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I've seen suggestions that once you see what you consider to be successful bonding in the neutral area, that you allow them to continue in there for a minimum of a week. You will want them to solidify that bond as much as possible before daring to move them into Teddy's territory. In other words, don't just see the bond and then move them directly into Teddy's space. Give them lots of 'safe' bonding time first.

When the time does come to move them into your bedroom, it would also be helpful to wipe down as much as you can with diluted vinegar to remove as much of the familiar smells as possible.
littl3red wrote:
I might try an old blanket in the bathroom. The fight hasn't seemed to set us back too much since I was able to separate them quickly. I wasn't even trying to rush things, I just wanted them off of the tile. But yeah, I'll try an old blanket or something next time. The longest date has been about half an hour, just because I keep them together for as long as they'll get along. Up until I finally get so bored out of my mind I have to put them back, that is, because I could leave them in the bathroom for all of eternity and they'd get along fine. Nothing is happening. They're just in there getting along. It feels like they'll never be bonded. :(

Don't get discouraged. It's a long process but try and make the best of it. I'm on like day 24 or something?? and I'm not even done yet. So you'll get there, just be patient:D

If the longest they've been together is only 30 minutes than that is no where near the time you could say they could stay in there for all of eternity and theyd be fine. 30 minutes really isn't that long. I'm not trying to sound pessimistic, just want to give you the most information possible so this ends positive for you :)

Like suzette said, you want to solidify that bond before moving to shared space. Once you get to longer, positive dates in the bathroom, trying feeding some meals in there, and look for subtle signs they are starting to become friends. Like, sniffing each other with no mount attempt, eating together (this was a big step for Agnes and Archie) because I learned that eating together is actually a "big" thing in a rabbits psyche. It's like they have to trust each other a bit to do that. Also grooming themselves, obviously grooming each other is huge, laying down (either one at a time or both). Once you start seeing some of those signs you know you are making progress.

If they are still "just doing nothing" and it doesn't seem like anything is happening, they is good in the sense that they aren't fighting, but they are forming a relationship yet to carry them through to shared space.

Anyway, sorry for blabbing. I just want this to work out for you and don't want you to get discouraged. I read and read and read bonding stories and they take lots of time. Weeks, months, even Mariah on here is on like month 5 of bonding her two. So don't feel like yours won't get there :) it hasn't been a week so you have tons of time yet before it's hopeless :big wink:
They've both groomed themselves, Maya groomed Teddy for like 15 seconds, Teddy's laid down all stretched out. But that was all on like the second date, and now it seems like they're just not doing anything. Maya's more interested in me than Teddy half the time, and Teddy just hangs out in the corner. I tried putting them into the bathtub once but I thought Maya was going to have a heart attack and when I tried picking her up to take her out she almost jumped out of my arms. She's usually so relaxed about being picked up, she's like pudding. So that didn't work. Just made everyone in the room panic.

Also, Maya is such a troublemaker! I guess I was spoiled with Teddy. When Teddy saw the barricade under my bed she was like "Oh, I'm not supposed to go under there right now, okay" and hopped off. When Maya saw it, she set her little heart on breaking the thing open and getting under my bed where I couldn't reach her, and then sat down there stomping because she couldn't get back out. Also, I caught her chewing on a box in my bookshelf, directly next to my hardback copy of "H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction." If the brat had chewed two inches to the left I'd be having rabbit stew for dinner. I love her to death, but geez, she is such a handful. :rollseyes She's lucky she's so cute.
I hear ya on being spoiled by your first bun. Agnes doesnt chew on anything! I just, like 2 seconds ago, caught Archie chewing on my treadmill! Grrrrr!
Okay, so things went a little better with the sheet. SLIGHTLY less mounting, more grooming themselves and napping together (all three of us :D). No fights today. But something is confusing me:



Maya kept putting her head down in front of Teddy like this, and she'd sit like that FOREVER. I assume Maya is trying to get Teddy to groom her, and Teddy's just being a snob about it and not doing it? I mean, look at her face in the second one. Teddy's all like "are you kidding me? I'm not grooming you. Gross." I guess I'll try the banana trick next time.

