My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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AJ is adorable! I love the little wave he's doing. Then it's on with the Diva lol! To cute. Morgan....really? The cookie? You ate it? What am I supposed to do with you? I've eaten some pretty chancy things but a three week old cookie? I'm rethinking my plans to come visit. I may not make it out alive!
I'm pretty sure that you'll make it out alive! LOL I'm a mom, I can fix anything.

I'm allergic to Earl Grey tea! AHHH! Its my favorite! Actually its Lady Grey that I've been drinking, but its the same thing. My lip is all swollen and itchy, the inside of my mouth is itchy. I think its the tea! I had a cuppa tonight and my mouth is SO much worse! Ugh. Now, I have to find a new tea. I guess its back to just plain black tea again.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. We're spending it with my in-laws. Yay! NOT. LOL Then Christmas day we're going to my moms house for the evening to have dinner. This is one of the best Christmas' we've had, we've spread everything out, so we're not rushing around. So we're going to have nice calm days, which is great! LOL

It rained for like 2 days straight here. There was a house like 10 minutes away from me, whose whole front yard was filled with 4 feet of water. It was insane! It made it on the news. My whole yard is flooded and smooshy. I had to buy some rain boots today. They're really comfortable! I want to wear them all the time.

All the Christmas stuff is done, so now its just smooth sailing. The hub has the next two days off, so it should be really nice.

Happy Monday! And Merry Christmas, if I don't make it back on here. But I'm sure I will! LOL
Merry Christmas Everyone!
I hope you guys have/had a wonderful day! We finished opening AJ's presents just a little bit ago, so he's running around playing with cars and discs and being crazy! We did our presents last night at midnight, so as to not take away from AJ. My hub got me some long sleeved shirts, a hint to stop stealing his, a really really nice Columbia jacket, some PJ's and some neon colored socks! It was a great gift! I got him a much needed fleecy super soft robe!

Did I tell you guys that my dad got me zebra striped footy pj's? Like an adult sized sleeping onsie? LOL It has zebra faces on the feets, its hilarious! LOL I may have to take a picture for you guys, its too funny.

We're going to my moms for dinner. My hub was saying he was so glad that Christmas is over, we need to pack it up. I told him we still have to go to my moms for dinner. He was like, "oh okay, we'll only stay 23 minutes though" (<--story to follow). Then I told him she made apple pie, he said, OH?! Well, we can stay 24 minutes then!" LOL
23 minutes is the average amount of time my mom spends here when she comes to visit. LOL She is not a lingerer. So when she comes over here, and we go over there, we laugh about it being more or less than 23 minutes. Apparently, apple pie calls for another minute though!

I'm going to do some laundry! I am so behind!

Merry Christmas y'all!
Merry Christmas Morgan, hope you had a wonderful time with all your family. No more three week old cookies, eh lol.

Your mom is the same as my older brother when he goes to see my mom. His average time there is around 20 minutes, it´s a family joke as well.
Merry Christmas!!!

Sounds like AJ was having fun this morning. Nothing like kids to add to the excitement and fun.

Definitely NEED pictures!
Merry Christmas, Morgan! Sounds like you had a very nice Christmas! Oh, would love to see pix of your zebra pjs! I too, got pjs, flannel with owls on them!
I wanted some bunny pj´s but haven´t found them yet. I have worn my bunny jumper with pride though, I really do love it !
Hi Morgan, how ya doin hop.. everything is Ok. Have missed u and your animals, just wanted to say hi :)
Hey! I've been missing for a while and I don't even know why! I've been sort of reading everyone's blogs, but not really saying anything. I guess just in a quiet mood?

So winter is terrible and I've had enough. I got down to 8 degrees the other night, then the next night was 12. AJ went and stayed with my dad when it was 8, because it was REALLY hard to keep the house warm. We didn't have any hot water yesterday or today, because there was something frozen between the well and hot water heater. But we did have cold water so I boiled water to wash dishes! LOL
The barn cat came in and slept the night it was really cold. I put the chickens in the barn and the big boys together in their house. Poor animals, its too cold out there for them.
My pond has 2 inches of ice on the top. Enough to hold me. I realized today that I needed to break some of it, when I saw like 40 birds walking on the ice trying to get to the water. So I got a plate tamp and busted through a good portion of it, so they could drink. There were all sorts of large birds out there, like Stellar Jays and a big wood pecker.

