. cage smaller but I would have to use the regular grids but worry about her getting her nose bit off by Smokies.
I had Snookium up on my bed for about an hour while we(me and Snnokium) watched Days of Our Lives and check on RO. Anyways my computer needed to reboot from the update that took place so I laid my head down on my pillow Snookiums was next to it and I looked at her and she gave me some kisses on my forehead :) I guess it was meant to be that she is to stay here.
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
I had Snookium up on my bed for about an hour while we(me and Snnokium) watched Days of Our Lives and check on RO. Anyways my computer needed to reboot from the update that took place so I laid my head down on my pillow Snookiums was next to it and I looked at her and she gave me some kisses on my forehead :) I guess it was meant to be that she is to stay here.
OMG, that is so sweet. Like she knows and is saying "Thank you, Mommy, for letting me live here" :)

Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
I had Snookium up on my bed for about an hour while we(me and Snnokium) watched Days of Our Lives and check on RO. Anyways my computer needed to reboot from the update that took place so I laid my head down on my pillow Snookiums was next to it and I looked at her and she gave me some kisses on my forehead :) I guess it was meant to be that she is to stay here.
Awe.....She loves you. :) She's thanking you for letting her stay.....April
Hey rebecca!! Sorry I'm so behind on your blog, I was without internet for a couple days *withdrawls!* lol. So glad you get to keep Snookiums, what a doll :D.

How is your mom??

Raspberry82 wrote:
Hey rebecca!! Sorry I'm so behind on your blog, I was without internet for a couple days *withdrawls!* lol. So glad you get to keep Snookiums, what a doll :D.

How is your mom??

Yah we don't get to keep. She's just visiting. lol.

Mom is ok. She went into the hospital Saturday around 130am she wasn't feeling well all day and hadn't eaten since breakfast and her stomach decided it was very unhappy that night and she puked on the bathroom floor as she didn't quite make it far enough in, and she also had some diarrhea and blood was coming from that end as well. She took a bath hoping that would help but it didn't and she had a bowl moment in the tub as she couldn't make it the toilet :( Dad decided she was very ill and called for an Ambulance and away she went.
Dad called us to let us know mom was going into the Hospital and asked if we wanted to go. Kris had work at 11am so she stayed home and slept. I didn't work till 3 so I went with dad to see mom. She was hooked up to an IV and a monitor :(
From mom's history we believe she has a bleeding ulcer in her stomach. The last one she had was 4 years ago and stayed in the hospital for a week.
The last update I got was they haven't given mom anything to eat and she's hungry. They are running some more test on Monday and hopefully they turn out positive and she can return home :)
I'm sorry to hear about your mom. :( :hug: I know how scary that can be, having a parent in the hospital. That's probably the best place for her, though. Sending well wishes your family's way! :hug:
That's so scary. I hope your mom feels better soon! [[hugs]]
Oh how scary! It sounds like maybe an ulcer, a very very bad one. But they'll run a bunch of tests to make sure which is good. And hopefully make sure she doesn't have any minor damage issues to her lower GI wall which could cause issues like that too. Poor thing! If it does turn out to be an ulcer, the best thing I've tried for healing them is chlorophyll capsules and plenty of acidophilus/probiotics daily which will heal it very well if used for long enough.

Here's a good one I use

Well wishes for your mom!

Mom has to stay another night in the hospital. No test were done today and she received 2 units of blood. Dad said she was up and alert and talking to everyone who came to see her.
I haven't been up to see her 'cause I've been working. I might go see her Tuesday after work. Dad said they are going to do the test on Tuesday.
[align=center]Bunny Update

[align=left]All the bunnies are doing good. Last night/Early morning I lost D.C. :shock:
He went missing when I woke up. I only spotted 2 bunnies 1 Smokies in the cage and 1 Snookium's in her cage. But where was D.C. under and Igloo Nope, Hiding behind and Igloo Nope, In Snookium cage Nope :( I have a box in the bunny cage with the food and the small bag of treats that I bought, I put the box in the cage so it's easy access and out of the way. Well last night I got lazy and didn't interlock the box flaps so they close securely :ph34r2 Inside the box I found 1 male brown mini rex and 1 bag of treats eaten :pssd:. He might of ate the food but he ate what was left of the treat's which was pretty much the whole package. He's tummy sure looked full when I pulled him out. I guess it's time to get the storage container to keep the supplies in.

Right now Snookium is out on my bed. I offered her a ketchup chip and turned her nose up, but when I offered her a ritz cracker she was all for it ;). So she got a bit of that as her treat since the other treats were eaten by 1 mini rex. The bag of crackers was sitting in front of laptop and Kris was sitting on the edge of my bed and she went around to help herself to another piece and before Kris could stop her she got a bite and Kris took it away but after told her she can finish it 'cause she didn't want to eat it after Snookiums took a bite so I bit into most of it and offered the remainder which wasn't much to Snookiums and she turned her nose up. I guess it must taste different if a human bites into it firs. LOL
Aww, silly D.C.! Just trying to keep Mommy on her toes! Naughty bunner!

I'm glad to hear your mom is doing better. Before you mentioned she was bleeding out of the wrong end. That is pretty common when you have diarrhea. As long as it is bright red (not black or dark/tarry looking) it is normally OK. That means that she was bleeding from somewhere near the opening. I know when ulcers bleed, the blood normally comes out black or dark brown. It's a good thing that they didn't find an ulcer (I wouldn't wish it on anyone!). I hope she does well and gets to go home soon! :hug:
D.C. - what a little stinker! I bet he thought he was in heaven, a bag of treats to himself :).

And Snookiums says it's alright to share food with a human, so long as the eat it after her ;).

Glad to hear your mom's doing better. I bet she's looking forward to going home.

Bad news. Mom doesn't get to come home till Friday at the earliest. She is bleeding and they don't know why or where.. Dad said there going to do a colonos.. I think it means Colonoscopy? Sounds like she depressed being there. And she's not getting much sleep :( I wish I had better hours so I could go see her but by the time I'm off there's only a 1/2 hour left to visiting hours and it takes me 10 mins to walk to the hospital from work :(
Oh dear. The worst thing in medicine is not knowing what you're trying to fight. Best of luck, I hope she gets a diagnosis soon and they can figure out how to treat it.
Oh, I can imagine just how disappointed your mom must be, having to stay in longer. Still, it's better that she is in hospital so they can try and find out what's causing the bleeding.

Shame about the hospital visiting times. When my mom was in last year I was lucky, as you could visit all day, except meal times.

Thinking of you (perhaps a secret visit from Snookiums might make her feel better :p;))


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