Anyways, some pictures of today's bonding session:




I like that one. The human legs in the background belong to my sister. She was yelling at me for letting the rabbits be in her way while she was getting ready for bed, and I started taking pictures of the rabbits while she was yelling and it made her SO MAD. :rofl:

This one's kinda blurry because she came over and started kicking my arm while I was taking pictures, but isn't it funny? Maya is wearing Teddy's ear like a hat! :inlove:
I understand the head-to-head thing is the standoff. They are seeing who is going to actually submit to the other. It's a testing time that most go through while bonding.
They really look cute together and appear to be progressing.

Teddy doesn't want to give in and groom Maya first, cause then she won't be top bun. But that's really good that they want to lay down next to each other.
Yep, that's what it is! Maya wants her to give in and groom. Maybe try the applesauce thing. Rub it on their foreheads and see if Teddy will groom her then.

This sounds like a successful date, yay! But remember, solidify this bond as much as you can before moving back to your room.

Keep it up! This was a good date! :)
I understand the head-to-head thing is the standoff. They are seeing who is going to actually submit to the other. It's a testing time that most go through while bonding.
They really look cute together and appear to be progressing.
Today was a good day!:yahoo: My boyfriend came over for about an hour after work, so we simultaneously cleaned the cage/bonded the rabbits (which worked out great, because poor little Maya is scared to DEATH of the shop vac. :() There was NO HUMPING today. AT ALL. Just cuddling and grooming and loving on each other.:biggrin: It was also the first time my boyfriend got to really interact with Maya (he's SEEN her before but never really played with her) and he is head over heels. I always knew we were an awesome couple. Awesome confirmed. :love:
Partners who love bunnies are the best.

When we got Q, I knew m'lady and I were meant to be when she took this baby bunny, tucked her into the bed, and fell asleep with Q-tip napping in the crook of her arm. It was like "okay, everything I've thought about you for four years is confirmed right now in the way you snuggled this baby bunny".

Welcome to my world with the bunny who's scared of the shop vac. I vacuum so rarely because it's torture. Q has to be locked in my roommate's bathroom (with my roommate for company) so that there can be three closed doors between her and the loud, noisy machine!
littl3red wrote:
Today was a good day! :yahoo: My boyfriend came over for about an hour after work, so we simultaneously cleaned the cage/bonded the rabbits (which worked out great, because poor little Maya is scared to DEATH of the shop vac. :() There was NO HUMPING today. AT ALL. Just cuddling and grooming and loving on each other. :biggrin: It was also the first time my boyfriend got to really interact with Maya (he's SEEN her before but never really played with her) and he is head over heels. I always knew we were an awesome couple. Awesome confirmed. :love:

Awesome! See, that's what makes it all worth it...the progress :) bonding is tedious and there are often setbacks but the hard work pays off. Yay for Maya and Teddy!

That is so cute that your boyfriend is falling in love with the bunnies too. He sounds very supportive.
qtipthebun wrote:
Partners who love bunnies are the best.

When we got Q, I knew m'lady and I were meant to be when she took this baby bunny, tucked her into the bed, and fell asleep with Q-tip napping in the crook of her arm. It was like "okay, everything I've thought about you for four years is confirmed right now in the way you snuggled this baby bunny".

That is so sweet. It sounds like Qtip has the best two mommies around :) four years together! Don't you and your girlfriend live long distance from each other? That must be tough but shows what a strong relationship you have.
qtipthebun wrote:
When we got Q, I knew m'lady and I were meant to be when she took this baby bunny, tucked her into the bed, and fell asleep with Q-tip napping in the crook of her arm. It was like "okay, everything I've thought about you for four years is confirmed right now in the way you snuggled this baby bunny".
Cute. Overload. :faint:
I love people who love bunnies. Aren't we so lucky to have them around? :biggrin:
Okay, so bonding went really well today. They've gotten really snuggly but still not really grooming each other or anything. I think I'm going to try cage switching for the first time tonight (but bring Maya's elephant with her... I still don't know if she's ready to be separated from it yet) and see how it goes. So wish me luck!
Good luck! So glad they are getting more snuggly.

I hope the cage switch goes good. Just follow your gut on when to do things. I did bowl switches and toy switches first. If it feels too soon for a cage switch you could try that too.

I also never did a night cage switch. I did brief 30 minute cage switches during the day and worked up to a couple hours.

I'm following your blog so will look for an update.

Wishing Teddy and Maya well! :)

Step by get closer with each tiny step :)
Just read the whole blog. Sounds like it is going well. They are really cute together.

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