Poor little Ellie was in the freezing cold kitchen! I feel SO bad, but I have nothing for her to come into the living room in. She doesn't have a cage, so she couldn't come in the warmth. I put a really thick blanket over her box and a blanket in her box, so it was like a cave. She's still alive, so I guess she stayed warm enough. I just feel really bad. Thankfully, the sun comes in the kitchen a lot of the day, so she can lay in the light and stay warm during the day.

There are some other things to talk about, but I need to put AJ in bed and read him some Harry Potter. So I'll share about them later! Its nothing super important or special. I just have a brilliant idea and I want to share with you guys!

Happy Wednesday!
I do that too sometimes, when I just don't feel up to posting.

I think you've got it colder there then it is here in Utah. Hopefully it will pass soon and you don't have to freeze your butts off for too long. I'm glad you're all surviving it ok though. Can't wait to hear your brilliant idea :)
Good to hear from you. I've been watching the news and seeing some of the weather over there OMG. Hope you missed most of the worst although the temperatures sound pretty low. Over here we are still enjoying sunshine and warmth so can't imagine snow and ice. Poor animals but Ellie sound as though she's managing to keep warm...can't wait for you to tell lol.
Morgan, great to see you posting again! Hope you & all of your feathered, furry & human family are warming up now. It got a bit chilly (cold!!!! lol) here too. We have a heat pump & those temps were just too cold for a heat pump to be able to keep it warm. Fortunately, we had electricity so we had heat & water most of the time. Hope Ellie is a cuddle bun. They do make good warmers in exchange for ear massages! Even Faith didn't mind! lol Stay warm & keep us updated!
Those low temps were horrible. I have never spent so much time just driving down my driveway. We sat in the truck waiting for the bus and that was after a two hour delay two days in a row just because it was so cold.

I brought all of the cats to the side of the garage next to the house as it stays slightly warmer and put out towels and flannel sheets for the cats and did laundry early to give them some heat.
I'm so glad that we didn't have any snow or anything. It was cold but JUST cold! No weather with it!

I'm still bringing Bronco, the barn cat in at night. He sleeps in my front room, which doesn't have heat, but its not drafty like the shed.

Last night, I was putting the chickens in the barn, because it was raining. I noticed that the hen was gone, so I was thinking, crap that sucks! I put the roosters in there, look over and there is a dang possum! I screamed and it just sat there! I kicked stuff and it just stayed. Then it started walking and got a whiff of chicken and stopped. I was like, oh no you don't! Kicked the chickens pen and it ran off. Dang possum! It was just trying to get out of the rain, but NOT IN MY BARN!
I found the hen. Shes in the shed, in her nest, sitting on eggs. I'm pretty sure that she's still sitting on them today. I think she's trying to brood them. These dang chickens and their need to make babies in the winter! I swear. BUT the thing with her nest is, I collect the eggs almost everyday. So right now, there are 2 eggs in the nest and a wooden egg. LOL Shes the kind of chicken that if you take her eggs, shes going to hide them from you. So I saw she was nesting in the shed, I bought a wooden egg the same size as hers, put it in the nest and now she lays around that egg. She even moved it to a better spot and kept laying. So I just collect the real egg and leave the wooden one! LOL So she's trying to hatch a wooden egg! Hahahahaha. Chickens are insane!

Brilliant idea time...
Its not really so brilliant as it is crazy. My husband has already said no to it, pretty much. BUT here is it, I want to get some kennels and start helping the dog rescues in my area, save the dogs. I like like 5, to help catch the overflow. My mom works along side a rescue in town, they have 100 dogs. They have no more room in their kennels, so they're scrambling around trying to find places for these extra dogs. The lady who runs it said that on Jan. 1, she got so many calls for dogs being abandoned and left and tied to trees in parking lots, that she had to take a xanex to keep up with the stress of it.
The newest thing that people do when they dump dogs now, is they tie them to trees in the Petsmart parking lot. THEY TIE THEM TO TREES. There have been like 5 in the last few weeks, all pit bulls, all under a year old, all emaciated. So Petsmart calls rescues that they work with to come get them, ALL the rescues are full. I think the rescues took a couple, then customers took the others. North Carolina is not taking pit bulls anymore, they're putting them to sleep straight away. Their rescues have shut the door to pit bulls because there are so many. California, Arizona, Michigan, and a few other states have all shut their doors on them too. I hate that, but I can't stop that.

So my thought is, I can catch a few of the overflow dogs. A few of the tree dogs, a few dogs chained to dog houses. I could help those few dogs, working with the rescues to find them homes, make them well and healthy. I live on 5 acres. My yard is an acre. And I can clear out more acres for whatever I want. So I'm pretty sure that I can do it, but my husband isn't so happy about hearing my idea.
I have ideas bouncing around my head right now, about the kennels and my pond and the yard. My brain hurts from thinking of it, I have to put it down in a nice way and show my husband that I can do it.

On another note. I stopped eating meat, except for fish. And I'm about to cut out the fish. No more dairy, processed food, refined sugar, coffee creamer. Only healthy things. I've lost 11 lbs, since Boxing Day! Thats pretty good and I feel great!
But, its come at a price. I've become a bit of a food freak, so sorry if I get weird about food.

Anyway! Happy Friday! I hope everyone has a great day and a great weekend, in case I don't make it back for a while.
That's really bad that people are just dumping their dogs like that, but that's a great idea! Hopefully you'll be able to convince hubby and get all the details worked out.

Haha, that's so funny of your hen. But hey, whatever works, right? That possum would have freaked me out a bit, but I'm glad all your chickens were ok.

Wow! 11 pounds in what, 15 days. That's pretty incredible. I wish I had a desire to eat healthier(as I sit here eating my chocolate covered pretzel :p)
That's a great idea if you can convince hubby, id does sadden me to see so many people throw out their animals like they throw out the trash.

Wow, 11llbs, that is fantastic, I bet you feel great. I wish I had the will power right now but I will get in the zone soon.
If y'all watch the documentary that I watched, you'll change your mind about the food you're eating! Food, Inc, thats what it was. I was and still am horrified. BUT its made me weird and obsessed with food. LOL

The hen isn't broody, I guess she was just laying a late egg and it got dark and she decided to stay in the shed.
That possum lives in the barn I guess. Last night, I was putting the chickens up and he was in there. But he's so weird! They're like cats. I shined my light on him and he was curled up sleeping. He woke up, and then stretched! Like when you wake a cat or rabbit up! Then he wandered off out of the barn! He STRETCHED in front of me! I was like, "oh, was that a good stretch Mr Possum?!" Then I laughed. How GROSS!
We always ask Ellie if her stretches are good, because whenever you wake her up, she immediately stretches her whole body out to get ready to hop around. Its so funny and my husband LOVES to see her stretch and yawn! LOL

I just hope the possum doesn't kill my chickens, hopefully he realizes that they're massive and hes not.

I hope that I can get my dog rescue together too. I have to write my ideas down and draw everything out.

Happy Saturday! Hope everyone has a great day!
Glad you found your hen & she was okay! Hope your opossum will leave your chickens alone.

People use my yard as a dog "dump" & I don't have much (less than a half acre). End of July last year someone dumped two young (less than a year old) pit bulls at my house. They were brother & sister. My little yard has become a bit of an animal refuge. Hope it works out for you with your hubby. So sad that people can do that to their animals. I do have other peoples' cats that I feed & shelter on my porch. Don't have a place to keep dogs though.

Glad you have been okay through this nasty winter weather so far, Morgan. Take care & stay dry & warm!